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  1. W

    Police seek motorcyclist who fled from Lawrence Avenue crash

    the above are concrete facts from MTO, pretty much every other accusation is just an accusation, you ppl really need to get your $%&* together
  2. W

    Police seek motorcyclist who fled from Lawrence Avenue crash

    i love how everyone on this forum is an expert at everything, not only are you "immune to bullets" but you enforce the law and discovered cold fusion. JUST so you know Nothing about single or double lines. Section 150 deals with passing on the right. As long as you haven't broken one of the...
  3. W

    Police seek motorcyclist who fled from Lawrence Avenue crash

    Actually... no there aren't. Left turn lane can ONLY proceed when safe to do so...the only way this is the bikes fault is if the left turn was at a stand still waiting to turn left and the bike hit em. AAAAAND FYI "allegedly" means: an exclamation expressing disbelief or scepticism...
  4. W

    It's TRUE, CAGERS are out to get you ! not just in Cali

    thanks OP, i acctually got a kick out of this article. some very good fav part: "OMG, did u watch Idol????" "Totez. Just hit a bike. LOL"
  5. W

    Words cannot describe this...

    this guy would have a field day in states with no helmet laws....
  6. W

    Pro 1 Cycle in Woodbridge - NEVER Bring Your Bike There

    TED IS THE MAN! z1 told me $80.00 for safety and i would have to ride the bike there. Ted came to my house and safetied the bike for me for the exact same price. Plus he's a great guy and he knows exactly what he's doing.
  7. W

    WTF Honda Dealer...honestly a joke. Can someone on a CBR 250 come to my work so a fem

    ummm....some one misinformed you...mississauga, brampton, markham and durham are not the end of the world, they're the outskirts of the GTA... and why don't you try you don't need a dealer to sell you a honda
  8. W

    Penalty for Weaving Traffic

    yes and i take pride in it! lol
  9. W

    Penalty for Weaving Traffic

    and for all the geniuses on this forum who have 4000000000+ years experience of riding (even before the cave man invented the wheel) maybe you should check this out I wanted this in writing, so I wrote to Traffic Safety Programs OPP: I...
  10. W

    Penalty for Weaving Traffic

    i think 98% of the people who responded to this thread have at some point gotten together at a local tim hortens (without purchasing any tim horten products) and boasted about how they lane split/run from cops.... dont deny know its true
  11. W

    f4i wont turn over

    for those who may be curious this is the answer: in the middle of the headlight is your tip over sensor, without that plugged in it will not run....That is your problem...You have 2 simple choices, remove it from the headlight and mount it right side up on the bike and keep it plugged in...Or...
  12. W

    f4i wont turn over

    attempting to turn the f4i into a street fighter....took the front end off, once i did that the bike wont turn over. i know that it has something to do with the peice that connects to the front end (lights) but im not technical enough to figure it out on my own.... anyone know what i could do to...
  13. W

    MAPLE / VAUGHAN / RICHMOND HILL ride weekdays or weekends as much as possible !

    i got a pretty busy work week but i try to kill it as much as i can on weekends, i'll keep an eye on the forum, we should try to schedule a nice ride up north perhaps
  14. W

    Scarborough GROUP RIDE 4.0 - EVERY Sunday, 1:30, Timmies at Kennedy Commons

    howd it go? i bailed...took the wife out for sushi didnt get home till about 1:30, was supposed to come with a friend but i figured we were too late. hit twins and old finch for a bit then headed cold quick so i didn't stay out long. you guys do the ride?
  15. W

    have credit with SON? NOPE! IT EXPIRED!!

    this is disgusting... i'll never ship at this place again unless i see some sort of justice for the OP
  16. W

    f4i yosh TRS slip carbon

  17. W

    Scarborough GROUP RIDE 4.0 - EVERY Sunday, 1:30, Timmies at Kennedy Commons

    i'll be attending this sunday for the first time ever..... :D see u guys there
  18. W

    f4i yosh TRS slip carbon

    yoshimura TRS slip carbon fiber fits 01-06 f4i sells new for 500 i'm selling for $300 OBO
  19. W

    Gear to get - What to avoid and what to look for.

    i got a brand new armoured corsa leather jacket, the bawls one, for 250 on this forum. that guys loss was my gain, i think those jackets retail at like 600 or 700, i find u'll often bump into good deals on the forums too, if its used i wud suggest you do NOT buy it, but if its been purchased and...
  20. W

    Z1 Cycle-tech - what are your experiences.???

    he does quality work and he doesn't lie, one of my tubes split because the guy prior used to track the bike i guess...zaid originally quated me 290 to get it fixed and he said it would be about a week, i got the bike back the same day at less than half what he quoted me. altough i'll tell...
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