It's TRUE, CAGERS are out to get you ! not just in Cali

After riding in Korea I got used to both filtering and lane splitting. I don't think splitting would work here; too many clueless drivers who would take out bikes on a daily basis. Filtering, on the other hand, is much safer for motorbikes than sitting at the back and possibly getting rear ended. But then you'd have the issue of immature drivers getting angry at motorbikes for "cutting in line".
Lane splitting here would not work, drivers generally are too competitive, the "ME First Attitude" and its way too easy to get a license of any kind here, and considered a right rather than a privilege.

While European riders get to do this because the climate there is one of co-operation and the idea that bikes take up less space (more space for cars) and the faster a biker can get to his destination and off the road, the more space is available for cars.

But lane splitting is only allowed if the vehicles you are passing are traveling at 40 kph or less and your speed is not more than 20 kph more.

France is the only exception which allowed this for decades but banned it about 2 years ago.
the majority of folks in the GTA pack it in once the temp drops below the double digits, so for 6 months a year, drivers rarely see a bike on the road...and most folks look at us as a menace anyways...lane splitting is nice but i would only attempt it if traffic was almost at a standstill...filtering would be nice though, cars don't move like bikes and it would be nice to help ease the are gonna get those aggressive drivers, but you'll find them anywhere...
After riding in Korea I got used to both filtering and lane splitting. I don't think splitting would work here; too many clueless drivers who would take out bikes on a daily basis. Filtering, on the other hand, is much safer for motorbikes than sitting at the back and possibly getting rear ended. But then you'd have the issue of immature drivers getting angry at motorbikes for "cutting in line".

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan you name it. They all do it. However, the traffic control via government there is no where near as strict as ours so people end up with instincts and common sense...
As for here, -__-
Great read, but I'm in no way surprised that the majority of those questioned are unfamiliar with the rules of the road.
yea... competitive drivers against a bike... tell me about it... just gotta be safe when u do lane filter here
Best comment:

"Nearly everyone who has ridden a bike for any length of time will agree. The highways are crowded with people who drive as if their sole purpose in getting behind the wheel is to avenge every wrong ever done them by man, beast, or fate. The only thing that keeps them in line is their own fear of death, jail and lawsuits... which are much less likely if they can find a motorcycle to challenge, instead of another two-thousand-pound car or a concrete abutment. A motorcyclist has to drive as if everybody else on the road is out to kill him. A few of them are, and many of those who aren't are just as dangerous—because the only thing that can alter their careless, ingrained driving habits is a threat of punishment, either legal or physical, and there is nothing about a motorcycle to threaten any man in a car"
- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
the majority of folks in the GTA pack it in once the temp drops below the double digits, so for 6 months a year, drivers rarely see a bike on the road...and most folks look at us as a menace anyways...lane splitting is nice but i would only attempt it if traffic was almost at a standstill...filtering would be nice though, cars don't move like bikes and it would be nice to help ease the are gonna get those aggressive drivers, but you'll find them anywhere...

I dont drive in the GTA, but I do have trouble believing there is enough of you out there to really ease congestion if you could lane split. Maybe I am wrong in that, but every time I have been in the GTA, I see bikes, but nothing in any sort of heavy congested group. Usually 1 here, another one 10 mins later. Thats just my observation, not fact by any means.

Cars don't see us as it is, add lane splitting and they see you even less as they just would not expect you to be there. If we legalized it, it would take a huge campaign to inform people in cars that bikes can do this, and even then, why would they care if they don't ride?
thanks OP, i acctually got a kick out of this article. some very good fav part:

"OMG, did u watch Idol????"
"Totez. Just hit a bike. LOL"
Lane splitting I know. Can someone define "filtering" for the nearly-newb?

Typically refers to motorcycles going in between cars to get to the front of the pack e.g. long line at a red light, sometimes you'll see bikes making their way to the front by weaving in between all the stopped vehicles i.e. filtering to the head of the line (at times, the term is used interchangeably with land splitting or lane sharing).
Best comment:

"Nearly everyone who has ridden a bike for any length of time will agree. The highways are crowded with people who drive as if their sole purpose in getting behind the wheel is to avenge every wrong ever done them by man, beast, or fate. The only thing that keeps them in line is their own fear of death, jail and lawsuits... which are much less likely if they can find a motorcycle to challenge, instead of another two-thousand-pound car or a concrete abutment. A motorcyclist has to drive as if everybody else on the road is out to kill him. A few of them are, and many of those who aren't are just as dangerous—because the only thing that can alter their careless, ingrained driving habits is a threat of punishment, either legal or physical, and there is nothing about a motorcycle to threaten any man in a car"
- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

ooh his the guy that wrote The Rum Dairy too, nice find!
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