Don't get discouraged, there are still some of us that have Beemers that wave and ride with fact, I had a fun and rather spirited ride with a fellow on a Triumph (Thunderbird I think, a big cruiser)... I love the Beemer in this pic...but I have to admit it would look WAY more sexy...
When I was coming back from Vegas a couple of years ago, it was a similar temp - 44 degrees or so. We jumped in the pool with our gear on at the motel as we left and were completely dry by the time we crossed the hoover dam. If you don't have the vest (which I didn't) I grabbed my bandana and...
Isn't it beautiful??? I LOVE LOVE it there. The roads are amazing, scenery breathtaking. I ventured down to Tuscon to take in Mt. Lemmon...11,000 ft was stunning. Steady 30mph sweepers all the way up and then all the way down. It reminded me a little of Grande Escalante in Utah.
We were seeing deer all day. Had a couple jump out in front of us. Also, in some of the back woods we had a few dogs from houses wandering the roads and chasing the bikes as well. lol I found there was a LOT of gravel on the roads we took in WV. Ohio roads had better surface and not so much...
I understand completely! I've just returned from a trip to WV and Ohio. If you haven't been in those parts before, I could give you a few recommendations of some fun roads we travelled. Just PM me.
Great Job BeastieGirl!! I LOVE that part of the country! You took some amazing photos!! Glad you made it home safe and back to reality...doesn't it suck getting back from a roadtrip????
Did you experience a lot of gravel on 20? We just returned from WV last week. The roads are great, however, between the gravel washouts in the corners and the deer, it was a bit challenging. Did you try 33 to Harrisonburg? It's a great ride as well.
Hey Bob, Riding season is almost here!! I must admit, I've been out already on the Ducati. The CBR is ready to go, just have to pick him up. I think if the weather is decent, I may be at L&L on Thursday night. Will I see you there?
Hey Maple/Vaughan members! I am in Aurora and hoping I may join you for some rides. I met LMF at the end of the season last year and he says you guys are a great group and may not mind having a chick ride with you????? LMF hope you had a great winter. Looking forward to seeing you again...
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