Big thank you to Coleen!!


Hope I spelled your name right.

Thank you again for stopping and checking if I was ok. That was very nice.

My bike stalled while coming to a stop at an intersection around Bloomington, took me quite a few tries to start it back up again.

I found out it was a loose battery connector, if it's not tightly plugged or somehow came losse a bit, and with the head light on, that will "short out" or stalled the bike, something like that...
These old 2 strokes, such character...sheez.
It is great seeing people who actually have the character to help out someone stranded.

I had the battery connector issue happen one time when I was very new to riding. Had no idea what was wrong. Managed to figure it out at home and well let's just say I've not had the problem since. :)
Where did u break down?

I guess I will have to arrange a breakdown at that location :rolleyes:

edit: let the leg humpin begin
Everyone please ignore her, she rides a Duc AND a bemmer... LOL
Hope I spelled your name right.

Thank you again for stopping and checking if I was ok. That was very nice.

My bike stalled while coming to a stop at an intersection around Bloomington, took me quite a few tries to start it back up again.

I found out it was a loose battery connector, if it's not tightly plugged or somehow came losse a bit, and with the head light on, that will "short out" or stalled the bike, something like that...
These old 2 strokes, such character...sheez.

Hey Calvin!!

I came back out to see if you were good and you were gone. So glad you made it home!!!

Yes it is. It almost incapacitated me,kinda like the breakfast at the diner before we hit the rainstorm in Ohio. I figured you would take my comment in the spirit in which it was offered, no malice intended....LOL.

Everyone here ignores/hates me cause I ride a....b**a......: )...but you know that already....Cheers!!!
Hey Calvin!!

I came back out to see if you were good and you were gone. So glad you made it home!!!


hey! Didn't expect to see you in the forum, looks like this forum has a larger commnunity than I thought!

I rode up to the parking lot to see if I can thank you in person, but anyhow, what you did was super cool. Thank you.
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