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  1. P

    Signal Lights

    ive got clear alternatives and i think they look great and are pretty bright as well
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    i mourn his loss and his hatred of the 250 "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I DONT WANT A 250!!"
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    what can you do ?

    does it come out tasting like a columbian or arabic blend?
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    what can you do ?

    i can mimic an electric guitar particularly well with bush - machinehead
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    Have you ever gone back to school to learn French?

    I havent taken french since high school but I was really adept at languages so i could speak it very well at the i can only read it. But i found french to be a pretty easy language and the grammar rules are pretty easy whereas english, they can be very different in certain situations...
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    My First Ride

    good on you for getting a far as i am aware they are not a requirement in JA...only a fat booty...please post pics if this is the case...and you are above the legal age...or relatively close
  7. P

    Does anyone go to Premier Fitness? Ive been scammed in the past, Dont go there

    i suppose i couldve read your sig :confused1: i couldnt really find an available bench and all the weights i wanted were being used, but luckily nobody seems to work their legs there so i did that instead lol
  8. P

    Theorical costs: What is the cost to insure a sportbike?

    hahahaha TD is good if you qualify for their special interest groups (example: university alumni, professional engineer, etc.) so look into that to find out if you qualify for these groups. it might make the difference. Also, when is the race between lynart and arushbhai taking place? do you...
  9. P

    Ktm rc8?

    havent been on one but the rc8r is something ive been eyeing for next of the most amazing looking bikes ive seen. reading reviews it seems at first they had a fair amount of issues, but have since been addressed in the later models
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    Does anyone go to Premier Fitness? Ive been scammed in the past, Dont go there

    i am with premier, but i paid Groupon and got 3months for $40 bucks :P its stuff like this that makes me always pay cash.
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    Guy who had his motorcycle stolen, IS THIS THE ONE?

    Hi Matthew, I am a prince of Egypt. I just inherited $1000000000000 from my relatives. However, because I am not of legal age, I cannot claim what is rightfully mine (infidels!). I would like to give you the opportunity to become my business partner and legal guardian, so that we can get this...
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    Why I don't have a gf...

    if you right click and select open in a new window, or click the hyperlink, should be good.
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    Why I don't have a gf... URL upload said invalid??
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    safety certificate

    do you have access to a pickup truck? my dad and i picked up mine by laying some planks and using them as a ramp...then we tied it down on the back...ghetto bike trailer
  15. P

    Guy who had his motorcycle stolen, IS THIS THE ONE?

    hahahah from the related links "SHH Quiet Lisa! The dog is barking"
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    Guy who had his motorcycle stolen, IS THIS THE ONE?

    let's set up a group ride to this place and keep our eyes peeled for the guy fiddling with his long mustache and shifting his eyes from side to side!
  17. P

    Guy who had his motorcycle stolen, IS THIS THE ONE?

    maybe the thief is on this forum and read your post!
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