safety certificate


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I need to get safety done on a used purchase, 09 ninja 250r. I need it to transfer the ownership under my name.

The problem is the bike doesn't have plates or insurance from the previous owner. Renting a uhual motorcycle trailer with the mount that goes on the back of my car will cost me way too much.

Any suggestions? i live near hwy 27 and finch.
you may be able to get a temporary permit from the licensing center which will allow you to ride the bike there.
where are you located? Ted makes housecalls, he came to pickering to safety my R1 a couple months ago.
Ted does do house calls for a good price and if you have insurance when you go to the M.T.O,they'll give you a temp plate and then you go get your safety and back to the M.T.O for your full sticker....
i don't have insurance, and not planning on getting it right now, unless i can get insurance for like a month or so.
do you have access to a pickup truck? my dad and i picked up mine by laying some planks and using them as a ramp...then we tied it down on the back...ghetto bike trailer
i could have him come to my house but the problem is his work hours don't work with me. I work down town toronto up to 5 pm and takes me about 2 hours to get home.
If you don't have a hitch on your car, UHaul's 14' truck, which is unfortunately the smallest one they offer with a loading ramp, is only $19.95 +tax per day. However, you do need a credit crediit card or $100 cash for a deposit, and you pay for the gas. Either that, or most shops have a pickup and delivery service. Sometimes its free with certain work.
i talked to ted and he quoted $80 for safety and the trip over. So i think that's way better than any other option
You don't need a safety to transfer the ownership under your name. It will just be deemed as 'unfit'. You need the safety when you want to get your plates.

And if you don't plan on getting insurance right now, what happens if your bike gets stolen? You're out $4000+.
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