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  1. P

    For 27k would you drink it ?

    pay a hypnotist to erase the memory from your head and live happily ever after
  2. P

    etobicoke area

    Welcome! I'm at bloor and islington and I ride a sport bike but I ll ride with anyone.
  3. P

    Father of the Year - Finalist

    This is ridiculous! I would never take a passenger who refuses to wear a helmet and doesnt go ATGATT
  4. P

    Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

    Picked up all 5 seasons of "The Universe" series on History Channel. So far, I've watched one episode on the Sun and it just blew my mind. Highly recommended
  5. P

    A Journey of a Thousand Miles ....

    that looks like it was an amazing trip
  6. P

    lubing my clutch cable

    ...i've been pulling in the clutch and putting grease on the small portion of the cable that is exposed for 3 years now...i feel like an idiot lol
  7. P

    Anyone here been to Amsterdam??

    Ya, Anne Frank's was a really cool tour. The architecture of the whole city is amazing. The marijuana museum was really cool too as it showed marijuana use throughout history and how it would be smuggled (one trick was to open a cassette and fill it with hash :D )
  8. P

    I'm a stupid Cat

    that was an amazing song LOL
  9. P

    Cops came looking for me...

    we dont hear about half the **** that happens in the city. ask your cop buddies
  10. P

    Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

    Watched 'Hesher" last night with Natalie Portman and some other guy I recognize from teen movies back in the day...dark humor, at times was pretty funny (or sad, depending on who you are). Basically reminded me of Otto when he moved in with the Simpsons. Its about manning up and taking...
  11. P

    condo security

    I dont know what is an appropriate wage for someone who surfs the internet for 45mins on the hour and then walks around the building for the rest of it....condo security anyways
  12. P

    condo security

    maybe you can get your condo management to approve the install of a bike rack, as shown here: chain your motorcycle to it, and get the added value of chaining bicycles.
  13. P

    Anyone want to come by and help with flushmount signal install?

    She needs someone who can actually do it...not theoretically :p
  14. P

    Anyone want to come by and help with flushmount signal install?

    I really think it depends on the type of flush mount. I bought a kit from clear alternatives and asked friends driving behind me if the lights and signals were visible and they said yes. But this is my second kit. The one that was originally on their when I bought the bike was absolutely...
  15. P

    Anyone want to come by and help with flushmount signal install?

    stock tail lights often look terrible. as long as your new kit has some bright LEDs aimed appropriately, it should be visible just fine. I recommend getting HIDs if you don't have 'em. Everybody sees me on the road now lol. A
  16. P

    Electric biker ran a red light...

    I have to agree with this. Hopefully next time (and there will be a next time) your son has a close call, he wont stomp on the gas chasing after someone, shaking his fist, swearing at the top of his lungs and going ape ****.
  17. P

    Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

    +1 for Captain America. Some parts were cheesy, but overall, good movie. And Green Lantern was even better...awesome action and good story line.
  18. P

    Doggy 2ups???

    I originally had an idea of a sort of dog harness where you could thread a belt through and tie to yourself...then everyone posted that i was retarded :rolleyes:
  19. P

    To a good Samaritan

    That kitten is so cute, that it has power over ordinary men, just like poon What is thy bidding, oh adorable one?!
  20. P

    One Word Story Game

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