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  1. FitzR6

    Crown wants to withdraw charges ...

    I was charged with hta 172. I was going to wait until after my trial to share the details but I don't want the punk cop to get away with this. I was headed southbound on the DVP with my boy on the August 1st long weekend at about 5 pm in the evening. Just south of the Don Mills south offramp I...
  2. FitzR6

    How accurate is

    I am just surprised how fast they responded to this thread ...
  3. FitzR6

    Holly **** i am hooked .........

    This happens ever winter. Then come May through October, my ps3 does nothing but collect dust.
  4. FitzR6

    Get well Johnny P!

    Only 1 year for you face to heal? Luckily you were not that handsome to begin with :p lol Glad to hear you are going to be okay man! Rest up and get well!
  5. FitzR6

    C'mon spring !!

    Just wondering if you got an insurance quote?
  6. FitzR6

    At the pumps

    Shell is the best... but Petro Can keeps buying them out :(
  7. FitzR6

    Lost both keys to a newer bike and don't have the key code either...

    Usually when guys have this problem they swap VIN's change the frame. Jus sayin'.
  8. FitzR6

    Rider's choice for first set of gear

    awwww... RC <3... NOT. You are one of the few exceptions storm. ...and price ain't the issue, it's the cocky and condescending attitude that people experience when they walk in there. I pay an arm and a leg every time I go get my Audi serviced at the dealer. However, I go back because I pay...
  9. FitzR6

    This guy stole my white Arai Profile helmet and winter Gloves

    Looks like one of the crack heads I see riding around on e bikes at Sherbourne and Bloor.
  10. FitzR6

    lane splitting and cagers honking

    ...and that's just reckless.
  11. FitzR6

    lane splitting and cagers honking

    that how you compare apples with apples, not with pears !
  12. FitzR6

    Police gain more ways to impound vehicles

    FYI... you can go to jail for not paying child support in Ontario under the "deadbeat dad" law FUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
  13. FitzR6

    Good luck to those that rode today...

    easily one of the best post for 2011...
  14. FitzR6

    Do I have grounds to get my ticket thrown out for this disclosure mistake?

    The ministry states "The law makes it illegal for drivers to talk, text, type, dial or email using hand-held cell phones and other hand-held communications and entertainment devices." However, if you have some other angle of defense, the fact the cop is sure you had a blackberry and you do not...
  15. FitzR6

    Why do so many ghetto people smoke?

    money problems. stress.
  16. FitzR6

    6 AM and its 11 degrees, going up to 16....

    I was gonna bus it but now that you mentioned it hhmmmmmmm.....
  17. FitzR6

    Peel regional police - Toronto Sun article.

    When it comes to peel cops, I cannot forget about this idiot: l
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