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  1. SeaBreez

    What rifle should I buy?

    Thanks for the link, I appreciate it as we have never handled firearms before and have a lot to learn.
  2. SeaBreez

    anyone switched from gas to diesel car and never looked back?

    Interesting, I happen to be selling my father-in-laws 2009 Jetta TDi. Anyone interested, send me a pm.
  3. SeaBreez

    What rifle should I buy?

    SOS, I'm a complete noob when it comes to firearms, and could use some help in making my purchase. The goal is to begin by hunting waterfowl with my younger son. We both have completed the hunter education course, the turkey hunting course and yesterday, after ripping open his newly arrived...
  4. SeaBreez

    Headsets or not???

    I too investigated various headsets at a past motorcycle show, wanting to be able to hear all the "missed" shouts from my wife. The salesman was talking about the Sena and Scala too. Having made my decision, I began reaching for my credit card then I bailed at the last moment... Hey wait, I...
  5. SeaBreez

    looking for advice

    Nice choice, now the long wait till spring :(
  6. SeaBreez

    Suzuki C50T vs Yamaha V Star 950.....little help?

    I've ridden my friends 2013 C50T and honestly it felt underpowered. Nor were the gears as smooth as my Vulcan's (she noted that too). When I got back into riding I bought a 2003 Shadow 750 - it rode great until I put the wife on the back. Then I could really tell it was grossly underpowered...
  7. SeaBreez

    looking for advice

    Nice choice of bikes. Being a cruiser rider I can comment on the bikes.... I love my Vulcan 1500, its an '07. One bad *** machine. Reliable, can handle weight of passenger and luggage. Great for the highway! My friend rides a Suzuki C90T - that is also a dream of a bike, also a 1500 cc motor...
  8. SeaBreez

    Sturgis and Montana Me and my new girl go West

    Awesome trip! So jealous :)
  9. SeaBreez

    Motorcycle show

    While the show is more or less the same every year, I don't go with high expectations of finding any deals. For me it is an opportunity to sit on some bikes with no pressure to buy. While I am one of the minority "Cruiser Riders" here... I did enjoy getting my wife on the back of the "Gold...
  10. SeaBreez

    What was your first street bike?

    Nice thread, brings back lots of memories. I bought my 1979 Yamaha XS 650 Special in the fall of 1982 and rode it to Key West Florida with only 2 weeks riding experience. Spent the winter and returned to Toronto where I met a pretty young blonde who now sits on the passenger seat of bike three...
  11. SeaBreez

    I wonder how long this insanity will last....

    When my wife and I attempted entering the Toronto housing market in 1991, the bank rejected our first offer on a town house in Scarborough. So we cut back on non essentials and saved, since there wasn't an option to increase our salaries. After saving $10,000.00 for the next down payment (CMHC...
  12. SeaBreez

    Why I don't think fuel stabilizer on an EFI bike is necessary

    My 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 FI owners manual states: remove fuel from the tank with siphon or pump then run the engine on idle until the all the fuel is burned off, then remove the fuel tank and store it well. (if left for a long time the fuel will break down and clog the fuel system)...
  13. SeaBreez

    Playing Hookey Ride - Wednesday Scarborough

    It's been a while....I have the urge to take the bike out today..... If you're not doing anything please join me for what may very well be my last ride of the season... "The 2013 Freeeezzzeee your *** 0ff Hookey Ride" ................................. Hookey Ride Thursday November 21...
  14. SeaBreez


    Great thread, broke a gut laughing....any more?
  15. SeaBreez

    who's still riding? (in toronto)

    I'm still riding too. 5 degrees is about my limit. Layer after layer I bundle up from my scarf, snowmobile mitts, to my long johns and wool socks. I don't push it too much as tire grip is always dicey at these temperatures.
  16. SeaBreez

    Where have you ridden the last few weeks? Anything Interesting.

    The Thanksgiving weekend brought us to Letchworth State Park. Pictured here is the Genesee River seen near the North Park entrance near Mt. Morris. Click here to view the original image of 1024x768px and 150KB. There was a huge craft show on during the weekend (U.S. Columbus Day) so lunch at...
  17. SeaBreez

    Letchworth State Park, NY. Route Suggestions

    The Thanksgiving weekend brought us to Letchworth State Park. Pictured here is the Genesee River seen near the North Park entrance near Mt. Morris. Click here to view the original image of 1024x768px and 150KB. There was a huge craft show on during the weekend (U.S. Columbus Day) so lunch at...
  18. SeaBreez

    Letchworth Park, Corning Glass Museum, Watkins Glen Air Museum one day loop

    I can't stand the slow long wait at Lewiston, we usually take the Rainbow or Peace Bridge. Much faster crossing. Hopefully the Peace Bridge is quick this Saturday morning...
  19. SeaBreez

    Letchworth Park, Corning Glass Museum, Watkins Glen Air Museum one day loop

    Hi MacDoc and djez etc, thanks for the feedback and great routes for Letchworth State Park. Myself, my wife and a friend will be taking a modified route (based on your suggestions) this thanksgiving weekend. I'll post the pics in...
  20. SeaBreez

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    New luggage from GP Bikes no HST sale: New modular helmet for the wife:
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