Got mine and used part of it to go to an OHL game against a US team. Didn’t need to boo, the choir singing the US anthem did an excellent job murdering it and I’m reasonably sure they did it on purpose as the Canadian one went just fine!
That’s most probably true however what this has shown us is Jabba the Gut’s character on full display and a nice insight into the fact that Trump’s undoing will be done by Trump himself. He cannot help himself when it comes to whiny incoherent statements but this one is at a time when people...
I used to shoot at a fancy mixed private/public range made out of armoured shipping containers with a state of the art air handling system. It still got a bit ripe in there as there’s just a lot of gases to get rid of. Moreso since the private side trained bodyguards and had full auto licenses...
With us the seemingly silly rules like that are part of compliance with insurance rules. Same with compulsory training/courses which are mandated by the organization rather than the union.
Perhaps I just have a good union. I’m perfectly fine admitting that they are not necessarily all like...
Unions can mean the difference between potentially not having to uproot a family, move kids out of school, sell a home, pack up all your belongings and run away-and the opposite.
That’s not my experience. My union has made working conditions better. Without it it would probably be a mess. Absolutely no one is in this union to get rich, mostly as all the positions are voluntary. The “pay” is a slightly reduced workload for some as union duties are counted towards...
If one union is a bad player does it mean all unions are? Corporations would love you to believe that.
On the other hand, not all corporations are bad but there’s enough evidence to suggest that unions are necessary in some because of the way they treat their workers. Say, like Amazon.
My union fees compared to my salary are minimal. Taken at source so I don’t feel it. Think of it as insurance, you pay it in case you need it but you hope not to use it. I’ve seen the benefits and for me it’s not just worth it but in this particular environment it’s necessary. There’s...
Great but again, what if you work in a place with limited employment opportunities or if you lack the experience to apply for a number of positions.
For me I could have moved but what was happening was blatantly unfair and I had union backing to follow it up and seek redress. So I did which...
Except it didn’t cost me a cent. Quite a few workers are in a situation where their salary disqualifies them from legal aid. The options are:
1. Take a gamble and perhaps even go broke if you win
2. Suck it up because the company has deeper pockets than you and can bury you in fees.
So rather than trying to get a company to adjust possibly illegal working conditions people let them continue doing what they have been doing consequence free?
See, that’s all well and good until there’s no other jobs to move to and then workers have to accept the ****** conditions.
I can see...
Converse view, unions make sure that firings are for “just cause” rather than no cause at times.
Think of it as checks and balances on otherwise unchecked power.
I've had to make use of union lawyers a few times over the years.
I was told I couldn't work two (non competing) jobs years back when I was on contract and earning way way less than I am now in what was deemed "restraint of trade". The person who made that order had to rescind it and...
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