Recent content by GreenPlane

  1. G

    Any rides in the Barrie area?

    Thank you @GreyGhost!
  2. G

    Any rides in the Barrie area?

    Hey Guys, moved to Barrie recently and wondering if there is an active community/group here. Would love to go for a ride and learn about some hidden gems roads in the area.
  3. G

    BurgeRR GTA Meetups 2022 - Wednesdays Weekly 7pm

    I'm planning to actually have a burger today. Let me know what you guys decide. I'm fine with both options (Grind Hamburgers and Sam's Ribs & Hot Chicken)
  4. G

    motogymkhana riders

    Anyone plans to practice on Sun/Mon? I'm planning to go out and try my frame sliders : )
  5. G

    motogymkhana riders

    I can join most of the evenings
  6. G

    motogymkhana riders

    I'm interested too. Looks like quite a few people might join. Let's set up something. Btw, I have "safe" cones as well, so we should be all good
  7. G


    I know a couple of parking lots near office buildings in Richmond Hill where security is ok when people practice (including having cones and so on). Obviously, no burnouts allowed or anything like that and only on evenings when they are basically empty.
  8. G

    Who here wears an air-bag jacket/vest as im looking for advice on buying one

    Yup, wearing it all the time. It was actually one of the reasons why I bought a jacket with an integrated airbag instead of a vest. I just knew that I would be too lazy to have to wear a jacket and a vest on top of it.. also, I kinda don't like vests on top of jackets (especially hiviz).. just...
  9. G

    Ear Protection - opinion.

    Ouch, two phones.. that's too much for me lol : ) I installed a charger, so the phone can charge while mounted on the handlebars and it kinda works for me.. I bought this one: 1Mii Bluetooth 5.0 Music Receiver for Car, 3.5mm Aux Bluetooth Adapter with OLED Display for Car/Home...
  10. G

    Ear Protection - opinion.

    Yeah, I would skip the BT but I really want it. I don't want to put my phone into my jacket's pocket, and I don't have shirt pockets like at all.. also, most of the time, I want to clip my phone to the handlebars either for navigation or other stuff.. but you know what, I had a ride that day I...
  11. G

    Ear Protection - opinion.

    it looks like the wire from the Bluetooth attachment to the left earphone is dead.. I actually just checked and turned out I've used them for 2 years, not one! Time flies.. I guess one option for me would be to buy a replacement cable and then some 3rd party Bluetooth adapter (let's be honest...
  12. G

    Ear Protection - opinion.

    I really loved my Shure wireless.. the only thing - they died after a year. Now using Galaxy Buds 2 with upgraded tips.. they are meh for riding.. Liberate 2.0 look very interesting!
  13. G

    Who here wears an air-bag jacket/vest as im looking for advice on buying one

    I've got the Helite Vented Airbag recently. Got quite used to it. I like its inner liner as well and I totally can +1 on @Baggsy point that it works only when attached.. It was quite a few times when I forgot to attach and was like "oops, hope next traffic light will be red".. : ) btw, if...
  14. G

    3d printed parts & stuff

    That is cool! Pls post a photo of a print once you use it! I'm wondering how cool e.g. Pi case would look in this filament
  15. G

    3d printed parts & stuff

    I always wanted to fully set up my home with smart stuff.. so far only some lights and ecobee.. > seal Like others said, TPU is your friend. At the same time, do you know if this seal will be in contact with food? If yes then you might need to either coat it in food-safe stuff or look for an...
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