Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2024 Edition)

I wear my bike helmet sledding. It came with an extra layer that fits into the visor and really help control the fogging. That said I pop the visor up any time we slow to run thru the bush and bang it down again when it's time to get on the pipe.
In my old Shoie RF1000 I had the Pinlock insert on the visor and it rarely fogged up when I used to ride more in the winter. It was great in the rain too. I just picked up an AGV at the bike show and it has the Pinclock insert, looking forward to trying it out.
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In my old Shoie RF1000 I had the Pinlock insert on the visor and it rarely fogged up when I used to ride more in the winter. It was great in the rain too. I just picked up an AGF at the bike show and it has the Pinclock insert, looking forward to trying it out.
Pinlock is the way!
Don't really know what the pinlock is but my visor has two small black "buttons" (pins??) that a second inner visor layer will attach to. While sledding it works very well.
Got out for a little bit of a snow ride today till the sun got low


Haven't put the heated grips on yet.

That was a mistake... 🥶

Also, the computer wasn't too happy about the lack of traction and complained bitterly about it:


TC turned itself off after about 30 seconds of sliding around. S'alright... I was going to turn you off anyway myself!!!

I blame the crappy stock tires. And my heavy right hand... :oops:

Man, did it feel good to be out again though! 😁😁😁
My Guzzi's been idle for about three weeks, the longest period of inactivity I can recall for this bike. It needed some gas, so off I went late this afternoon. A brief ride, only about 30km, 0°C. the whole way. The roads were clear and dry, I was warm and comfortable, but it might have been a different story were it a longer ride.

In any case, just about any ride is a good ride at this time of year.

What’s the lojgest/furthest you can ride in Costa Rica? I know it’s considered a safe place, but your neighbours on either side, not so much.

Would one not get bored riding there because you’re somewhat landlocked (from a safety perspective at least) in a very small country?
What’s the lojgest/furthest you can ride in Costa Rica? I know it’s considered a safe place, but your neighbours on either side, not so much.

Would one not get bored riding there because you’re somewhat landlocked (from a safety perspective at least) in a very small country?
You can ride from Nicaragua border all the way down the coast to Panama which is a safe neighbour. I have not done it yet.

I am 2 hours from the border and there is excellent off road riding everywhere as well a paved roads. You do not need an adventure bike but many roads in the beach areas are unpaved but gravel/dirt.

The drive from the coast to the capital is 260 km but can range from 3 hours to 6 depending on traffic. There is a FB group with all the good routes : Costa Rica Twisties based in the capital area
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Well winter this year does seem to be on full blast, had to remind myself when riding started to happen over the past couple of years as to when to expect for this season.

2024 Mar 4, maybe not indicative since it was quite mild
2024 kirkfield IMG_6159.jpg

2023 Apr 9 - was the earliest photo I had which seems strange. As I always go to kirkfield, surely it was early then this
2023 IMG_5617.jpeg
Ugh, Parked Motorcycle Syndrome is hitting hard this winter.

Ironically, in a stress filled timeline where some wind therapy would do me wonders, we get a winter where even going out for a 10 minute toot somewhere has been all but impossible.
Ugh, Parked Motorcycle Syndrome is hitting hard this winter.

Ironically, in a stress filled timeline where some wind therapy would do me wonders, we get a winter where even going out for a 10 minute toot somewhere has been all but impossible.
At this rate of winter an early March ride doesn’t seem probable. It’s gotta break soon with some better weather. Hang in there.
Well winter this year does seem to be on full blast, had to remind myself when riding started to happen over the past couple of years as to when to expect for this season.

2024 Mar 4, maybe not indicative since it was quite mild
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2023 Apr 9 - was the earliest photo I had which seems strange. As I always go to kirkfield, surely it was early then this
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In a past life I used to work in the building on the right. One of the least stimulating jobs I've ever had!
Got out for a little ride this afternoon. Dug it out of the snow, took the cover off, removed the battery maintainer and topped up the air pressure. It started the moment I touched the starter button ride was barely around the block with about 110 km. Still was nice to get out for a bit!

simcoe snow cover.jpg

.. Tom
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