Unfortunately when one of our past governments sold it, they also tied our hands. Being run by a private company they can charge whatever they please and the market will bear, and it seems like there was nothing in that sale contract that regulated rates or ensured that it was even remotely affordable.
So, here we are.
Who knows what's going on behind closed doors with Ford talking about buying it, or paying for trucks to drive on it for free to alleviate traffic on the 401, or a eleventy-billion dollar tunnel, or whatever other idea went through his head in the last month. Thinking that just taking trucks off the 401 by allowing them to drive the 407 for free is some sort of pipe dream though, reality is it's not trucks that create the overwhelming majority of traffic problems on the 401 (contrary to the belief of many), it's cars, but I guess we'll have to run that experiment to see it fail and prove such to the masses, but that's another story.
But yeah, US toll roads are insanely cheaper. You can drive all the way from Buffalo to NY City for something like $25USD