407 Has New Motorcycle Rate

What, and get labelled a terrorist and have our bank account frozen..?

'Problem is... The 407 was built, it's there, it's accessible so we use it...
Then we complain about the cost.
Why not just not use it..?
'Because it's there and accessible and we can always find a way to justify hopping on...
For example... I'll use only when I go to the airport.
I have pretty well boycotted the use of the 407. Unfortunately that means that we pay with time. I spend more time on the 401 commuting. Rather than making that one more customer visit and taking the 407, I head home or back to the office earlier to avoid traffic. Or I just sit on the 401 and suck it up.
I have no problem with the notion of paying tolls, but I refuse to take the 407.

Infrastructure like that should not be privately held and the exorbitant tolls charged relative to other jurisdictions effectively points to a two-tiered system with huge differences in those two tiers. It was built on promises that it would become a free, public highway once it was paid off by tolls, but Mike Harris only waited a few years before he made certain none of us would ever live to see that happen.

I became more vehement when it turned out that Ford didn't pursue massive congestion penalties while the highway was still making large amounts of money for its private owners. I find this objectionable when the 407 was an asset built and paid for by Ontario tax payers. At the very least our government owes it to us to recoup every single cent they can from the lease agreement.

I wonder why.
I have pretty well boycotted the use of the 407. Unfortunately that means that we pay with time. I spend more time on the 401 commuting. Rather than making that one more customer visit and taking the 407, I head home or back to the office earlier to avoid traffic. Or I just sit on the 401 and suck it up.
Good on you. The most principled stands are the ones that cost us.
I've not been on the 407 probably close 3 yrs or more. not interested in paying inflated prices on a road that was built with tax payers money and now owned by some foreign investment company
I've not been on the 407 probably close 3 yrs or more. not interested in paying inflated prices on a road that was built with tax payers money and now owned by some foreign investment company

East of brock street it's still owned by us. Biggest shareholder in the 407 is CPP...

Keep the rates expensive, can you imagine how clogged the 407 would be if the tolls were the same low rate as some of the American roads?
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