What are conditions on Southwood 13 , 26 (Frank Miller), 7 thru Port Sandfield to 632 to Rosseau


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Looking for recent knowledge on any or all of the roads listed, planning a day trip and would like a heads up on any issues i might run into.
Thanks for your help in advance. Cheers! (Posted July 8th, 2022)
Almost forgot the 3 from Rosseau to Huntsville as well
Leaving Sunday around 8am, will post on conditions Sunday night if no one has ridden any of these roads this year.
Also if anyone wants to ride, we can meet at Port Perry Tim's.
I was there 2 weeks ago. Southwood is rough i definitely didn't push it.

26, 169, 118 and 141 were all amazing some were freshly paved.

They gotta repave southwood, just full of loose gravel and patchy uneven surfaces.
Southwood Road:

I was there 2 weeks ago. Southwood is rough i definitely didn't push it.

26, 169, 118 and 141 were all amazing some were freshly paved.

They gotta repave southwood, just full of loose gravel and patchy uneven surfaces.

There was construction on Southwood when I was up there last year. I thought they were repaving it.
Well the ride up to 13 was as usual tolerable, had my music on.
Road Conditions:
13 - bottom section from 11 to where it meets main part just after 4 way stop/flood plain was rough, but rideable and enjoyable.
- mid section was excellent and I could ride it all day back and forth
- section before dark sky preserve extremely rough, but i live on a gravel road so I felt at home just kept my eyes peeled and did my best not to get bucked off, or washed out LOL!
-dark sky was rough but ridable since no trees or shadows, so I enjoyed it
- last section to highway was great with long sweepers
26 - first section is being redone so I got to practice drifting with my rear brake on gravel, kept shiny up :)
- mid section was great and up/down hill corners where clean
-last section had nice sweepers to Port Carling, worth the ride.
7/625 - always great, a favorite for high speed sweeps and the last part coming into roseau gives variety: pavement good
3- a bit of a let down after 7/625 but ok, pavement good
11- I had planned to do 2-10-46-117-11 but OPP was everywhere in Huntsville due to a triatholon, roads closed, wait, no thanks
- so i opted for some fun on 11 while the boys where all in Huntsville
17- this little stretch between 118 Bracebridge and Gravenhurst is similar to southwood, it was rough in parts and good in others
- all in keep your eyes open and its lots of fun.
Ride back was ok till 12 then traffic, next time will do it on a Saturday. or during week.
Rode Southwood yesterday and it was much better than I remembered it being about 15 years ago.Yeah it is still rough in spots and dirty in a few corners but still a lot of fun to ride.Biggest issue was lots of traffic and little bit of construction near the top.
Also rode Pennisula Road to Rosseau and then 3 to Huntsville which was quite good and fun.We had lunch on the water and went 60/35 to Norwood and cross country back home.We managed to skirt the rain all day and had a real enjoyable day.
Rode Southwood Rd two days ago which is like ten minutes from my cottage, so basically my backyard. Construction seems to be done but warning signs are still up in some places. Some rough spots for sure and loose gravel or sand in some corners.

Please be careful on this road. Lots of blind corners and lots of cars and trucks running wide in them, not to mention wildlife that will jump out of nowhere even during the day.

When I was there I saw a flock of partridge, wild turkeys, and a juvenile black bear, all crossing the road in front of me.
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Went through the area today (car). Conditions are good. Best shape I've seen Southwood in years. I hadn't been through since last fall when the top half was under construction. The usual rough patches here and there, and rocks and **** kicked up by cars that cant corner and drive on the inside shoulder. No construction, although a sign for construction zone for about 2 turns in the middle with no obvious signs of work being needed or performed.

632 was all good, although again some rocks/gravel in the slow turns just outside Rosseau.
Just got back from riding Southwood from the top down.

Road is pretty well clean until Beiers Rd, and then it's the same as last year, more patches than road with a sprinkling of the occasional gravel. But still fun.

Frank Miller 26 was nice and clean as well.
The south end of Southwood (Hwy 11 to Beiers Rd CR19) is pot-hole city. Unless you want to see the "Bra Fence" get on/off at Beiers Rd
Yeah the South end is still crap!

Anyone ever done 38? ... not far from the top of Southwood where Torrance is ..

Yeah the South end is still crap!

Anyone ever done 38? ... not far from the top of Southwood where Torrance is ..

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That's the connector road to the hwy when you are eithe rstarting or finishing a route. Also a couple cheap reserve gas stations on that road. It's a wide open sweepers, but a fair bit of traffic, so be mindful.
I road soutwood Sept 28 2024 from Sparrow up to Bala. The south end near Sparrow was rough for a few km but the rest was some of the best I have ever experienced on SW13. I liked it so much that i rode it back on the way home
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I keep my bike pretty close to Southwood and honestly, I feel like it's a matter of time before somebody going wide in all those blind turns kills me. Because they all seem to go wide.

I talked to a guy in the Kawarthas, the day after two motorcyclists crashed into the back of his truck, killing one. We were talking at the side of the road exactly where it happened. It's a beautiful curvy road with some blind turns, but not nearly as curvy as Southwood. He said they weren't even going that fast compared to many, but the turn is completely blind.

While we were talking pretty much everybody was going way too far over the limit and way over the median. He told me there had been several fatalities on that road. Talking to him for that half hour, I rode away surprised that it didn't happen every weekend.
That is why I like this road, because it is not easy to go quickly and the challenge is my reward. Going wide anywhere is riding over your ability and usually it is the slower less experoenced riders.
Yeah the problem is on all those blind curves you can be right in your lane and oncoming traffic is way wide. Defensive techniques can help but there’s no limit to how egregious some of those drivers (and riders) can be.
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