Ontario Science Centre

My understanding is Dougie wants to move the Science Center to Ontario Place and release the property under the Science Center to developers.

... I sincerely doubt any developer wants to build "Ontario Housing" units on the property... that when the Eglinton LTR is finished will be some of the best served property in Toronto
We NEED "Ontario Housing", we're gonna get McMansions.
My understanding is Dougie wants to move the Science Center to Ontario Place and release the property under the Science Center to developers.

... I sincerely doubt any developer wants to build "Ontario Housing" units on the property... that when the Eglinton LTR is finished will be some of the best served property in Toronto
We NEED "Ontario Housing", we're gonna get McMansions.
The land is tied up. Conservation authority controls it and leased it for science center or parking only. I'm not sure if douggie has sufficient powers to expropriate from conservation authority. It would never be single family homes. If it goes residential expect a bunch of towers.
While I'm saddened by the closure...it was so horribly underutilized it was frustrating.

I would be 100% in favour of scrapping it, and building it / replacing it with something more modern, more efficient, and in a better location. Right now it's very inconvenient to get to for a lot of people.

And more importantly...I wonder how many people screaming about the closure have actually ever been to it, or more than 1 or 2 times.

I'm sure a good part of it is that 'Douggie bad' as the primary driver for the outrage for many people.

As per the Greenbelt...they're doing it wrong, too quickly, and hoping it flies under the radar. They'll probably change their minds once the noise gets loud enough.
Anything is fixable with enough money.

I haven't heard a peep of any plan from any government or staff to effectively utilize the space. Over 400k sq ft of space not exposed to the public costs a fortune with minimal public benefit and that will never improve without a concerted effort (and may not be possible to improve substantially depending on layout).

Firm that built it will repair for free.

Architecture firm that designed Ontario Science Centre offers free repair services to keep it open
That's not what they said. They said they will contribute architectural services for free. Those make up a small percentage of the cost of repair.

I'm annoyed that they closed it now instead of October but I am reasonably convinced that there is no financially viable way forward for a 570,000 sq ft facility with only 25% of its space used for the headline activity.
He's still not worse. She wasted $1B to win a single seat.
And Douggie's decision to scrap plate renewal fees just before the last election is costing us all between $500 million and $1 billion every single year in lost revenue from now until the end of time.
And Douggie's decision to scrap plate renewal fees just before the last election is costing us all between $500 million and $1 billion every single year in lost revenue from now until the end of time.

Apples and hand grenades. You can't compare money left in our wallets to Wynne just flushing a billion dollars straight out into Lake Ontario.
Apples and hand grenades. You can't compare money left in our wallets to Wynne just flushing a billion dollars straight out into Lake Ontario.
And 'whataboutism' rears its ugly head...
Wynne isn't in charge any more, Doug is.
He's cost the province something like $1billion by cancelling annual vehicle registrations.
Now he's only going to go after the 'folks' that haven't paid their fines. How's that gonna work ?
And 'whataboutism' rears its ugly head...
Wynne isn't in charge any more, Doug is.
He's cost the province something like $1billion by cancelling annual vehicle registrations.
Now he's only going to go after the 'folks' that haven't paid their fines. How's that gonna work ?
I'd rather a politician left me money than have one take my money and give it away with zero benefit to anyone.
Apples and hand grenades. You can't compare money left in our wallets to Wynne just flushing a billion dollars straight out into Lake Ontario.
We'll agree to disagree about your statement of money left in our wallets. We're still paying to operate the vehicle registration system and to build and maintain roads, we're just paying for it through our taxes rather than directly as users of those services.

To counter your point directly, $2.24 billion was given out as registration fee refunds. That's money that the Ford government took out of general revenue and used to buy votes. There was absolutely no reason for Ford to issue refunds on past registration fees. It was a vote buying exercise, pure and simple.
He's cost the province something like $1billion by cancelling annual vehicle registrations.

What part of none of that $1Billion lost revenue came out of your or any other of our pockets while we all paid out of pocket for Wynne's one seat Hail Mary money toss don't you understand?
Now he's only going to go after the 'folks' that haven't paid their fines. How's that gonna work ?

Same as it did previously. If you had fines or owed Spain money, your plate(s) got tagged and you had to clear up the debt and pay the annual registration fee before they could be renewed. Difference now is your plates still get tagged, but you only pay the fines/tolls to get your registration reinstated.
What part of none of that $1Billion lost revenue came out of your or any other of our pockets while we all paid out of pocket for Wynne's one seat Hail Mary money toss don't you understand?
We end up paying it back in provincial income tax. The money has to come from somewhere.
What part of none of that $1Billion lost revenue came out of your or any other of our pockets while we all paid out of pocket for Wynne's one seat Hail Mary money toss don't you understand?
The part where the provincial EXPENSES didn't drop by $1 billion/year when the registration fees were eliminated. We're still paying for the things that used to be be paid for by registration fees, only now we're paying through our taxes, or by the government taking money away from other programs/expenses.
The part where the provincial EXPENSES didn't drop by $1 billion/year when the registration fees were eliminated. We're still paying for the things that used to be be paid for by registration fees, only now we're paying through our taxes, or by the government taking money away from other programs/expenses.
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