Covid-19 Statistics of Child Deaths with the disease

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OK, I'll just start a thread for this. Canada is still saying that children down to the age of six months should get Covid-19 vaccines and further boosters.

Anyone familiar with the actual scientific data can tell you that this is not only not necessary, since the disease is very unlikely to harm people under the age of 20, but the benefits, if any, do not outnumber the potential risks. Those risks include rare, but present, inflammation of the cardio systems, as well as rare but potential nervous system issues. Scientists in general but healthcare authorities worldwide have also noticed this in their data and no longer recommend vaccines for young people. But not Canada, which insists it is "following the science" when it is clearly not. I will now demonstrate that Canadian authorities and its government are gaslighting the public and they fully know it, because I am going to use their own data against them.

This is a data plot from today, taken directly from Statistics Canada. Note that this is statistics of people who died "with" covid, not necessarily "from" covid. Your eyes do not deceive you, this is from March, 2020 until March 9, 2024: less than 100 people have died with covid (not necessarily from covid) aged 0-20 years. The percentage of deaths is from the overall amount of deaths, not related to cases or population. The population is approximately 9 million people once immigration and aging out of the age group is factored in - I am comfortable simply using our current population of roughly 8 million, however.

The math is simple: 81 / 8M = 0.000010125. That's right, 0.00001% of children aged 0-20 years died with (not necessarily from) Covid-19 over four years. The flu, by comparison, is devastating. But that's not our topic here. Your government is misleading the public on the dangers of this disease to the youth. Moreover, since I was actively watching this at the time, the rate of deaths went slightly UP after vaccination of the age group started, whatever that means, the important thing is that the rate did not decrease.

Source: COVID-19 epidemiology update: Current situation — figure 4, dropdown "deceased"

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 12-05-46 COVID-19 epidemiology update Current situation -
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I don't think that there are too many people getting Covid vax for their kids mainly for the reasons you stated.

My wife is an immune compromised health care worker and strongly pro vaccine, mask etc. and even she hasn't ever wanted it for our kids. Most of my friends are got the covid vax but I don't think any of their kids got it.

At this point I think its just that Trudeau already bought enough vaccines for every Canadian to get 5-6 shots and is running out of customers early.
At this point I think its just that Trudeau already bought enough vaccines for every Canadian to get 5-6 shots and is running out of customers early.
I suspect PP is holding on to that one. "You paid for six vaccines for every person, you paid to develop a made in canada vaccine that never happened and we now find out that more than 50% of the vaccines you paid for were either never delivered or we paid to dispose of them".
I don't think that there are too many people getting Covid vax for their kids mainly for the reasons you stated.

My wife is an immune compromised health care worker and strongly pro vaccine, mask etc. and even she hasn't ever wanted it for our kids. Most of my friends are got the covid vax but I don't think any of their kids got it.

At this point I think its just that Trudeau already bought enough vaccines for every Canadian to get 5-6 shots and is running out of customers early.

Any vaccines are bought and paid for regardless of whether or not they get used. This isn’t a scam situation, it’s a public health prevention measure based on current available scientific evidence.

That’s all I’ll add at this point aside from….

Any vaccines are bought and paid for regardless of whether or not they get used. This isn’t a scam situation, it’s a public health prevention measure based on current available scientific evidence.

That’s all I’ll add at this point aside from….

Buying some vaccines made a lot of sense. Buying every vaccine you could get your hands on without looking at how many shots per person you were paying for never made sense.
Buying some vaccines made a lot of sense. Buying every vaccine you could get your hands on without looking at how many shots per person you were paying for never made sense.

That happened early on in the pandemic when global supply was strained. What’s being administered now is tailored for the current strains.
Any vaccines are bought and paid for regardless of whether or not they get used. This isn’t a scam situation, it’s a public health prevention measure based on current available scientific evidence.
This was obvious to me - a complete layman - all the way back to late 2020. And the reason I looked is that I wanted to know what the spread of risk looked like to age groups. To my shock at that time, we were being told that we had to keep kids out of school etc. etc. and yet the death rate was low double digits, with existing critical illness the main contributor to deaths. It was obvious that the government was telling us one thing, while the statistics told us another.

I went out and challenged friends of mine to shoot my hypothesis down. Nobody did. I did get some "just trust the science, bro" type advice, which was clearly not actual science but rather blind obedience to the government rhetoric.

Now I've done it here again and the only thing close to a retort is that "well, this is why people aren't vaccinating their kids." Sure, but they probably don't know WHY it is that way, because almost nobody in Canada is looking at this, the media hasn't picked it up and the government continues to push their line that children down to six months of age should be getting the jab and the boosters. I've talked to many people and they have just said "it feels off, and the vaccines didn't stop anyone from getting covid-19 anyway," which is also a fact. I've had it four times as a fully vaccinated guy in his 50s - and frankly, none of those even remotely compared to the flu, I'm still coughing the occasional lunger up from six weeks from early symptoms. The worst of them for me was a mild cold with some chills and a runny nose for a week, while the stepdaughters were over it in three days, the eldest being < 20 years of age at the time.

So, we're being lied to. Plain, and simple. The government is recommending vaccines that have more chance of risk than not administering them.
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IIRC many of the contracts prevented that. Complete BS and obviously designed to artificially constrain supply and increase prices. I'd be happy to bankrupt all companies that insisted on that clause.

If you think big pharma is making out like a bandit you might want to look at Pfizer shares currently and their long term forecast.

There have been scams involving PPE around the world but regardless of what you may “think”, the vaccine situation has mostly been above board with the biggest issues surrounding procurement, not efficacy or the science of the items.
This was obvious to me - a complete layman - all the way back to late 2020. And the reason I looked is that I wanted to know what the spread of risk looked like to age groups. To my shock at that time, we were being told that we had to keep kids out of school etc. etc. and yet the death rate was low double digits, with existing critical illness the main contributor to deaths. It was obvious that the government was telling us one thing, while the statistics told us another.

I went out and challenged friends of mine to shoot my hypothesis down. Nobody did. I did get some "just trust the science, bro" type advice, which was clearly not actual science but rather blind obedience to the government rhetoric.

Now I've done it here again and the only thing close to a retort is that "well, this is why people aren't vaccinating their kids." Sure, but they probably don't know WHY it is that way, because almost nobody in Canada is looking at this, the media hasn't picked it up and the government continues to push their line that children down to six months of age should be getting the jab and the boosters. I've talked to many people and they have just said "it feels off, and the vaccines didn't stop anyone from getting covid-19 anyway," which is also a fact. I've had it four times as a fully vaccinated guy in his 50s - and frankly none of those even remotely compared to the flu I'm still coughing the occasional lunger up from six weeks from early symptoms. The worst of them for me was a mild cold with some chills and a runny nose for a week, while the stepdaughters were over it in three days, the eldest being < 20 years of age at the time.

So, we're being lied to. Plain, and simple. The government is recommending vaccines that have more chance of risk than not administering them.

That’s because your entire premise is incorrect (as it is when the predictable crowd also parrot the same thing). You think you’re being lied to because you don’t understand the “why”.

It’s now 2024 and we’ve had several years to get to grips with the “why”. If you’re not there yet, a paragraph or two in a motorcycle thread isn’t going to help you.

I don’t believe in the paranormal but I did predict the outcome and path of this thread as soon as it was posted.
I'm going to remind everyone on the expectations from Staff in any thread, that we don't make it personal. It always leads to the same result.


OK, I was using “you” plural there then.

This is a very predictable thread with a very predictable outcome based on recent posts. It’s pretty difficult to still stand by and watch and read what really amounts to, at the least a public information failure, and at the worst willful scientific ignorance take place after these past few years when I’m in the business of scientific literacy.

If the science is difficult to understand use Occam’s razor. Either there is the biggest coordinated global scam in history involving millions of people taking place or health institutions are trying to do what’s right by the people they serve using all current available best practices and evidence as they have done for the past century or so.
If you think big pharma is making out like a bandit you might want to look at Pfizer shares currently and their long term forecast.

There have been scams involving PPE around the world but regardless of what you may “think”, the vaccine situation has mostly been above board with the biggest issues surrounding procurement, not efficacy or the science of the items.

If everything was above board the CDC would not have redacted every page of their vaccine/Myocarditis study that was ordered to be released by FOI request last month.
OK, I was using “you” plural there then.

This is a very predictable thread with a very predictable outcome based on recent posts. It’s pretty difficult to still stand by and watch and read what really amounts to, at the least a public information failure, and at the worst willful scientific ignorance take place after these past few years when I’m in the business of scientific literacy.

If the science is difficult to understand use Occam’s razor. Either there is the biggest coordinated global scam in history involving millions of people taking place or health institutions are trying to do what’s right by the people they serve using all current available best practices and evidence as they have done for the past century or so.
I'm not calling anyone out specifically. I consulted the tea leaves in my drink and they suggested I get a preemptive post in.
If everything was above board the CDC would not have redacted every page of their vaccine/Myocarditis study that was ordered to be released by FOI request last month.


Yes, myocarditis is a very rare symptom of the vaccines. It’s also a symptom of COVID 19.

Were hospitals overrun with people suffering from myocarditis? No.
Were they overrun with people suffering from COVID and associated symptoms? Yes.

I’ve seen this rerun. It’s still got the same ending as before.
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