Covid-19 Statistics of Child Deaths with the disease

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So your telling me you truly, TRULY, belive the government would redact every single page of a scientific study of the correlation between the vaccine and myocarditis if it only showed that there was a small risk of myocarditis from covid19 and an even smaller risk from the vaccines both of which were so small they were inconsequential? Any chance your in the market for a new bridge?
Whatever the Liberals tell him to think, he'll think. Although I may be assuming their gender.
0.00001% small?
Less than many common over the counter medications. Is 0.00001% some kind of important threshold?

No medical procedure is 100% risk free, none!
One can start here, I know it is data, may take critical thinking and may not have the conclusions one is looking for. But there is lots of data here including the stuff people claim is redacted...but is openly posted on the CDC website.

Less than many common over the counter medications. Is 0.00001% some kind of important threshold?
So, you didn't read my data. Posting an opinion without facts, the Liberal way! Or is it NDP, it's so hard to tell?
I buy my beans at Baden coffee company 20 min west of Kitchener.

Why do all these smaller coffee places have varying prices for the beans?
A friend took me to this place called Terminal 3 on Lakeshore once - the Ethiopian coffee was delicious but it was $10 something for a small cup!


What are you even trying to say? Make it make sense.
That I read the ncbi.nlm.nih data you posted and remembered the actual percentage it quoted in this context (it is a skill I have...). Where did the number you posted come from, is there other conflicting data you posted that conflicts with the data you posted???

We are talking multiple orders of magnitude here.
This was obvious to me - a complete layman - all the way back to late 2020. And the reason I looked is that I wanted to know what the spread of risk looked like to age groups. To my shock at that time, we were being told that we had to keep kids out of school etc. etc. and yet the death rate was low double digits, with existing critical illness the main contributor to deaths. It was obvious that the government was telling us one thing, while the statistics told us another.

I went out and challenged friends of mine to shoot my hypothesis down. Nobody did. I did get some "just trust the science, bro" type advice, which was clearly not actual science but rather blind obedience to the government rhetoric.

Now I've done it here again and the only thing close to a retort is that "well, this is why people aren't vaccinating their kids." Sure, but they probably don't know WHY it is that way, because almost nobody in Canada is looking at this, the media hasn't picked it up and the government continues to push their line that children down to six months of age should be getting the jab and the boosters. I've talked to many people and they have just said "it feels off, and the vaccines didn't stop anyone from getting covid-19 anyway," which is also a fact. I've had it four times as a fully vaccinated guy in his 50s - and frankly, none of those even remotely compared to the flu, I'm still coughing the occasional lunger up from six weeks from early symptoms. The worst of them for me was a mild cold with some chills and a runny nose for a week, while the stepdaughters were over it in three days, the eldest being < 20 years of age at the time.

So, we're being lied to. Plain, and simple. The government is recommending vaccines that have more chance of risk than not administering them.
I look at it this way - I, and both my parents have kept shots up to date, the 3 of us have never knowingly had COVID.

I’m pretty sure that means none of us has ever passed COVID to another person.

I don’t know how that is valued — probably not very much by many, probably a lot by someone who lost someone to COVID.

I used to be pro-vax, today I’m pro choice.
That I read the ncbi.nlm.nih data you posted and remembered the actual percentage it quoted in this context (it is a skill I have...). Where did the number you posted come from, is there other conflicting data you posted that conflicts with the data you posted???
I literally listed Stats Canada as the source and did the math. Mind blown.
I look at it this way - I, and both my parents have kept shots up to date, the 3 of us have never knowingly had COVID.

I’m pretty sure that means none of us has ever passed COVID to another person.

I don’t know how that is valued — probably not very much by many, probably a lot by someone who lost someone to COVID.

I used to be pro-vax, today I’m pro choice.
Because you might have been asymptomatic, that doesn't mean you necessarily never transmitted it.

I've had it twice, 1st time tested positive but asymptomatic. 2nd time I had a fever of 102, felt like i got smacked around with a bag of hammers and slept for an entire day and a half.
Haha! Oh, please. Enlighten me. Do it with data and statistics, though.

Sure no problem. Like I said though you’ve had multiple years to attempt to understand this so I’ll charge the same consulting fee as I did for my last gig which was about $400/h since it’s a no-win situation.

See, oddly I also extremely accurately predicted your response to this thread even up to this point. So, where it would proceed is something along the lines of “no, you don’t understand, my spurious “facts” taken out of any meaningful context and parsed to me by an Internet personality, who coincidentally sells sugar pills to cure Alzheimer’s AND cancer, obviously refutes any and all scientific evidence peer reviewed by experts simply because the experts are OWNED by big pharma in league with George Soros and the WEF”.

What did I miss?
So, you're saying you have nothing. Nothing at all. You don't like my facts even though I got them from the government you worship.

Got it.
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