January Motorcycle Supershow - Jan 5-7 at International Center


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Rider Training Professional
Tis' that time of year. Was Santa good to you? Did you get what you wanted or are you still looking?

Not to jinx it, but we've even had warm weather so are you really feeling those winter blues yet?

Join GTAMotorcycle.com at the Motorcycle Supershow on January 5, 6, 7. We will be giving away 3 sets of tickets in this thread to 3 lucky winners.... so if you haven't already purchased your tickets and wanna play... what are you hoping to see this year?

Some of the things you'll see are:
Will Perform at the 48th annual
North American International Motorcycle SUPERSHOW
January 5, 6 & 7, 2024 - International Centre

Confirmed today (December 22), The IVES BROTHERS and the WALL OF DEATH is coming to the North American International Motorcycle SUPERSHOW INDOOR Live Stunt Show Showcase, January 5, 6, 7, 2024 at the International Centre.
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New bikes, please! And how about some race bikes?
I'm going to do this a bit differently this year. Instead of trying to be a specific post number... I'm going to take all the names of quality posts, put them in a hat and pick three. Draw will be held on January 2nd.

So help out the newbies with recommendations of what to look for at the show. Newbies... ask the show veterans for advise....

My favourite part of the show is not the deals or the bikes... but getting to see old friends/GTAM members.
I want to see bikes with character!!

Bikes that don't look like someone took a pile of cash and threw it at a parts books. Something where it becomes apparent that the owner/builder was thinking beyond the norm of the masses.

That and it's a winter time chance to meet up biking friends you might not see again until spring.
For veterans:
Get oil deals early. Show up, buy, get out. Despite the entry fees, I’ve saved a whack of money of the years by buying a case or 2 at a time of the synthetic stuff.

For Newbies:
Check out the gear deals. Don’t go for the cheapest = best options. Be sure gear is authentic and buy from major dealers, not the ridiculously low priced Alpnestarts, Dianese etc stuff in some of the smaller halls - Chances are they are knock offs.
If I have nothing else to do I may take the monsters with me.

Make it a day out, see some bikes, ogle some gear.

Easy day.
If I have nothing else to do I may take the monsters with me.

Make it a day out, see some bikes, ogle some gear.

Easy day.
Give Evo his liquor… 🤔
Vintage and any cool looking bike. How will we spot GTAM members, is there a GTAM booth?
Vintage and any cool looking bike. How will we spot GTAM members, is there a GTAM booth?
Many of the long time mbers have GTAM shirts they can wear.

Yes GTAM will have a booth that will be manned by myself and Redneck.
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