Passing on the right hand shoulder of the road.


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Does HTA 172 apply?
I was east bound, on a single lane road, stopped at a traffic light, signalled with intent to turn left. Opposite the red traffic light was the same as the west bound vehicle was also waiting for the green to turn left.
The light turned green, we both entered the intersection and traffic behind the west bound vehical passes on the right shoulder nearly wiping me and motorcycle out. As stressful as that was, I made another attempt at the left turn once there was a gap in the cagers illigal activities only to nearly get crushed by a pickup truck passing on the shoulder at yet a higher rate of speed. I gave the salute and the pickup driver stopped, looking for further confrontation.
It's perplexing to entertain the idea that he was angry with me and takes no responsibility with his self entitled ***.
I see this kind of stupidity happens almost every day now.
When it happens while I'm in my pickup truck then I get to blast them with a real horn. Oddly they seem to wonder why I'm upset and seem to have no clue about the danger they put themselves in and vehicles turning left.
If their going to make stupid and endless rules, perhaps they should enforce the existing ones first?
Does HTA 172 apply?
I was east bound, on a single lane road, stopped at a traffic light, signalled with intent to turn left. Opposite the red traffic light was the same as the west bound vehicle was also waiting for the green to turn left.
The light turned green, we both entered the intersection and traffic behind the west bound vehical passes on the right shoulder nearly wiping me and motorcycle out. As stressful as that was, I made another attempt at the left turn once there was a gap in the cagers illigal activities only to nearly get crushed by a pickup truck passing on the shoulder at yet a higher rate of speed. I gave the salute and the pickup driver stopped, looking for further confrontation.
It's perplexing to entertain the idea that he was angry with me and takes no responsibility with his self entitled ***.
I see this kind of stupidity happens almost every day now.
When it happens while I'm in my pickup truck then I get to blast them with a real horn. Oddly they seem to wonder why I'm upset and seem to have no clue about the danger they put themselves in and vehicles turning left.
If their going to make stupid and endless rules, perhaps they should enforce the existing ones first?
I don't see it being HTA 172, maybe careless or potentially dangerous driving.
I agree with Evo. That scenario doesn't appear to be picked up in 172 (which is good, 172 is terrible policy). Dangerous almost never gets laid, I could see careless if there was a crash or failure to drive in marked lane if there was no crash.
I'd have to see the roadway.

Without seeing it, I'd say that if it was that easy for someone to get around the guy at high speed, I would tend to think it's on you, since you're making the left when it isn't safe to do so.
I'd have to see the roadway.

Without seeing it, I'd say that if it was that easy for someone to get around the guy at high speed, I would tend to think it's on you, since you're making the left when it isn't safe to do so.
Section 150 that TK4 posted talks about passing on the pavement, that doesn't sound like what they are doing. The left turner is always at fault, the oncoming cars would likely also be at fault through 150. I have never seen a cop pull someone over after a 150 violation. I'm not saying it never happens but it is not at the top of their list. It sounds like the practical solution is the left-turners wait for the yellow and one gets around.
What about leaving a marked lane of traffic or some law about that?
What about leaving a marked lane of traffic or some law about that?
That's a ticket but I don't see how it changes the OP's situation. Left turner is always partially at fault. If he's on a bike, he's banged up. It doesn't matter if there are 50 charges the oncoming drivers could/should get, they are doing their thing and he has to get through safely.
Yeah I know that but it's not illegal to make a left turn. I thought it would be to leave the road, hop on the gravel, pass and pull back in. Regardless of the bike.

Carry on
Making my head hurt visualizing this as I'm now thoroughly engaged riding on the opposite side but people still do it in Australia. Puts bicylists at risk. I always feel exposed turning across traffic - eyes glued to the mirrors and I usually put myself squarely in the lane to discourage it.
Crossing a solid line of any sort will get you a ticket here and the cops are not shy.
At least the roundabouts eliminate this kind of risk on fast traffic routes and adds in slightly different and perhaps less dire ones.
Most intersections have a a specific turn lane which really helps.
Road markings here are very comprehensive and of course that helps with tourists.
Never assume they will stop for you till they have stopped for you. Left hand turns are one of the most dangerous actions on the public roads, especially for motorcyclists. #1 reason of motorcyclist fatalities, beating out failure to navigate corners.

I know the situation you are describing and it is very illegal to pass on the right using the shoulder on a single lane with no turning lane. Doesn't change the fact that you can't rely on those sharing the roads to also share the rules of the road.
Never assume they will stop for you till they have stopped for you. Left hand turns are one of the most dangerous actions on the public roads, especially for motorcyclists. #1 reason of motorcyclist fatalities, beating out failure to navigate corners.

I know the situation you are describing and it is very illegal to pass on the right using the shoulder on a single lane with no turning lane. Doesn't change the fact that you can't rely on those sharing the roads to also share the rules of the road.
"(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to the driver of,

(a) a motor vehicle overtaking and passing to the right of another vehicle where the shoulder to the right of the roadway is paved and the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn or its driver has signalled his or her intention to make a left turn;"

Based upon the above, it's not illegal. That's why I said I'd have to see the roadway. If someone's coming through at 80+ kph, I'm going to assume (possibly incorrectly) that the shoulder is paved.
Based upon the above, it's not illegal. That's why I said I'd have to see the roadway. If someone's coming through at 80+ kph, I'm going to assume (possibly incorrectly) that the shoulder is paved.

Irregardless of legality, my point is that it will always be a risk to make a left hand turn before all oncoming traffic is stopped or fully accounted for. Thus, it is much more salient to discuss whether you should make a left infront of a vehicle that has no plans to stop. People break the law all the time, doesn't mean you have to die to test them on it.
Never assume they will stop for you till they have stopped for you. Left hand turns are one of the most dangerous actions on the public roads, especially for motorcyclists. #1 reason of motorcyclist fatalities, beating out failure to navigate corners.

I know the situation you are describing and it is very illegal to pass on the right using the shoulder on a single lane with no turning lane. Doesn't change the fact that you can't rely on those sharing the roads to also share the rules of the road.

learned something new. never knew that it was illegal.
Up here (rural roads) there is a street where many people make a left onto a street. EVERYONE, passes these people (safely) on the gravel shoulder and it helps traffic move. It is a T intersection so no one turning left the opposite way.
All full intersections usually have a paved right turn lane where people use to pass.

Thanks for the heads-up.
Irregardless of legality, my point is that it will always be a risk to make a left hand turn before all oncoming traffic is stopped or fully accounted for. Thus, it is much more salient to discuss whether you should make a left infront of a vehicle that has no plans to stop. People break the law all the time, doesn't mean you have to die to test them on it.
I agree. There's also a speed at which your velocity can't be easily predicted. A few weeks ago, I was making a left from a stop sign out in the country. As I made my left, right, left check and started to pull out, a pickup truck slowed down to double the speed limit, while coming over a ridge from my right. If I'd pulled out, he would have had to emergency brake, and I'd have had to accelerate like the wind to avoid being hit. As it was, I yielded, pulled out behind him, accelerated briskly and watch him fly off into the sunset.
OPP are pulling cars over in mount forest for doing this same action at the intersection of 6 and 89
OPP are pulling cars over in mount forest for doing this same action at the intersection of 6 and 89
What are they charging them with? From the intersection the only spot where it looks a little questionable is 89 Eastbound, as you can see the tire scrapes on the sidewalk there. Everywhere else it looks like there's enough room for two lanes, and no arrows.

Google Maps
What are they charging them with? From the intersection the only spot where it looks a little questionable is 89 Eastbound, as you can see the tire scrapes on the sidewalk there. Everywhere else it looks like there's enough room for two lanes, and no arrows.

Google Maps
Nope it’s north and south, Been a few benders from cars pulling around the left hand turning car and hitting the south bound left hand turning car
Nope it’s north and south, Been a few benders from cars pulling around the left hand turning car and hitting the south bound left hand turning car
Here going south, you can see that it's a messed up intersection. Four cars are in the intersection on a red light.
That might be what they're being charged for.
You can also see that there's enough room for two lanes of traffic.
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