Justin Time

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We need a thread, (or I want a thread), on Justin, and how he's doing.
We've already got one on Doug from the famous Bob and Doug duo.

Someone else should start, since I don't like him.
I think of him as a different twist on the Trump personality.
Overall not bad. Still flashes back to his default position of spend freely and unwisely and dont even think about tomorrow. That =_÷/×= about no government oversight of his actions for 21 months was an inexcusable power grab that canada would never have recovered from. Useless _÷/×/-^#^×%$#.
Overall not bad. Still flashes back to his default position of spend freely and unwisely and dont even think about tomorrow. That =_÷/×= about no government oversight of his actions for 21 months was an inexcusable power grab that canada would never have recovered from. Useless _÷/×/-^#^×%$#.
Overall not bad?

I pray you're referring to Corona situation. I'd give him a grudging pass.

Everything else **** no.
Overall not bad?

I pray you're referring to Corona situation. I'd give him a grudging pass.

Everything else **** no.
Exclusively Corona related comment. Overall, barf.

With Corona, the majority of the money spent seems equitable and defenseable. Recently he has started going back to pet projects and completely wasting money. I wonder if he legitimately believes these are good decisions or if he just zones out and writes cheques as his pool of money is endless.
politics soon to follow, be like piranha back at parliament
Exclusively Corona related comment. Overall, barf.

With Corona, the majority of the money spent seems equitable and defenseable. Recently he has started going back to pet projects and completely wasting money. I wonder if he legitimately believes these are good decisions or if he just zones out and writes cheques as his pool of money is endless.
its all BS.

Spend your way to oblivion, even if you dont get the votes for passing money around you can spend the next 4 years destroying the cons over cutting all the hard work you did.

Endless loop.
there is a lot of room for improvement , agreed his 24month "give me everything with no checks and balances" was beyond stupid, Justin Putin. but we could have had Scheer, so there is that...
there is a lot of room for improvement , agreed his 24month "give me everything with no checks and balances" was beyond stupid, Justin Putin. but we could have had Scheer, so there is that...
to be fair we haven't the slightest clue how scheer would govern.

sure i'm a con and while i think scheer is a bit too slippery for my personal tastes, doesn't mean he would be a bad leader.
I'm also a con, I indeed feel he has a greasy side to him and correct, I have no real idea how he would perform. My assumptions are he would be another old school con leader , doing whats best for him and his buddies and skipping what used to be the progressive part of conservatve.
Freeland can have a great political career being the smart one standing behind, and i think she is clever enough to stay there.
Any one remember Prime Minister of the summer Kim Campbell ?
Freeland can have a great political career being the smart one standing behind, and i think she is clever enough to stay there.
Any one remember Prime Minister of the summer Kim Campbell ?
Oh ya. I was at a bar on a beach in St Lucia for my 40th birthday. I was already into several margaritas when the bartender said, "hey i hear you Canadian's have a new Prime Minister". Don't know what he said, but i heard "Kim Mitchell".
OMG! Our country is gonna be so cool!
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I've got mixed emotions about our JT fella here.

On the one hand, I'm happy with how he's kept his composure and was present daily with updates, information, and continually appearing to actually try and put together a comprehensive plan for the nation and how to keep the people out of the dumps during this time.

On the other hand, I'm fairly ****** about the Libs trying to push through legislation that would allow them no oversight with spending for the next 21 months or so....that's a sneaky tactic, and I'm glad they got called out on it.

Also, seems like there's no accountability for knowing what was coming (allegedly) and not really doing much about it. Unless we hear about people dumping stocks here as well following briefings.

I'm definitely bitter that we will be paying for all of these bailouts and programs for the next generation at least. They're just throwing money at every single demographic, and last time I checked...it was my responsibility to be prepared for losing a job or whatnot, not expecting the government to throw billions towards us and companies to try and keep them afloat. First off this will just show people that no matter what 'the government will help me out' and you really don't learn much.

Where do you draw the line between helping out (or handing out) and letting business / individuals take responsibility for their spending/lifestyle habits. We're a nation of debt...and while painful, is going so heavily into debt as a nation worth the economic fallout? I'm not smart enough to even pretend to understand all the ramifications of these programs and handouts...but I know my kids are probably going to be paying for it.

And of course the most important reason for all this money making it's way to Canadians' hands...election is coming next year!
I just want to know why he dyes his new beard grey?
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