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Well incase you haven't figured it out yet, this one thrives in healthy warm blooded lung tissue where it multiplies until it kills the host or the host survives by a process that absolutely nobody understands yet and if you did you would have an idea on how to make a vaccine right now which we don't.
I seen how disease goes through a zoo, lost a lot of good friends that way, the disease did not care what species it used to propagate throughout the entire population. Species may succumb to the thing at a different rate but if you know of a warm blooded air breathing animal that can survive with its lung full of Covid-19, lets hear about it because that information might save a lot of lives.
Reminds me of the episode on "hope for wildlife" where they had an 80% loads of the raccoon population to a virus. Felinesomething.
I came back home through Pearson yesterday. Masked and gloved Air Canada staff on the plane. I felt sorry for them as they have an uncertain future and are somewhat directly in the crosshairs of this mess. The screening process at Pearson was perfunctory at best. I watched the line of border agents and listened and each interaction with passengers seemed different. Our agent just asked if we had any flulike symptoms and gave us a sheet with info on it, others seemed a little more involved in the process and asked further questions. Pearson was very quiet. Still traffic, still flights but not that many. Our baggage came out very quickly which isn’t usually the case. A few concessions in the airport were shut. Some places were still open but service was slower as menus and items were routinely disinfected.

So, 14 days of self isolation now. One buddy already got in touch and asked what we needed. Times like this you know who your friends are and value them. One silver lining from all this is that there’s a slim chance that people will realise we need to live as a functional society together rather than a collection of selfish individuals.

I did bring one roll of toilet paper back from Costa Rica. I’ll start the bidding at $5.

In Costa Rica some resorts were closing down. Bars and discos have been closed as a result of people flocking to the beach instead of self isolating at home. Apparently the government ministers weren’t impressed with that behaviour and so shut everything down. The locals in the country get much of their income from tourism. Car rental companies have had multiple cancellations and when we returned our car the lot was full of vehicles, which is not usual for this time of year. There’s still people arriving but it’s not a lot and they don’t have medical coverage for Coronavirus related issues after March 17th now. Food deliveries at one resort became an issue we heard from other travellers. Staff were being let go. Our flight back was full, every seat filled. Snowbirds coming back earlier than they wanted. Our property manager for the AirBnB in Costa Rica ran a cinema. It was already running at 50% capacity to spread people out but now no one was coming and film releases had all been delayed too. The guy was quite crestfallen as he drove us to the airport. I felt really sad for him. I told him we would be back as soon as we can.....but no one knows when that might be.
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Reminds me of the episode on "hope for wildlife" where they had an 80% loads of the raccoon population to a virus. Felinesomething.
Was it Feline Panleukopenia ?
Lost friends to that too.
Well incase you haven't figured it out yet, this one thrives in healthy warm blooded lung tissue where it multiplies until it kills the host or the host survives by a process that absolutely nobody understands yet and if you did you would have an idea on how to make a vaccine right now which we don't.
I seen how disease goes through a zoo, lost a lot of good friends that way, the disease did not care what species it used to propagate throughout the entire population. Species may succumb to the thing at a different rate but if you know of a warm blooded air breathing animal that can survive with its lung full of Covid-19, lets hear about it because that information might save a lot of lives.

So....what you’re basically saying is that all viruses are a threat to every species on earth without specificity. So every animal has exactly the same genetic receptors in the lung that the Covid 19 virus attacks? Because that’s just wrong.

My cat has a feline virus which to my knowledge I don’t have.
So....what you’re basically saying is that all viruses are a threat to every species on earth without specificity. So every animal has exactly the same genetic receptors in the lung that the Covid 19 virus attacks? Because that’s just wrong.

My cat has a feline virus which to my knowledge I don’t have.
No I said no such thing.
... you been away and your cat has been home? Who's been minding him. You going to cuddle him when you get home?
Of course you are! and you should.
No I said no such thing.
... you been away and your cat has been home? Who's been minding him. You going to cuddle him when you get home?
Of course you are! and you should.

Right...all indications are that bats, warm blooded animals, harbour the covid19 virus without incident and then transmit that to pangolins (they think) through guano dropping to the forest floor. It takes a few species leaps to get to us and for every one that does eventually get to humans many, many don’t. The reason a few scientists are anxious about this particular virus is because it is a species leap from an animal that hasn’t done this before. Not a bird, not a pig, either a pangolin or perhaps even a reptile of some kind. So for vaccine development this is somewhat uncharted territory.
"hope for wildlife"

That was a great show. My kids loved it and I enjoyed it as well.

Sad that Hope's partner died in a fishing accident. :(

Dr.Pol is another great one.
Right...all indications are that bats, warm blooded animals, harbour the covid19 virus without incident and then transmit that to pangolins (they think) ...
Is that true?
because I did not read that I made it up as an example
because it is freakin obvious that something that spreads faster then anything before it probably came on wings this time..

... anybody checked the dead pigeons in some plaza in Italy for it or are the test kits too busy?
Right...all indications are that bats, warm blooded animals, harbour the covid19 virus without incident and then transmit that to pangolins (they think) through guano dropping to the forest floor. It takes a few species leaps to get to us and for every one that does eventually get to humans many, many don’t. The reason a few scientists are anxious about this particular virus is because it is a species leap from an animal that hasn’t done this before. Not a bird, not a pig, either a pangolin or perhaps even a reptile of some kind. So for vaccine development this is somewhat uncharted territory.
Seems like we have been here before, didn't SARS come from bats.

Why does this stuff always come from China, not being discriminatory, but it should be alarming enough to a least act on it.
Anybody have a house cat?
You still letting him go outside and eat birds?
Might want to reconsider that.
Seems like we have been here before, didn't SARS come from bats.

Why does this stuff always come from China, not being discriminatory, but it should be alarming enough to a least act on it.
lol Because that is where Pandoras Cave is and the flu virus complex lives, you want to go find it?
Only time he comes outside is to join me for an oil change
Don't let him smell any dead things that have hit your windows.

Some of you guys would make lousy zoo keepers, all your animals would die.
Seems like we have been here before, didn't SARS come from bats.

Why does this stuff always come from China, not being discriminatory, but it should be alarming enough to a least act on it.

Its because of their "wet" markets. Where they keep the animals alive in cages in giant markets. They also have a huge demand for a wide variety of wild animals (either caught or farm raised). What you end up with is literally hundreds of different species that would have never come into contact otherwise living in unsanitary conditions. Disease transfers from one species to another, mutates, and then you end up with SARS, Corona virus, etc.

China = high population density and close proximity of humans to (exotic) non-domestic animals IN SOME AREAS. Any other place in the world where this occurs you’ll get the same kind of incubation set up. Ebola Africa/likely hunting primates for food for example. ”chicken flu” on industrial chicken farming centres etc. This isn’t a China thing, it’s a people thing.

No, you don’t have to be scared of birds. Bats live in colonies of hundreds/thousands so again, ripe conditions for chance/random occurrences to actually occur. Genetic mutations are chance occurences. Covid19 is the result of a gruesome LOTTO649 event. 99.99999999999+ % of the time the mutations do diddly squat or there aren't the right transmission characteristics to get the epidemic underway even if the mutation is deadly.

What I read was from a leading virologist and head scientist during the SARS outbreak.
In such a scenario if the bats were indeed "immune" to it and not just breeding faster then they die (which is about a hundred thousand times more likely)?
... an immune bat would be a good animal to study.

It doesn't have to mutate, this is not ying in search of yang to reproduce
it is a tiny little beach ball or burr shaped thing that is too small to have any concept of gravity.
You know what TB is? This is like a new TB thing you can die from in the future. (yours and mine anyway)
Discussion with JT on possible ways financial support will be provided to Canadians.

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not ruling out the future possibility of declaring a federal state of emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic, but says we haven’t hit that point yet.

Trudeau also says his government is considering boosting the Canada Child Benefit, providing income supports for workers who don’t qualify for EI, and help with mortgages as his government prepares to unveil a stimulus package."

JT press conference.

Parks canada locked all doors.
Support for indigenous and remote communties because they are so vulnerable (f me).
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Will you declare a state of emergency :/ what a stupid question.

Anybody know how to home build a respirator? <- see now that would be a good question.
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