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It means they can now at least understand and possibly predict the path in the future, long way from a cure or vaccine, but its a pretty fast turn around from research scientists.

Because this is a runny nose/ sore throat/ cough for many of the victims, which are carriers. Many will be almost unaware they have more than a common cold. So they carry on and it spreads. Cancelling events and work place activities looks like a slight panic reaction, but how do you tell a guy that only has the sniffles to not use that concert ticket he's held for 11 months.
Because someone's life or rehab trumps Green Day right? We live in such an entitlement these days I shouldn't be surprised.
I am amazed that the US hasn't instituted an emergency order to offer free testing and treatment. The costs associated with a potentially massive infection rate are going to be far greater in immediate costs and economic losses than some communist health care.

Because that would be "free" health care, which is un-Republican and un-Trumpian and un-American.

And it's desperately needed a few weeks ago.

They seem to have isolated the virus, I dont know what that means, but it sounds like they're getting closer to a cure/vaccine
It don't work that way; the bug is likely easy to kill, it's your body surviving the bug effects that is a problem, once you have it if we all don't have it already, the only cure is you!
... this is not one bug running around the planet killing people, this is like an algae bloom in an ocean.
Because that would be "free" health care, which is un-Republican and un-Trumpian and un-American.

And it's desperately needed a few weeks ago.

Huge country, pathetic health care system, large number of poorly educated people, large number of economically challenged people...........sounds like a petri dish to me.
That's a well thought out plan that should be quite effective (although I dont see any mention of transit which appears to be a massive hole in the plan). It would be nice to have a leader that doesnt just pull stupid ideas out of their ass and hope for the best.

In short:
Over 500 people cancelled
Under 500 people, capacity halved to allow social distancing.
Non-educational activities at schools cancelled
Classes as usual at schools (not sure this was the right call either).

Mixed emotions on the school closings.

Keeping schools open means millions of people in close contact but there they can be more easily monitored by intelligent people in controlled conditions.

The other option is to have those millions scattered around in countless makeshift unregistered daycares staffed by possibly the lowest common denominators. A low income earner, desperate to put in their hours to get paid, gets a nearby stay at home slob to take care of junior because the slob is cheap and convenient.

Frying pan or fire???
To put it into context, as of latest reports, the TOTAL number of canadians with corona in the entire country is 138, NYC alone has 95...
Ontario alone was approaching the 60 cases as of yesterday
60 over 2 million
96 over 16 million

And obviously, in NYC people who don't want to get billed for the testing or don't have the insurance for it... well they're not getting tested so flying under the radar
Mixed emotions on the school closings.

Keeping schools open means millions of people in close contact but there they can be more easily monitored by intelligent people in controlled conditions.

The other option is to have those millions scattered around in countless makeshift unregistered daycares staffed by possibly the lowest common denominators. A low income earner, desperate to put in their hours to get paid, gets a nearby stay at home slob to take care of junior because the slob is cheap and convenient.

Frying pan or fire???
I am not sure closing the schools is the right call either. I think the best approach is probably keeping the schools open but in outbreak protocol (classes dont comingle, if you are sick, you are out for a week etc). If you want social distancing in classrooms, maybe A-M and N-Z every other day? That avoids the daycare mess we all know is coming. You have now expanded the geographic area that kids travel and swap kids in and out daily. Sounds like the perfect way to spread something.
I am amazed that the US hasn't instituted an emergency order to offer free testing and treatment. The costs associated with a potentially massive infection rate are going to be far greater in immediate costs and economic losses than some communist health care.

They can't offer what they don't have. They don't have the tests in any substantial quantity at this point. Complete clusterF.
I have not been tested have you? We might all be flying under the radar right now.
Nope. But i would if i had the symptoms. Cause it's free for me to check.

If it cost me money to get checked while i'm displaying symptoms i MIGHT be more reticent if it's choosing between buying all the toilet paper at my local grocery store or getting checked. :rolleyes:
Most likely people displaying symptoms simply self-quarantine and don't get checked.
Nope. But i would if i had the symptoms. Cause it's free for me to check.

If it cost me money to get checked while i'm displaying symptoms i MIGHT be more reticent if it's choosing between buying all the toilet paper at my local grocery store or getting checked. :rolleyes:
Most likely people displaying symptoms simply self-quarantine and don't get checked.
If it is that easy then right now the government should be testing everyone.
We don't have the capacity to test everyone. No one does, but evidently South Korea and Germany are a lot closer to achieving that than other countries have.

In the chart by country here Coronavirus Update (Live): 139,485 Cases and 5,120 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer look for the countries with the smallest proportions of deaths relative to total cases ... that's probably because they're identifying more cases.

China about 4% (their situation is understandable given that this is where the situation started) - Compare the number of active cases to the number recovered - their number of active cases is dropping by 1000 - 2000 per day, they will be over this soon.
Italy about 6% (their health care system was, and is, overwhelmed by too many simultaneous cases)
Iran about 5% (don't know how good their health care system is)
South Korea about 1% (they have done very aggressive testing to identify cases and isolate them early as much as possible) - Daily new cases peaked more than a week ago. They are over the hump.
Spain about 3% (number of cases is escalating rapidly - I'm in the process of postponing a planned vacation there by several months)
Germany about 0.2% (!) (very aggressive testing to identify cases early - the Germans are being German)
France about 2%
USA something over 2% (but it's early)
All the others have too few cases to be meaningful.
If it is that easy then right now the government should be testing everyone.
For what? There's no travel restrictions so you could be clear today and infected tomorrow.
For what? There's no travel restrictions so you could be clear today and infected tomorrow.
We all may have been exposed to it.
Test everyone and now you know more about it.
Canadian government

It's all good, corona is not an issue, business as usual

Goverment shuts down, but everyone else business as usual

I bet those fucks are lining up for toilet paper. Despicable.
We don't have the capacity to test everyone. No one does, but evidently South Korea and Germany are a lot closer to achieving that than other countries have.
We do. We have a small population.
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