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Can y'all stop panic buying toilet paper please?

We have 4 or 5 rolls left and are then out....but I see people with shopping carts with hundreds of rolls in them whenever they find some. An hour later I'm at Canadian Tire picking up some outdoor furniture I bought and now people are panic buying paper tower in lieu of TP.


yup, none left to had here in the Quinte region
WallyWorld had a good deal on paper towels though
good thing we're not on a septic system

ended up buying a tub of regular baby wipes
not a single bottle of disinfecting anything left on the shelves
moistened with a weak bleach solution and good to go

no reported infections here yet, but it's coming I'd bet
CFB Trenton is here and the repatriation/isolation point for dirty travelers
My wife just went to get the normal restock of milk for the kids. 30 minute lineup for cashier at store. Smh.

Who wants to bet lcbo stores start dropping like flies as they are empty? That leaves an opening for TBS to really stick it to consumers.
Can y'all stop panic buying toilet paper please?

We have 4 or 5 rolls left and are then out....but I see people with shopping carts with hundreds of rolls in them whenever they find some. An hour later I'm at Canadian Tire picking up some outdoor furniture I bought and now people are panic buying paper tower in lieu of TP.

If you want to bring your new sexy steed up near barrie, you can have some tp pp. I checked this morning and we probably have 45 rolls. Not hoarding, just ended up at almost zero a while ago and bought two costco packs to make sure it didnt happen again any time soon.
*whew!*. ;)E9A30CD8-03E4-4A72-A086-C66159E296A5.jpeg
My buddy works at Costco in Ajax.

He said the line right now at the front of the store, is almost to the BACK of the store...
The combination of the US/Europe border announcement, the markets tanking, and now the 2 weeks extra school closure seems to have sent people into a freakin panic.

Sheesh. Some people are treating this like it's Ebola or something.
The combination of the US/Europe border announcement, the markets tanking, and now the 2 weeks extra school closure seems to have sent people into a freakin panic.

Sheesh. Some people are treating this like it's Ebola or something.

Thanks tom hanks
Now my email inbox is filling up with "We are as concerned as you are about Covid 19" emails from every bloody website I seem to be registered with.
On the bright side, my wife is neck deep in the ensuing behind the scenes working at her company, a large multinational conglomerate I won't mention here.

She's banking overtime like crazy as they are in full spin trying to manage this and maintain mission critical systems and personnel. Once this is all blown over there's going to be a nice cheque in the mail methinks as there's no way that she'll be able to take it all as time owing - she'd be off the latter half of the entire summer. ;)
On the bright side, my wife is neck deep in the ensuing behind the scenes working at her company, a large multinational conglomerate I won't mention here.

She's banking overtime like crazy as they are in full spin trying to manage this and maintain mission critical systems and personnel. Once this is all blown over there's going to be a nice cheque in the mail methinks as there's no way that she'll be able to take it all as time owing - she'd be off the latter half of the entire summer. ;)
Any effect on shipping yet?
Sheesh. Some people are treating this like it's Ebola or something.

the ebola outbreak in west Africa 5 years ago infected around 30,000
kill rate of about 40% = 12,000 dead...took 3 years to run it's course

this bug has only been around for 3 months, has already killed 5,000
if it doesn't get controlled it will make ebola look like a cakewalk
not as deadly a kill rate as ebola, but much easier to spread in the community

the ebola kill rate and swiftness of death actually limit transmission
the infected don't do much walking around
All in person meetings have just been forbidden at my office. Everyone who didn't already have one was given a laptop in expectation we'll be working from home in the future.


Got the email from your plant today. First of its type that I've seen, but I expect more.

The fortunate thing about originally having planned to be on vacation for a couple of weeks starting later this month, is that I don't have anything on the calendar in that timeframe anyhow.

2.27 miles = 3.65 km
Glad my wife saw this coming we have enough food I don't have to go shopping for a month. Funny thing was on Monday Costco was busting at the seams and no one was at Zehrs (Loblaws) I bought a bunch of things there and it was almost deserted and had lots of stock. Seems like you have to go to Costco if you are panicking when the store across the street has no lines.

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
He drives a truck for a living. Wasn't sure if there was a rush to move more around to supply the panic or a screeching halt as there was either a shortage at the warehouse or people preparing for a shutdown and not wanting as much moved.
Man, this is bad. In a city of 7million there's 50 people with Corvid-19. Stock market crashes, major sports cancelled. Schools closing for weeks. Toilet paper and disinfecting hand wipes all sold out.

No need to panic. Only 6% of us are going to die.
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