Strobe /Flash tail light Ontario Rules ..?

IIRC, technically a flashing red light could get you in trouble. That being said, it is only visible to the rear and only flashes for a short period of time so in no way could it be misconstrued as an emergency vehicle. I have never heard of anyone getting in trouble for a flashing brake light.
I have been using them for years and no issues, plus safer in my mind.
Just tap your brake,cheaper farkle. Oh that might not work because you might have to think!

Let me know how that works out for you when you need to stop in a hurry in traffic someday.

Motorcycle stop light flashers can be had for as little as $10.... it's not a huge investment.

Sticky thread in the "Laws/Regulations/HTA" subforum ... Thinking of adding lighting? Read this first.

This very topic is discussed.

Edit: I need to read into things more but I was almost positive the forward facing blue lights restriction was removed, but alas, perhaps I've got bad info...jury remains out. ;)
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I have the integrated tail light on my ninja and it flashes, have never had any problems with police. Judging by how quickly some people fall back after I hit the brakes I'd say it is very effective at freaking them out.
IIRC, technically a flashing red light could get you in trouble. That being said, it is only visible to the rear and only flashes for a short period of time so in no way could it be misconstrued as an emergency vehicle. I have never heard of anyone getting in trouble for a flashing brake light.
My hyper-lites can be set up to flash continually while the brake is applied, or cut one wire and they flash for 5 seconds and then go to high bright.
FWIW I have a module that flashes my rear signals (which I switched to red lenses to stay legal) for 4-5 flashes then keeps them on solid (as a second and third stop light) on my VTX and I've never had any issues at all.
Let me know how that works out for you when you need to stop in a hurry in traffic someday.

Motorcycle stop light flashers can be had for as little as $10.... it's not a huge investment.

Edit: I need to read into things more but I was almost positive the forward facing blue lights restriction was removed, but alas, perhaps I've got bad info...jury remains out. ;)

@PrivatePilot where does one get these light flashers for $10 and how easy are they to install? link?
Mine came with my current bike. Regular tail light is there and stays solid. There are just added LED flashers on the sides
I have a motodynamic tail light...2 quick flashes then solid red....all my riding buddies say it's great. Really gets your attention
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Intermittent red light restricted
(14) Subject to subsections (14.1), (15) and (17.1), no person shall use a lamp, other than turning signal lamps or the vehicular hazard warning signal lamps commonly known as four way flashers, that produces intermittent flashes of red light. 2017, c. 2, Sched. 17, s. 5.
and no portion of a vehicle plate can be obscured....but probably 90% have a dealership or vanity surround or coloured/tinted cover.

Added value tickets not withstanding, anyone ever heard of a ticket for only the plate cover?
I don't think the situation has changed since the earlier thread from years ago. Flashing brake lamps are technically illegal but I'm not aware of anyone who has ever received a ticket for having one, and most reasonable cops would understand and overlook reasonable attempts by vulnerable road users to make themselves more conspicuous. Don't turn your vehicle into what looks like a fire truck in response to applying the brake.
and no portion of a vehicle plate can be obscured....but probably 90% have a dealership or vanity surround or coloured/tinted cover.

Added value tickets not withstanding, anyone ever heard of a ticket for only the plate cover?
I got one for a tinted cover, years ago. The officer pulled me over for an improper left turn and I'm sure it was my mouth that got that ticket. I beat both tickets, and the judge actually called the plate charge other words a waste of his time.

Regarding the flashing tail light, I go pulled over a few weeks ago for a "routine stop" (no tickets), I applied the brakes a few times before we stopped, he didn't say a word about it. He was pretty cool about the whole thing and a rider himself so maybe that's why...
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