Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

The fact is hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe. It's not a matter of will it leak, it's at matter of when will it leak. If hydrogen refuelling stations are required to be as ubiquitous as gasoline stations, I personally wouldn't want to be living anywhere near one.
^ The system that I had involvement with, had leak detection equipment in all critical areas. It's impossible to provide leak detection for every single fitting but it ought to be provided in any area that could be a confined space, indoors, where people are working, and at connection points for refilling.

Hydrogen is extremely difficult to contain. Dealing with it ... is not cheap.
I'm bidding on a job that requires instrumentation in gaseous hydrogen. I ended our scope of work at the inside of the bulkhead fittings that the client needs to supply and install. I'm not interested in those seals being my problem.
Another sad tesla repair story (although not nearly as bad as TFL)

TL: DW hit pothole, wheel, tire, alignment 2700 USD

I finally picked up my Model 3 this week.

The process took forever. My configuration was apparently a unicorn so after 6 weeks of waiting I took whatever they had in stock. I originally ordered a blue long range rear-wheel drive with white interior, 18" standard rims and full self driving.

I settled on a black long range rear-wheel drive with 19" wheels, upgraded white interior and full self driving, This was a demo model with 3200km on so I got a $3100 discount.

I love the car. Auto-pilot is amazing and a new experience. I'm not too happy with the process as many customers aren't. There is too much demand and not enough cars... this was $90k all in taxes and financing.

Good bye fuel fill ups and oil changes!
$90k! Ouch!
$90K you say? Hmmm, lots of choices in that snack bracket. Clearly the decision wasn't based on saving on the cost of fuel, what were the compelling reasons for choosing a Tesla over the other compact luxury sedans?
congrats Link, a truly stand out automobile. Enjoy.

@madmike, there is NOTHING else like it in its class, apart from price tag, I wouldn't agree that there is "lots of choices"
$90K you say? Hmmm, lots of choices in that snack bracket. Clearly the decision wasn't based on saving on the cost of fuel, what were the compelling reasons for choosing a Tesla over the other compact luxury sedans?
Because owning a Tesla is trendy.
90K for a demo model 3 not even optioned the way he wanted it.
Compare the model 3s interior with MB or Audi's in the 70-90K
90k? Wasn't the model 3 supposed to be 45k CAD? To each their own I suppose.

$3200 off for 3100km of test drive mileage seems like the real rip off. Honda knocked off nearly $5k when I bought a demo with 1800km... And that was on a 23k list Fit.
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