HOV Lane....fingers crossed everyone

Driver who caused the crash is obviously at fault but there are soo many HOV slowpokes that I can understand the rage. They will cut across all 4 lanes of the 404 just to sit in the HOV lane to drive 95km/h. Watch the video and the car in the HOV lane is the slowest car on the road. Hopefully Dougie’s speed limit/law changes will address this as it completely negates any benefit of the HOV lane in most situations.

The HOV lane is not the passing lane
What does it matter what speed people are going in the HOV lane? The benefit when used properly is that it should be moving better due to forcing all the single passenger cars into regular lanes. People don't need to be ripping it at 120+ to be effective.
That logic makes some sense when traffic is parked in the main lanes (and I still think they may need to have variable speed limit HOV lanes to minimize closing speeds). When traffic is flowing in the main lanes, it completely falls apart as common courtesy tells you to keep right except to pass. At 100 km/h in the HOV lane you probably have 3+ lanes of traffic passing you on the right. It really matters a lot and causes many dangerous situations (either people passing across the solid line or groups of vehicles passing the slow car on the right during the dotted sections.
All of this could be avoided by staying the f away from the HOV lane if you want to be the slowest car on the highway. You could quite easily and safely do that in the right lane.
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Isn't the HOV lane on the wrong side of the road to begin with?
That logic makes some sense when traffic is parked in the main lanes (and I still think they may need to have variable speed limit HOV lanes to minimize closing speeds). When traffic is flowing in the main lanes, it completely falls apart as common courtesy tells you to keep right except to pass. At 100 km/h in the HOV lane you probably have 3+ lanes of traffic passing you on the right. It really matters a lot and causes many dangerous situations (either people passing across the solid line or groups of vehicles passing the slow car on the right during the dotted sections.
All of this could be avoided by staying the f away from the HOV lane if you want to be the slowest car on the highway. You could quite easily and safely do that in the right lane.
If traffic is flowing in the main lanes the point of the HOV lane is negated and no one should have a reason to be there. I would counter, all of that could be avoided if everyone used the lanes like they are supposed to. 'HOV lane bandits' are not the problem or the solution.
If it were on the right, everybody would have to cross it to get on and off the highway.
Thus creating congestion.
Seattle puts them on the right. They worked fine when I used them. Obviously it can create some problems are you are potentially merging into fast traffic and then merging again into much slower traffic. IIRC all the HOV roads had variable speed limits (electronic signs, I don't know who/what determined the speed limit).
If it were on the right, everybody would have to cross it to get on and off the highway.
Thus creating congestion.

Wouldn’t it create congestion either way? You now have buses, etc. limited to 110km/h trying to cross several lanes that would be doing 120+ to get into the HOV lane.
imho Just seemed totally wrong from the first time I seen it, let's drive all the cars and busses stuffed to capacity towards the guardrail and see how that works. Would make perfect sense if it was an express bus lane and all the cars stuffed full of people were headed to the next city and didn't need to get to the exits.
WOW what a prick.

Driver who caused the crash is obviously at fault but there are soo many HOV slowpokes that I can understand the rage. They will cut across all 4 lanes of the 404 just to sit in the HOV lane to drive 95km/h. Watch the video and the car in the HOV lane is the slowest car on the road. Hopefully Dougie’s speed limit/law changes will address this as it completely negates any benefit of the HOV lane in most situations.

As frustrating as it might be, people seem to forget that the HOV lane is not a fast/passing lane... so if you're held up, that's your problem. The guy in the fast lane not passing is the guy that's in the wrong IMO. Either way, it wouldn't have warranted that kind of rage. Hope they catch the guy.
WOW what a prick.

As frustrating as it might be, people seem to forget that the HOV lane is not a fast/passing lane... so if you're held up, that's your problem. The guy in the fast lane not passing is the guy that's in the wrong IMO. Either way, it wouldn't have warranted that kind of rage. Hope they catch the guy.
While the HOV lane isnt a passing lane, it should absolutely be a fast lane. The whole point of it is to incentivize people to not have to wait in traffic so they reach their destination faster.
Its all a joke anyway. Technically going 101kph is breaking the law and subject to a fine, yet we are encouraged to stay in the left lane when passing (obviously going to have to "speed" to pass).
The limit should be raised to 120, there should be a minimum speed of 100 in all lanes except HOV and left lane.
Drivers driving slowly in the left lane cause accidents.
People are so **** at driving here they dont even merge onto the highway correctly. Merge lane is 500m long and they are trying to merge at 80 kph.
Merging onto the highway at insufficient speeds causes accidents and I would like to see people given tickets for it. Far more dangerous than doing 150 on a highway like the 407 when no traffic is around.
The red light runners I see everywhere and slow drivers in the left lane are FAR more dangerous than the people doing 150 when the flow of traffic is doing 130-135.
Today was the day! After 2 years I finally saw YRP ticketing cheaters in the HWY 7 HOV lanes. Their presence saved me about 10 minutes on my afternoon commute.

Please come back tomorrow
While the HOV lane isnt a passing lane, it should absolutely be a fast lane. The whole point of it is to incentivize people to not have to wait in traffic so they reach their destination faster.
Its all a joke anyway. Technically going 101kph is breaking the law and subject to a fine, yet we are encouraged to stay in the left lane when passing (obviously going to have to "speed" to pass).
The limit should be raised to 120, there should be a minimum speed of 100 in all lanes except HOV and left lane.
Drivers driving slowly in the left lane cause accidents.
People are so **** at driving here they dont even merge onto the highway correctly. Merge lane is 500m long and they are trying to merge at 80 kph.
Merging onto the highway at insufficient speeds causes accidents and I would like to see people given tickets for it. Far more dangerous than doing 150 on a highway like the 407 when no traffic is around.
The red light runners I see everywhere and slow drivers in the left lane are FAR more dangerous than the people doing 150 when the flow of traffic is doing 130-135.
What the heck is a fast lane?
While the HOV lane isnt a passing lane, it should absolutely be a fast lane. The whole point of it is to incentivize people to not have to wait in traffic so they reach their destination faster.
Its all a joke anyway. Technically going 101kph is breaking the law and subject to a fine, yet we are encouraged to stay in the left lane when passing (obviously going to have to "speed" to pass).
The limit should be raised to 120, there should be a minimum speed of 100 in all lanes except HOV and left lane.
Drivers driving slowly in the left lane cause accidents.
People are so **** at driving here they dont even merge onto the highway correctly. Merge lane is 500m long and they are trying to merge at 80 kph.
Merging onto the highway at insufficient speeds causes accidents and I would like to see people given tickets for it. Far more dangerous than doing 150 on a highway like the 407 when no traffic is around.
The red light runners I see everywhere and slow drivers in the left lane are FAR more dangerous than the people doing 150 when the flow of traffic is doing 130-135.

I don't see the benefit in making an HOV lane a fast lane. The point of the HOV lane is to allow vehicles to maintain a faster speed than the regular lanes when there is congestion causing them to fall below the speed limit. IMO that lane should have the strictest speed limit since you will get where you need to go faster when there is bad traffic, and if not, you don't need it anyways. The point of the lane isn't to be able to go over 100 if the far left lane is being held up by someone going 100.
I don't see the benefit in making an HOV lane a fast lane. The point of the HOV lane is to allow vehicles to maintain a faster speed than the regular lanes when there is congestion causing them to fall below the speed limit. IMO that lane should have the strictest speed limit since you will get where you need to go faster when there is bad traffic, and if not, you don't need it anyways. The point of the lane isn't to be able to go over 100 if the far left lane is being held up by someone going 100.
If they want to flow the highest safe volume through a roadway, having the left and right lanes going ~100 km/h and the centre lanes going faster is definitely not the way to do it.
Your argument is decent until you get to "if not, you don't need it anyways". People are dumb. That is exactly the time where some knob parks in HOV at 95 or 100 km/h and causes a traffic mess. HOV should always be moving at least as fast as the left conventional lane. If you don't want to exceed 100 km/h, never leave the right lane (or stay off the highway). Legal or not, 100 km/h is well below the flow of traffic (outside of rush hours).
If they want to flow the highest safe volume through a roadway, having the left and right lanes going ~100 km/h and the centre lanes going faster is definitely not the way to do it.
Your argument is decent until you get to "if not, you don't need it anyways". People are dumb. That is exactly the time where some knob parks in HOV at 95 or 100 km/h and causes a traffic mess. HOV should always be moving at least as fast as the left conventional lane. If you don't want to exceed 100 km/h, never leave the right lane (or stay off the highway). Legal or not, 100 km/h is well below the flow of traffic (outside of rush hours).
So because everyone else can't drive the people should not use the HOV lane as intended? Hah.

If anything it's the perfect example of why people in Ontario won't conform to use the road how it's intended. And to think there's people that want lane splitting/filtering dumped on all the cagers? We are not ready.
If they want to flow the highest safe volume through a roadway, having the left and right lanes going ~100 km/h and the centre lanes going faster is definitely not the way to do it.
Your argument is decent until you get to "if not, you don't need it anyways". People are dumb. That is exactly the time where some knob parks in HOV at 95 or 100 km/h and causes a traffic mess. HOV should always be moving at least as fast as the left conventional lane. If you don't want to exceed 100 km/h, never leave the right lane (or stay off the highway). Legal or not, 100 km/h is well below the flow of traffic (outside of rush hours).

I do think that with that double solid line does a fairly good job at separating that HOV lane from the other 3. If people just treated it the way it was meant to be, I don't see how there would be an issue. If someone is going say 100 or 110 in an HOV lane that is somewhat segregated by two solid lines while someone in the far left lane to their right is doing 120/130, I don't see much of a safety issue there. If someone is going 120/130 in the HOV lane while traffic is at a crawl or well below the speed limit, that's where things start to get sketchy.

This was put into perspective during the Pan Am games a few years ago. They opened up the far left lane to be temporary specialty lane that bikes could use as well. It was pretty amazing, but I remember heading south on the DVP the first time I used it, I was going about 90-100km/hr in a completely free and clear lane. It felt safe when traffic in the regular lane to my right was going 20 or so km slower than me, but when I hit a pocket where traffic stopped and I held my speed, it was questionable at best... You'd have people cut out in front of you last second trying to boot it up to speed. This is really why I don't see any benefit to promoting higher speeds in HOV lanes.
I do think that with that double solid line does a fairly good job at separating that HOV lane from the other 3. If people just treated it the way it was meant to be, I don't see how there would be an issue. If someone is going say 100 or 110 in an HOV lane that is somewhat segregated by two solid lines while someone in the far left lane to their right is doing 120/130, I don't see much of a safety issue there. If someone is going 120/130 in the HOV lane while traffic is at a crawl or well below the speed limit, that's where things start to get sketchy.

This was put into perspective during the Pan Am games a few years ago. They opened up the far left lane to be temporary specialty lane that bikes could use as well. It was pretty amazing, but I remember heading south on the DVP the first time I used it, I was going about 90-100km/hr in a completely free and clear lane. It felt safe when traffic in the regular lane to my right was going 20 or so km slower than me, but when I hit a pocket where traffic stopped and I held my speed, it was questionable at best... You'd have people cut out in front of you last second trying to boot it up to speed. This is really why I don't see any benefit to promoting higher speeds in HOV lanes.
Happens all the time, people get fed up and ILLEGALLY cross the solid lines into HOV and just expect the person coming to dump their brakes. A rider died from this last year on the 403 if i recall.

Years ago some douche did something similar to me (in my car) on the 401 express just before Yonge St collectors exit. I was in far right lane going 100ish and all lanes to the left of me were completely stopped. Guy in Cadillac about 15 cars ahead just pulls out into the lane and i slam on the brakes and swerve to go around him on the shoulder. I come to a stop and stare at him in the rear view mirror, telling myself if he gets close enough i was going to jump out and beat his ass. He crept forward a bit and just sat a few cars behind me. I calmed down and drove on but i'll never forget it and since then i treat stopped lanes cautiously like my life depends on it now.

This mentality is likely what saved my accident last summer from being worse.
It felt safe when traffic in the regular lane to my right was going 20 or so km slower than me, but when I hit a pocket where traffic stopped and I held my speed, it was questionable at best... You'd have people cut out in front of you last second trying to boot it up to speed. This is really why I don't see any benefit to promoting higher speeds in HOV lanes.

This is true for all the City HOV lanes, you need to be extra careful when there is such a difference in lane speeds. TBH, i feel more at risk riding the HOV's lane on Don Mills for this very reason than any other time on my bike. Cagers just don't care to do proper shoulder checks when changing lanes.
This is true for all the City HOV lanes, you need to be extra careful when there is such a difference in lane speeds. TBH, i feel more at risk riding the HOV's lane on Don Mills for this very reason than any other time on my bike. Cagers just don't care to do proper shoulder checks when changing lanes.

This is true. I used to commute from downtown and take Don Mills from the DVP. I was going 60km/h in the HOV lane on the far right and a cab shot out in front of me from a stand still and I missed rear ending him by inches. When he heard me honk and saw how close I came to hitting him in his rear view he had the nerve to stop his car, roll down the window and yell back at me... screaming I was speeding like a mad man. I almost completely lost it. Yes, I was going 60km/hr faster than you, but don't be a knob and pull out in front of me from a stop and then accuse me of speeding. I remembered his customer in the back seat had a horrified look on her face.
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