HOV Lane....fingers crossed everyone

Yes, there is a thing called agile office that is starting to slowly show up here. When I went to work in London England in 2012, they had this already in place, and it meant that we worked 2-3 days in office and 2-3 days offsite at home or wherever we wanted. It worked great.
For many many office jobs, even real flex hours makes commuting much easier with little to no negative impact on the business. Something like you should be in the office between 10:00 and 14:00. All meetings/interactions are scheduled during this time. Again, my old job theoretically allowed flex hours, but if it was 15 minutes after the office opened, the boss would start calling people to find out where they were. Not so flexible.
For many many office jobs, even real flex hours makes commuting much easier with little to no negative impact on the business. Something like you should be in the office between 10:00 and 14:00. All meetings/interactions are scheduled during this time. Again, my old job theoretically allowed flex hours, but if it was 15 minutes after the office opened, the boss would start calling people to find out where they were. Not so flexible.
Yeah, currently we have somewhat flexible starting hours, it's great for those days where you just need another hour of sleep before hitting the spreadsheets.
today would be a great day to have the HOV lane for bike. 403 west bound was bunching up
If planning on going on a quick rip ditch your jacket liner it's so nice out!
today would be a great day to have the HOV lane for bike. 403 west bound was bunching up
If planning on going on a quick rip ditch your jacket liner it's so nice out!
The jacket is to prevent skin grafts, not keep me warm and toasty.
fwiw I found that if you live more downtown and commute outward for work, rush hour wasn't near as big of an issue, much of the time you are traveling the opposite direction of major traffic.
That worked when on night shift downtown too. Unfortunately the rest of the time it's back to coming in like the rest of the drones.
So is this rule change with single occupant bikes allowed in the provincial HOV lanes actually happening?
Looks like it is. New rules also keep special status for EVs on 40x hws. EV's can't use regional highways and city routes unless there are 2 occupants.
Okay we can put this one to bed.

As per 22 Division officer;

Improper use of City of Toronto HOV lanes is a by-law infraction. At no point would Police write any other ticket as useage under HTA applies only to provincial HOV lanes.
Okay we can put this one to bed.

As per 22 Division officer;

Well then screw that I'm using my car on Don Mills HOV lanes all the time during rush hour. A one time ticket that won't affect your insurance makes it worth the brutal backlog during rush hour. Especially when the odds of getting caught are pretty low.
Is there any update regarding this? I heard it will be allowed soon, but I don't see anywhere regarding this in the news
It was nice to see motorcycles allowed on the Vancouver HOV lanes ......didn't need them as traffic was light and easier to navigate closer to the exits but could see in rush hour how bike friendly it would be.
I share the concern of others in that drivers are idiots. I've had plenty of times where someone decides to pull out through the forbidden zone into the HOV lane because they got fed up waiting in traffic, causing myself and others to slam our brakes in order not to ram their car. Then get the finger because I honk at them. I've also seen the video of the motorcyclist riding (illegally IIRC) in the HOV lane and getting killed by the SUV entering the lane.
I guess the best method would be to ride the left side of the lane so that you allow yourself an easier exit path on the shoulder to avoid it...but not sure if I'd feel confident driving 80-100kph with a dead stop lane to the right.
Wish they just made them separated by a hard barrier which would alleviate a lot of these issues. Then I'm all in for HOV on motorcycle.
I share the concern of others in that drivers are idiots. I've had plenty of times where someone decides to pull out through the forbidden zone into the HOV lane because they got fed up waiting in traffic, causing myself and others to slam our brakes in order not to ram their car. Then get the finger because I honk at them. I've also seen the video of the motorcyclist riding (illegally IIRC) in the HOV lane and getting killed by the SUV entering the lane.
I guess the best method would be to ride the left side of the lane so that you allow yourself an easier exit path on the shoulder to avoid it...but not sure if I'd feel confident driving 80-100kph with a dead stop lane to the right.
Wish they just made them separated by a hard barrier which would alleviate a lot of these issues. Then I'm all in for HOV on motorcycle.
issue with that is snowplowing during the other 5 months of the year.
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