Princess Auto brake bleeder kit

All you need is a piece of clear tubing that fits over your bleed nipple & a cup. The pressure of the brake lever or pedal is sufficient to pump fluid. On a bike you can reach the caliper and lever at the same time for a one-man job, unlike a car where the pedal is inside.
I have the exact kit (cup, hoses and fittings), minus the fancy pump that I bought at Canadian Tire years ago for like $10. Works every time.
Make sure what ever you use, the hose is tight on the nipple. And if you get brake fluid on the paint and do not wipe it off in time, you wont be happy.
I bought a brake bleeder off amazon.
Its basically lengths of tubing and a one way valve.

Install the tubing over the nipple, crack the bolt and just squeeze the lever repeatedly.

Fluid and bubbles bleed out but don't allow fluid to backflow into the lines.

Was able to do a full fluid flush and bleed f&r calipers and f&r masters in honestly less than 10min.
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I bought the MightyVac one online. I'd only give it a 6/10 in terms of function, although it is reasonably durable.
This.No silly gadget is needed.

Not needed, but it can make the job a LOT easier.
How did you bleed the rear caliper on your 900SS? You either remove the caliper and hold it above the master... or use something like this.
If you're playing with cars, you'll need something like one of these to bleed the ABS pump.

I have a couple of those kits, from various sources, the CTC and Princess Auto ones are junk (but they work). I do a lot of brakes.

What gets most use though is a large, 100ml I think, hypodermic syringe, that came from a veterinarian, total cost about $2, been using it for 20 years, works better than these kits on bikes, not really big enough for cars and trucks.
Looks like this:
Not needed, but it can make the job a LOT easier.
How did you bleed the rear caliper on your 900SS? You either remove the caliper and hold it above the master... or use something like this.
If you're playing with cars, you'll need something like one of these to bleed the ABS pump.

I have a couple of those kits, from various sources, the CTC and Princess Auto ones are junk (but they work). I do a lot of brakes.

What gets most use though is a large, 100ml I think, hypodermic syringe, that came from a veterinarian, total cost about $2, been using it for 20 years, works better than these kits on bikes, not really big enough for cars and trucks.
Looks like this:

I unbolted the caliper and clamped it in my B&D workmate beside the bike and above the master a few inches with a chunk of wood between the pads.I have a mity-vac and only use it to suck old fluid out of reservoirs.I can see where it could be helpful with cars tho.
A syringe is really helpful for topping up my Ossa's rear brake (thumb size) reservoir when bleeding.
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As one person can bleed the brakes on a bike it isnt needed. If you want to get something fancy look into speed bleeders.
This.No silly gadget is needed.

If you can spend a few bucks on a tool to make life easier, and save time why wouldn't you?

That's like saying why buy a new fangled washing machine when using a rock in the river water works just fine... hahaha
I have the Mityvac version which is the same. Yes it speeds up the job and works great. Worth it for the money. Used to use it on my trackbike at lunchtime as the front would get spongy by then. 5min job trackside.
Make sure you've got a good seal. I also found it helpful to always leave a bit of brake fluid in the line so that there's always a bit of fluid between the bleeder and air (less chance of any air getting in the line.
I bought a brake bleeder off amazon.
Its basically lengths of tubing and a one way valve.

Install the tubing over the nipple, crack the bolt and just squeeze the lever repeatedly.

Fluid and bubbles bleed out but don't allow fluid to backflow into the lines.

Was able to do a full fluid flush and bleed f&r calipers and f&r masters in honestly less than 10min.
I bought the same thing at Royal Distributing. Love it.

Sent from my SM-A500W using Tapatalk
I have used that same PA vacuum bleeder for maybe 8-10 years now, works great! The first one I had stopped building pressure after a few years, Princess Auto exchanged it without a receipt.

Can bleed front and back brakes in a few minutes, worth the price for me.
I have used that same PA vacuum bleeder for maybe 8-10 years now, works great! The first one I had stopped building pressure after a few years, Princess Auto exchanged it without a receipt.

Can bleed front and back brakes in a few minutes, worth the price for me.
I had the same one from PA. Worked once, and never sealed right again. Total junk.

Pick up a farm syringe from TSC, (3 pack for two bucks), and some 1/4" tubing.

Sent from my SM-G903W using Tapatalk
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