Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: So Three Ontario Cops Walk Into A Courtroom...

Sounds fishy unless the tahoe was some special police edition just because a stock tahoe is speed limited to around 180 kph.

GM moved the limiter from 100 mph (~161 km/h)? I didn't realize they had different settings for different trucks.

I can't imagine police would buy a vehicle without the limiter defeated in any case.
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Re: So Three Ontario Cops Walk Into A Courtroom...

Can this include the useless? Anybody watch the TPS press conference today where acting Superintendent Barsky could only say (paraphrased) "we are aware of a threat but we can't tell you where it came from, where it possibly effects, the timeline, what we are doing to protect the public (beyond increased police presence) or anything else". Why have a press conference when you aren't allowed to say a single thing?

The media has now gotten ahold of an internal police memo warning of a potential vehicle ramming attack. Did the police actually think that a memo would stay private?

Does it change the activities of the bad guys if you publicly announce vehicle attack vs increased police presence? I doubt it. Does it change the behavior of the public if you mention vehicle ramming vs increased police presence? I think so. I would pay more attention when walking around and stay close to posts to give me a fighting chance.

TPS responded to memo leak:
The Toronto police replied to CityNews and other media via Twitter on Thursday afternoon, stating that the document was “a draft operational plan that was never approved."

I think releasing the entire response plan is a terrible idea, but if you have a credible threat of a specific style of attack, releasing the expected mechanism of attack seems reasonable.
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It's been a while since this thread saw action.

I don't know which category this belongs under. 20+ armed Toronto police officers appear to pepper spray and/or taser a man with a knife and he keeps going. Eventually (40 seconds in video), they straight up run him over with a police car. Initially reported as minor injuries but now SIU has thrown up the curtain of silence. No *&^$. Going under the wheels of a car sounds like more than minor injuries to me.

It's been a while since this thread saw action.

I don't know which category this belongs under. 20+ armed Toronto police officers appear to pepper spray and/or taser a man with a knife and he keeps going. Eventually (40 seconds in video), they straight up run him over with a police car. Initially reported as minor injuries but now SIU has thrown up the curtain of silence. No *&^$. Going under the wheels of a car sounds like more than minor injuries to me.

Looked like he was chasing someone with a Crockadile Dundee knife when the police arrived. I'm not sure how easily they could get a taser on him with the chase, and that overcoat. They bumped him once with the car, and he kept going. Looked like he wasn't planning on stopping until they shot him.
It's been a while since this thread saw action.

I don't know which category this belongs under. 20+ armed Toronto police officers appear to pepper spray and/or taser a man with a knife and he keeps going. Eventually (40 seconds in video), they straight up run him over with a police car. Initially reported as minor injuries but now SIU has thrown up the curtain of silence. No *&^$. Going under the wheels of a car sounds like more than minor injuries to me.

Looks like a job well done to me. (y)

Guy had a knife, they subdued him without killing him and without any civilians being injured or killed in the process.

Mission accomplished.
Looks like a job well done to me. (y)

Guy had a knife, they subdued him without killing him and without any civilians being injured or killed in the process.

Mission accomplished.
I don't disagree. I don't know what the correct course of action is when confronted with that situation. They seemed to try other options before running him over. I would think that a bean bag gun could get the job done safely but I wasn't there so I may be wrong.
I don't disagree. I don't know what the correct course of action is when confronted with that situation. They seemed to try other options before running him over. I would think that a bean bag gun could get the job done safely but I wasn't there so I may be wrong.
Or a baseball bat.
I don't disagree. I don't know what the correct course of action is when confronted with that situation. They seemed to try other options before running him over. I would think that a bean bag gun could get the job done safely but I wasn't there so I may be wrong.

They didn't use a bean bag for the same reason they didn't shoot him... background. I would think that if someone had a clear shot then they would have taken it.
They could have a long list of Monday morning QB "less lethal" weapons but it is not practical to have them all on their belts (regular officers) or even in their cars. Then there is training and even cost considerations. Different tactical situations may call for different weapons. Waiting for the ETF (more tools) to roll in from Don Mills may not be an option.

Beanbag gun, large rubber bullets, some sort of net gun, just a huge net, taser, sonic cannon, whatever. A taser would not have worked on this guy due to his coat (did he think of this or was it just a coincidence?), so that was off the table. Next best less lethal option they had on hand, the car...a good outcome and call IMO.

The risk for a using a firearm (specifically handgun) was likely too high given the situation.
TO police seem to have had some useful use of force training. Another confrontational moron taken down without being shot (although he might have deserved it, those were big rocks and the cop would have been in trouble if she got brained).

Entire video

Lethbridge police on the other had may need some more training. Multiple officers took down a stormtrooper at gunpoint (including patrol carbines) in front of a Sci-fi store on May the 4th. Yes they needed to investigate, but I think they should have been able to avoid having her handcuffed with a cop on her back.

Watched a Mark Saunders press conference on the 100 High Park death (Regis Korchinski-Paquet off a 24th floor balcony). He is getting much better at press conferences with time. He answered questions instead of dodging and provided solid reasoning as to why things developed the way they did. He is trying to get body cams fast-tracked and wants a faster program for release of facts from SIU as he dislikes the vacuum that exists when the invoke their mandate and the subsequent battering of police in the court of public opinion.
Watched a Mark Saunders press conference on the 100 High Park death (Regis Korchinski-Paquet off a 24th floor balcony). He is getting much better at press conferences with time. He answered questions instead of dodging and provided solid reasoning as to why things developed the way they did. He is trying to get body cams fast-tracked and wants a faster program for release of facts from SIU as he dislikes the vacuum that exists when the invoke their mandate and the subsequent battering of police in the court of public opinion.
Well crap, just when he was starting to get good he's out.

Idsinga would seem to be a good option, but I can't see a white chief being put in right now.
i wonder if this has something to do with the highpark ordeal?
Matlow and Wong-Tam trying to defund the police by 10% isn't something I would want to deal with either.

He has 37 years in TPS, I think he has five years as chief so his pension is basically maxed out.

He basically said he would come back as a free-agent. My guess is he picks up the 100M potentially cut from TPS to work on social programs (whether the ex-police chief is the correct leader for those programs is another question).
Well, the police have significant skin in the game to not reduce funding. Personally I lost trust for them when the police budget was under threat a while back and we were at peak gang related shootings....the force started cutting from guns and gangs. WTF.

For mental health checks, it is not politically correct to do so but the family and friends that sat back or didn't do enough and let it decay to that point need to take some responsibility, it is not all the police's fault--they were just the last point of contact. At the same time they really need specialized officers for this type of thing....
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