Joe Bass' technology woes thread

Removed the printer from the computer.
Followed link that TW posted
Reinstalled drivers
Laptop says device is now ready to print
Press print.........

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Removed the printer from the computer.
Followed link that TW posted
Reinstalled drivers
Laptop says device is now ready to print
Press print.........

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app

This may come back to cloud print. Make sure that the printer you have selected is a local printer. Sometimes google tries to take over control and makes the cloud print copy the default printer (and it works poorly).
Put up your 2 $80 cartridges on kijiji. Ask how to install the new printer here ONCE. When it runs out of ink, donate it to someplace that would appreciate a new printer. Instead of paying ~$40 for another ink cartridge (each, for black and colour) buy the SAME printer again for $30. You wont have to ask how to install it because you already did. Better still, if you are only out of black ink, keep the colour cartridge and put it in the new printer (don't open the new colour cartridge). Sooner or later you should end up with a few new colour cartridges and can then use that savings to buy a ~$40 black cartridge instead of a new printer. The new black cartridge should last about as long as the 3 or so colour cartridges. When you run out of one or the other again, donate the printer and start over again.

This procedure came from a Staples manager when I was shopping for ink cartridges.

or just refill the black ink. I get at least a few refills of the black cartridge before needing a new one.
or just refill the black ink. I get at least a few refills of the black cartridge before needing a new one.
Costco (some locations) now do $10 ink refills. Gonna use that to fill the cartridges for the hp psc1200
This may come back to cloud print. Make sure that the printer you have selected is a local printer. Sometimes google tries to take over control and makes the cloud print copy the default printer (and it works poorly).
Stopped using cloud print once I removed my old pc. That is the one that the network/ homegroup was based out of....
Now I did manage to get the hp 1200 to spit out some copies (yay!), but damn I hate the lack of speed and the laserjet is so much more clear.

And then.....
Remember when I said that I was useless at this stuff?? I'm sure many of you took for granted that I know the basics -- please don't lol
I was trying to print attachments from my gmail
My laptop doesn't have office installed, so don't have word to open files. So I opened with google docs and that's where I was trying to print with the 3030. Out of desperation I pressed the ctrl shift p to print, and lo and behold that worked!!!
Now why tf would that make a difference??

Also, did I mention you guys are all awesome and I really need to buy a round of ice cream??
Time for a glass or two of your favourite beverage.
Splitting headache...related ro my eye I believe. Back on the T3. No drinks tonight.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Last edited:

free, open source office suite with an excellent word processor
can open and edit .doc and .docx Word files
So attempted with the kid's pc
Everything installed
Went through setup
Have disk
But still
Won't print
Says there are items in the queue when I open the printer.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Hey Joe Bass, check to make sure that you have deleted any previous wrong drivers, so that you are not accidentally trying to print using them.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Hey Joe Bass, check to make sure that you have deleted any previous wrong drivers, so that you are not accidentally trying to print using them.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Oh, good idea!
You know, you can never dumb it down enough when it comes to me and tech....brb

Oh look, 2 drivers for the printer. Let me delete the old one, now pick this one...and press print....
And now it prints.

Fyi, Google really SUCKED in trying to solve this for me.
It was you guys and your links. Which I know, some of which came from Google but I got a Google FU from Google U.
Thanks again.
Till we meet again. And yes. We WILL meet again.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Rogers ignite 100 or 150 internet. HiTron modem. PC connected via LAN. 3 phones, 2 tablets, and sometimes a laptop connected via WiFi.
Samsung S4 and LG G4 are losing signal intermittently. LG G5 and Samsung tablets no issues.
Tried rebooting modem (un plugged it) restared phone. Connected via 5g connection. Still losing connectivity.
Google/ YT said something about logging into the modem (is that by typing 162.etc?) and taking off auto channel select and then manually picking a channel.
Is there another fix that I should look at first?
Getting so annoying. #FirstWorldProblems

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
No harm in trying to change the channel. I highly recommend:

This will tell you which channels have the least traffic.

To log in, navigate to your default gateway:

The most common are:

If none of these work, start up a cmd prompt and type in:


look for the IP of the default gateway.

Username and password are typically on the back/bottom of the router. If not, google the model name and find the default credentials.
Thanks for the feedback @AES. Just curious, as you said no harm to be done....any chance of messing up the connectivity of the devices that are not having issues?

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
No harm in trying to change the channel. I highly recommend:

This will tell you which channels have the least traffic.

To log in, navigate to your default gateway:

The most common are:

If none of these work, start up a cmd prompt and type in:


look for the IP of the default gateway.

Username and password are typically on the back/bottom of the router. If not, google the model name and find the default credentials.

Then change at least the password and write down the changes on some tape and stick it to the modem.
Thanks for the feedback @AES. Just curious, as you said no harm to be done....any chance of messing up the connectivity of the devices that are not having issues?

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app

They will probably disconnect for a few seconds, but connection should resume as normal.

Worst case you need to turn the WiFi on the device off and on, but I highly doubt you'll need to even do it.
There are 4 or 5 other ppl on the same channel range as me. It lists 1-14. 14 being the only channel in the range with no activity.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
dual band router Joe? 2.4 and 5gHz ?

the 5gHz band is less crowded, but does not go through walls etc. very well
can you try the troublesome devices on the 2.4 gHz band?
I was on the 2.4. Just switched to the 5 a few hours ago. Same phone I have been using for a few months. Same place in the house I am using it from. Only change that I can think of was we moved the modem from behind the printer to a shelf above the printer.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
There are a couple of google phone apps that show the signal strength and channels of Wireless Routers in the vicinity.

Maybe try checking one of them to find a channel to use.
Do you have air conditioning? The hot weather can screw with your router/modem as well.

I'm assuming your modem and wifi router are a single unit? Otherwise doing anything with the modem rather than the router will have no affect on wifi signal. Only mentioning it because sometimes people are messing with the wrong piece of the puzzle.
Sorry @unL33T, I never got the notification that you posted here.
Yes to A/C
Yes to just one unit, the Rogers Hitron.

Kept having issues after trying a few suggestions here. Called Rogers tech support and they told me to switch the modem.
So I go get the gigabit modem...they tell me it is the easiest set up....I get home and of course, it doesn't set up. I call and find out that there is a known "provisioning" issue when customers swap out modems and can take 48 hours to get back online.
And today was a PA day, little guy freaking with no YT lol. Luckily he likes to still actually play with toys and go outside.
Bigger issue is the older boy comes back from a school trip today. He is having friends over tomorrow and they were gonna play super smash online.
What I'm ****** about is if it is a known issue, make me aware. I would have waited until Monday as the Wii and the PC are hardwired.
I really hate all this ish.
Oh, and we've burned through a gig of wireless data in 24 hours.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
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