Joe Bass' technology woes thread

Should be just the pair of six socket plugs. There's a clip on the plug and the plug is keyed to go in one way, so that should be it. Make sure that everything is seated correctly including the card in the slot.

I'd pop by to help, but I'm 400 km away again.
The little cables are just removable pieces to make the connector a 6 pin or an 8 pin. That thing has two 6 pin connectors.

This sounds dumb but maybe just pull the video card out, plug it back in and make sure it is firmly seated. It should be locked by a small plastic clip at the bottom (sometimes that clip is broken off, in which case don't worry about it) and those connectors should be in firmly too (they normally click into place).

If you find yourself down here I could take a look

(Also holy crap that thing has an IDE cable)
Looks like it's going to the 320 Barracuda. Joe don't worry about this btw
Looks like it's going to the 320 Barracuda. Joe don't worry about this btw
You're right. I does look that way. I still have tons of IDE drives kicking around.
Looks like it's going to the 320 Barracuda. Joe don't worry about this btw
Lol you know me so well! I was already wtfing lol

So update:
Made sure that the gpu (is that right?) was in properly. Then we realized that neither of us restarted the pc (this was being done while multitasking. So restart, made sure drivers were installed, and Bam! working!
He tried Overwatch and said that his fps went from 18-20 to 70. His words were "this is infinitely better".
He fired off a ty text to @baggsy from my phone, but allow me once again to express my gratitude to him, and everyone else for always helping.
I will have more issues in the near future, as we are finally getting rid of the aging pc that was our central hub (printer/ modem/ etc), and moving the kid's pc there. I am assuming that I will have to re set up the homegroup? Because as stated before, no WiFi printer, so will have to share through the pc. But, that is for another post lol.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Wow <20 fps would have been almost unplayable. Glad you got it working again JB. How is your eye doing?
Getting better, thank you.
Still have the gas bubble, so blurry vision. And my eye can almost open fully now. Swelling is minimal, but still some random pain. Next followup on Monday. Everything seems to be going as expected, so that it good.
Thanks for your concern.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Lol you know me so well! I was already wtfing lol

So update:
Made sure that the gpu (is that right?) was in properly. Then we realized that neither of us restarted the pc (this was being done while multitasking. So restart, made sure drivers were installed, and Bam! working!
He tried Overwatch and said that his fps went from 18-20 to 70. His words were "this is infinitely better".
He fired off a ty text to @baggsy from my phone, but allow me once again to express my gratitude to him, and everyone else for always helping.
I will have more issues in the near future, as we are finally getting rid of the aging pc that was our central hub (printer/ modem/ etc), and moving the kid's pc there. I am assuming that I will have to re set up the homegroup? Because as stated before, no WiFi printer, so will have to share through the pc. But, that is for another post lol.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app

He was just commenting that the big fat cable going to the drive is way old technology. New is SATA which is way skinnier.

You should definitely avoid connecting and disconnecting things inside the computer while it is on. Don't do that or you'll be back with many more questions. lol
You should definitely avoid connecting and disconnecting things inside the computer while it is on. Don't do that or you'll be back with many more questions. lol

Haha, questions like "What's that smell" and "Can I put the smoke back in to make it work again".
I guess we cannot overlook the obvious with me. ?

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app did the dis/connections while it was powered on????? that case, a reminder.....don't clean your chain with the bike on.
So restart, made sure drivers were installed, and Bam! working!
He tried Overwatch and said that his fps went from 18-20 to 70. His words were "this is infinitely better".
So did he eat his "useless and hated" words? My guess is no.
So did he eat his "useless and hated" words? My guess is no.
And you would be correct.
But he did say "thanks Dad". I'm gonna chalk that up as a win for me. Raising teens is tough.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Lucky I put it in an antistatic bag. ;)
Why can't I just plug my usb printer in and print?!?! ???
Won't work with the laptop, netbook, pc or chromebook!
And I am *pretty sure* all the drivers are installed. I tried the troubleshooter on the laptop and it wants administrator access ( win 7, kid at work took off vista and installed this. Possibly a non genuine copy)

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
I tried the troubleshooter on the laptop and it wants administrator access
You need admin access to do pretty much anything. Just click yes.
You need admin access to do pretty much anything. Just click yes.
Will do that.
Old laptop but works for me....just slow.
Will report back after I have tried it.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
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