France terror again

goes to show you don't need bombs or bullets to inflict harm
eventually we will get to real discussions as to what these people want
It was said that some want the US troops our of Saudi Arabia (Mecca).

But then again, this is the new norm and do we really ever know who is behind some of this stuff trying to stir up a war in other places...not like that does or has not happened.
Won't be long before it happens in Canada. People get what they vote for. You vote for the people who let these morons in, you get what you deserve.
^pls no.

This is so unjust, uncalled for and unreal. Some people suck.
Won't be long before it happens in Canada. People get what they vote for. You vote for the people who let these morons in, you get what you deserve.

I just posted this elsewhere, but it seems more needed here.. watch this and wake up. Your hate in misplaced dude

goes to show you don't need bombs or bullets to inflict harm
eventually we will get to real discussions as to what these people want
It was said that some want the US troops our of Saudi Arabia (Mecca).

But then again, this is the new norm and do we really ever know who is behind some of this stuff trying to stir up a war in other places...not like that does or has not happened.

The driver was using a gun as well from what I read on CNN

  • Truck driver shot into crowds before plowing into people for around 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) until he was shot to death by authorities

Not sure how many were killed by the truck and the gun, not that it matters, a devastating and tragic event.
Ban trucks
I just posted this elsewhere, but it seems more needed here.. watch this and wake up. Your hate in misplaced dude


Because the very act of having a country with borders to protect the people who live there is racist. I see. So logical.
Because the very act of having a country with borders to protect the people who live there is racist. I see. So logical.

Won't be long before it happens in Canada. People get what they vote for. You vote for the people who let these morons in, you get what you deserve.

So who are THESE morons you refer to? Immigrants of otherly decent? The accused was a French-Tunisian (do you know the history of Tunisia?) who snapped when his wife left him from the most recent I've read. The fact that he took up residency in France at some point has no bearing, and the notion of keeping THESE people out is indeed racist.
Economics and Mental Health. If people have nothing to loose (economic situation) or are just plain crazy this is what happens (sane middle class and/or wealthy people don't do these things). Address these two things and most of the problem goes away for the most part. Radicalised Abrahamic Religions (all of them) are just a tool to exploit the two real causes, and have been over history.

Problem is for the "west", we want to be victims and do not want to take any responsibility for the two real problems--which we helped to create. Then we want to think that guys like Harper are protecting us all while they are making the problem worse.

Sure guys like bin Laden were rich, but they are not the guys doing the deeds, the poor and crazy are--reduce the number of poor and crazy and they have serious recruiting problems.
So who are THESE morons you refer to? Immigrants of otherly decent? The accused was a French-Tunisian (do you know the history of Tunisia?) who snapped when his wife left him from the most recent I've read. The fact that he took up residency in France at some point has no bearing, and the notion of keeping THESE people out is indeed racist.

I'm not going to get into a diatribe about it, but playing dumb about what the motives were behind each of the France attacks and who did them, and what cultural background they identify with won't keep you safe. You can buy into the illusion of the self-interested immigration industry and its political propagandists, or you can use common sense and realize that the success of multiculturalism relies solely on the people selected to get into a given country. That selection is not based on race, but on whose cultural background is most likely in recent history predisposed to commit terrorist acts in the name of religious fanaticism. If you think that's being paranoid, or you choose to project racism into it, try to envision yourself as one of the gored victims on Boulevard des Anglais in Nice today, many of whom likely thought an open-door immigration policy was a good idea, and anyone who disagreed was a racist. Sorry to say, but the fox is among the chickens now and it's too late to go back in France.
Political correctness is leading western Europe to complete anarchy. I've got the popcorn ready because this show is only just getting started.

How many more 'radicalized islamist' attacks need to happen before the bleeding hearts acknowledge the elephant in the room? Its funny how there's always one excuse or another... he was poor, his wife left him, he was dumb, he was picked on? His beliefs don't matter, don't be racist blah blah blah. Lol its goddamn hilarious..
I'm not going to get into a diatribe about it, but playing dumb about what the motives were behind each of the France attacks and who did them, and what cultural background they identify with won't keep you safe. You can buy into the illusion of the self-interested immigration industry and its political propagandists, or you can use common sense and realize that the success of multiculturalism relies solely on the people selected to get into a given country. That selection is not based on race, but on whose cultural background is most likely in recent history predisposed to commit terrorist acts in the name of religious fanaticism. If you think that's being paranoid, or you choose to project racism into it, try to envision yourself as one of the gored victims on Boulevard des Anglais in Nice today, many of whom likely thought an open-door immigration policy was a good idea, and anyone who disagreed was a racist. Sorry to say, but the fox is among the chickens now and it's too late to go back in France.

Whoa... now that was racist! As for the bit in red; I will not give fear rule over logic. The success of multiculturalism depends solely on the equal distribution of rights and wealth to every denomination. Now I'm not delusional to the realities of that actually happening, but it is not THOSE people whom I feel responsible for said inequity.

ps. That reply of yours totally qualified as a diatribe; just saying
Economics and Mental Health. If people have nothing to loose (economic situation) or are just plain crazy this is what happens (sane middle class and/or wealthy people don't do these things). Address these two things and most of the problem goes away for the most part. Radicalised Abrahamic Religions (all of them) are just a tool to exploit the two real causes, and have been over history.

Problem is for the "west", we want to be victims and do not want to take any responsibility for the two real problems--which we helped to create. Then we want to think that guys like Harper are protecting us all while they are making the problem worse.

Sure guys like bin Laden were rich, but they are not the guys doing the deeds, the poor and crazy are--reduce the number of poor and crazy and they have serious recruiting problems.

A man with a brain has arrived! Bravo :eek:
You guys are talking about economic equality in a thread about ideological attacks... THAT is some funny ****.

I suppose the 9(?) attackers in the Paris concert attacks were just unhappy with their work schedules
You guys are talking about economic equality in a thread about ideological attacks... THAT is some funny ****.

Are we? You want to label it as such before knowing the facts... That's racial profiling.

Nice terror attack: Truck driver who killed 84 named as 'loner' French-Tunisian criminal who 'became depressed' when wife left him as police question estranged spouse
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