France terror again

gsxr guy said:
so they move new guy to a male supervisor
gsxr guy said:
steps are being taken to take legal action.

So which one is it actually? Forgive me, but changing narrative does not instill confidence

gsxr guy said:
screw you

Sorry, I'm quite sure you're not my type.

mmmnaked said:
Terrorist apologist right here folks..

Nope, just all around decent human being. Hate has no place in defeating terrorism; you only strengthen their resolve.
At work the other day, guy first day on job, has a female supervisor. He will not acknowledge the female supervisor, so a male supervisor comes over, the new guy says he does not acknowledge any woman that is not his property. .

Cant wait to try that at work
When I first got out of school I was offered a job with Volkswagen, however it was when the beetle was being built in Mexico.

They straight up told me that they'd also have to hire a male supervisor to communicate, taking direction off a young woman was not going to happen.

Meh, turned the job down, not worth the fight for credibility (to me).
Ah ha

NOW who's not accepting it because it doesnt fit his agenda.

Off you go, pleeb.

Please explain your comment, I said Economics and MENTAL HEALTH??? Please try reading posts, I know it is hard to do.

Here is an example or two for you to ignore, "pleeb". In Calgary a kid kills three people at a party and says Jesus made me/told me to do it (he did). He is crazy is he not, but if he said Allah he is a terrorist and no longer crazy? White Christian guy walks into a black church and commits mass murder, he is crazy no doubt there, but why is he not a terrorist (he did it in support of White Christian Supremacists)? Why because he is a white Christian? The term is "cognitive dissonance." We will always have to deal with crazy but we can do something about Economics, even if we ban all Abrahamic Religions the crazies will just find another reason...

Economics and Metal Health, but of course it does not fit the narrative of us vs them, we are the victims, we must kill or covert them all. In all cases including the two above the Abrahamic Religion was just a tool and not the root cause.

BTW, if you take a good hard look at what is going on in Syria and how the tied has been changing you will see the Economic factor. Because we are allies with Turkey (NATO) and Turkey was buying oil indirectly from Daesh (which in many ways is being run like a country), through the Turkmen fighters we were not allowed to bomb their oil supplies or their cash stores. Most of the Daesh fighters are being paid and the flow of money was key to their success. Along comes Russia, no friend of Turkey, they bomb the hell out of Daesh oil reserves and cash stores. All of a sudden they cannot pay their troops and they start leaving and the tied starts turning on the ground... Economics and Mental Health, yes the crazies are still fighting but the guys that were there because it was the only option they had to make some money and feed their families, no longer have any interest.

This same concept applies to Germany in the 1930s, Russian Revolution, French Revolution, etc. Rich call the shots, poor and crazy people buy in and and go off to die because their problems were all someone else's fault. Without the Economics all that is left are the crazies and we can deal with that number. It is why we spent so much time rebuilding Japan and Germany after WW2 to prevent them from going back down this road, but the west did not learn and look what we have now...
Does anyone think they can stop any of this?
It's a new reality that was created and breed by MANY.
Create chaos and profit from it. When you drop bombs and they kill innocent people then likely the survivors will come a knocking for revenge. How many drone strikes killed innocent kids/families? And that 1 remaining survivor is the easiest person to seek revenge.
Also follow the money.

Let's think about it, did the US policy really fail or did it do what they wanted.

Do we really think we can control the acts of billions of ppl on this planet?
Hell, we are still trying to get everyone in this country to wear seatbelts and not text and drive.

Very well put! I guess we can add a third catagory to my Economics and Mental Health. Terrorists that have nothing to lose because the west killed their innocent family and destroyed their lives and homes (actually might be a mix of Mental Health and Economics).
Race is a polysemantic word.

: race; plural noun: races

  • each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
    "people of all races, colors, and creeds"[/COLOR]
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color"students of many different races"

    • a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group.
      "we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color[/TD]

The part in red qualifies Muslims as a race; to exhibit any form of islamophobia is, in fact, racist

Actually Racist is a wrong term here but it is what is commonly used. Islamophobia or Bigotry would both be more accurate since a Muslim can be from many different races.
Well, regardless of what taxonomy or semantics you want to apply, or regardless of the fact that the guy was an Islamic terrorist, depressed, insane, high or whatever, 84 people including children who should have went home to their families last night didn't.

Please explain your comment, I said Economics and MENTAL HEALTH??? Please try reading posts, I know it is hard to do.

Here is an example or two for you to ignore, "pleeb". In Calgary a kid kills three people at a party and says Jesus made me/told me to do it (he did). He is crazy is he not, but if he said Allah he is a terrorist and no longer crazy? White Christian guy walks into a black church and commits mass murder, he is crazy no doubt there, but why is he not a terrorist (he did it in support of White Christian Supremacists)? Why because he is a white Christian? The term is "cognitive dissonance." We will always have to deal with crazy but we can do something about Economics, even if we ban all Abrahamic Religions the crazies will just find another reason...

Because there's no pattern. Are kids killing their friends in Jesus' name every other week? This wasn't an ideological attack. Duh. DUHDUHDUHDUHDUHD

Take off the blinders.
At work the other day, guy first day on job, has a female supervisor. He will not acknowledge the female supervisor, so a male supervisor comes over, the new guy says he does not acknowledge any woman that is not his property.

What company is this?
Should be some job openings soon for ppl looking.

Hard to believe a new hire would take that position. It took Angus T. Jones something like 10yrs on 2.5 Men to revolt. No, something doesn't seem right. Maybe the new hire had some sort of bizarre religious perspective? I know Angus T. Jones developed one until he was reminded that he was getting $350g per episode. Then Angus T. Jones's religious perspective gave way to "we cool". Maybe the new hire was making $10hr? Money talks, after music, it's the universal language.
Because there's no pattern. Are kids killing their friends in Jesus' name every other week? This wasn't an ideological attack. Duh. DUHDUHDUHDUHDUHD

Take off the blinders.

Actually no one is trying to kill ME every other week (Duh....), the reason is mostly Economics. We have things pretty good here and because of that people have something to lose, so they are not all that interested in acting out on extremism. As I pointed out, we just have to deal with the Mental Health aspect of extremism but the Economics produce the masses of bad guys. In most of the Christian world the Economics are good enough FOR CHRISTIANS that we are mostly dealing with only the crazy people when it comes to Radical Christianity. There are some serious exceptions in Sub Saharan Africa though.

BUT, and this is a big BUT, there are lots of Christian "leaders" in North America that preach some serious hate trying to get people to take action on their behalf (basically kill), but they of course dance a little around the words. Some of them say things like god let 9/11 happen because of homosexuals and abortion and we have to stop these things (and small groups act on these words). Others (even TV guys) go on about how stoning gay people is justified because the bible says so. The death of our soldiers is the fault of homosexuals, Jews, Blacks, etc. Some go on about how all of the worlds problems are due to Muslims and we must "deal" with them.... The difference is Economics, while some Christians get all worked up about these words and buy into it (this thread and others have produced some great examples) they do not act because they have something to lose. So only the crazy people act (like my two examples but there are many more). If we had been bombed back to the stone ages, our families killed or starving and we have nothing to lose these people will gain soldiers to do their bidding, and then they would be trying to kill me.

Also, Abrahamic Religions is just the tool (one of many different ones, can't blame it all on them), as I said you need recruits and this requires people to either be crazy or to have nothing to lose (Economics). Just like Germany in the 30s, people had nothing to lose, there was a scape goat that someone claimed was the cause of their plight while preaching hate--I hope you see the formula. Without the Economic situation nothing would have happened.

France has some serious issues with the Muslim population due to Economics. Other European countries (and North America) have Muslim populations BUT the Economics for this group is different so they deal with mostly the crazy people. The middle east is another mess on a much more epic level, but the formula is more or less the same. If people have nothing to lose (or they are crazy) they will act on hate speech, otherwise they will just promote the Narrative on the Internet.

After all this if you think Christianity is somehow still immune to this, well look what happened in Serbia, then there was the Burning of Witches, Killing Gays, Slave Trade, Spanish Inquisition, Crusades.... Plenty of blood in that History.
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plenty of blood still
what about those ppl that bomb abortion clinics or open fire on clinics?

we also create our own problems within by giving in to just about every damn thing and paying for it
what about those ppl that bomb abortion clinics or open fire on clinics?

Close the boarders!!! Build a wall!! Wait, it was John? John from the hardware store? But John was such a good guy.... darnit... :mad:
Actually no one is trying to kill ME every other week (Duh....), the reason is mostly Economics. We have things pretty good here and because of that people have something to lose, so they are not all that interested in acting out on extremism. As I pointed out, we just have to deal with the Mental Health aspect of extremism but the Economics produce the masses of bad guys. In most of the Christian world the Economics are good enough FOR CHRISTIANS that we are mostly dealing with only the crazy people when it comes to Radical Christianity. There are some serious exceptions in Sub Saharan Africa though.

BUT, and this is a big BUT, there are lots of Christian "leaders" in North America that preach some serious hate trying to get people to take action on their behalf (basically kill), but they of course dance a little around the words. Some of them say things like god let 9/11 happen because of homosexuals and abortion and we have to stop these things (and small groups act on these words). Others (even TV guys) go on about how stoning gay people is justified because the bible says so. The death of our soldiers is the fault of homosexuals, Jews, Blacks, etc. Some go on about how all of the worlds problems are due to Muslims and we must "deal" with them.... The difference is Economics, while some Christians get all worked up about these words and buy into it (this thread and others have produced some great examples) they do not act because they have something to lose. So only the crazy people act (like my two examples but there are many more). If we had been bombed back to the stone ages, our families killed or starving and we have nothing to lose these people will gain soldiers to do their bidding, and then they would be trying to kill me.

Also, Abrahamic Religions is just the tool (one of many different ones, can't blame it all on them), as I said you need recruits and this requires people to either be crazy or to have nothing to lose (Economics). Just like Germany in the 30s, people had nothing to lose, there was a scape goat that someone claimed was the cause of their plight while preaching hate--I hope you see the formula. Without the Economic situation nothing would have happened.

France has some serious issues with the Muslim population due to Economics. Other European countries (and North America) have Muslim populations BUT the Economics for this group is different so they deal with mostly the crazy people. The middle east is another mess on a much more epic level, but the formula is more or less the same. If people have nothing to lose (or they are crazy) they will act on hate speech, otherwise they will just promote the Narrative on the Internet.

After all this if you think Christianity is somehow still immune to this, well look what happened in Serbia, then there was the Burning of Witches, Killing Gays, Slave Trade, Spanish Inquisition, Crusades.... Plenty of blood in that History.

Again with the economics lol... tell me the names of these terrorists who were down on hard times, I'm still waiting.

And if I had a nickle every time a politically correct lefty brought up the crusades or spanish inquisition I'd be a rich man. Hilarious.
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel

Neighbours described Bouhel as a depressed – sometimes aggressive – man who was not particularly interested in religion, and kept to himself.

They said that he had been unhappy since he divorced his wife two years ago, and that he suffered from financial problems.
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