Actually no one is trying to kill ME every other week (Duh....), the reason is mostly Economics. We have things pretty good here and because of that people have something to lose, so they are not all that interested in acting out on extremism. As I pointed out, we just have to deal with the Mental Health aspect of extremism but the Economics produce the masses of bad guys. In most of the Christian world the Economics are good enough FOR CHRISTIANS that we are mostly dealing with only the crazy people when it comes to Radical Christianity. There are some serious exceptions in Sub Saharan Africa though.
BUT, and this is a big BUT, there are lots of Christian "leaders" in North America that preach some serious hate trying to get people to take action on their behalf (basically kill), but they of course dance a little around the words. Some of them say things like god let 9/11 happen because of homosexuals and abortion and we have to stop these things (and small groups act on these words). Others (even TV guys) go on about how stoning gay people is justified because the bible says so. The death of our soldiers is the fault of homosexuals, Jews, Blacks, etc. Some go on about how all of the worlds problems are due to Muslims and we must "deal" with them.... The difference is Economics, while some Christians get all worked up about these words and buy into it (this thread and others have produced some great examples) they do not act because they have something to lose. So only the crazy people act (like my two examples but there are many more). If we had been bombed back to the stone ages, our families killed or starving and we have nothing to lose these people will gain soldiers to do their bidding, and then they would be trying to kill me.
Also, Abrahamic Religions is just the tool (one of many different ones, can't blame it all on them), as I said you need recruits and this requires people to either be crazy or to have nothing to lose (Economics). Just like Germany in the 30s, people had nothing to lose, there was a scape goat that someone claimed was the cause of their plight while preaching hate--I hope you see the formula. Without the Economic situation nothing would have happened.
France has some serious issues with the Muslim population due to Economics. Other European countries (and North America) have Muslim populations BUT the Economics for this group is different so they deal with mostly the crazy people. The middle east is another mess on a much more epic level, but the formula is more or less the same. If people have nothing to lose (or they are crazy) they will act on hate speech, otherwise they will just promote the Narrative on the Internet.
After all this if you think Christianity is somehow still immune to this, well look what happened in Serbia, then there was the Burning of Witches, Killing Gays, Slave Trade, Spanish Inquisition, Crusades.... Plenty of blood in that History.