
They might vote to leave. I think they should.
i just sat through all of that. little boring but i didn't know the eu was that bad. there are more issues they did not speak about either
The main figures in the Brexit camp are a nasty rat faced racist in a suit and a public schoolboy buffoon who got buggered too much in Eton.

The main proponents of Brexit will not come out and say it but their main reason for wanting to leave is so they can kick all the immigrants out so there's more room to eat their chicken tikka masala and moan about how immigrants take all the jobs they are too ****ing lazy to do themselves.
The main figures in the Brexit camp are a nasty rat faced racist in a suit and a public schoolboy buffoon who got buggered too much in Eton.

The main proponents of Brexit will not come out and say it but their main reason for wanting to leave is so they can kick all the immigrants out so there's more room to eat their chicken tikka masala and moan about how immigrants take all the jobs they are too ****ing lazy to do themselves.

England is funny, one point they ruled 2/3rds of the planet iirc and today they can't even rule half their island.
Let them leave and what happens happens, if they fail then EU can buy them for pennies on the dollar/euro/pound/farthing
the queen of england owns Canada. you don't really own your land/house. shes the landlord and were her tenants
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The main proponents of Brexit will not come out and say it but their main reason for wanting to leave is so they can kick all the immigrants out so there's more room to eat their chicken tikka masala and moan about how immigrants take all the jobs they are too ****ing lazy to do themselves.

lots of polish take those low skilled jobs
England is funny, one point they ruled 2/3rds of the planet iirc and today they can't even rule half their island.
Let them leave and what happens happens, if they fail then EU can buy them for pennies on the dollar/euro/pound/farthing

I doubt the country will fail. Its one of the worlds oldest democracies
I doubt the country will fail. Its one of the worlds oldest democracies

So what? That's absolutely meaningless.

The thing those retards don't understand is that they'll still have to make trade agreements with the EU. You don't just exit the union, shut your door and isolate your island, but expect trade relations to remain unchanged. They're gonna take it up the butt when it comes time for new negotiations.
What if South America were rolled into one union at the behest of unelected corporate and bank interests to be fore ever more ruled by the unaccountable upper class. Would you advise every country jump right in? It'll be the last thing they'll ever vote on. Why do distinct societies clamour to maintain their distinctness? What is it about that? Why are people like that the world over? Seems like a natural human condition.
There is/was a lot of good about England. There are many other trading partners in the world. As it stands, things are pretty dire for regular Brits these days. Joining EU isn't going to change that. Hold out, join later if you need to.
Isn't Germany really the EU? Germany seems to have all the money and bailing everyone out/holding things together.
Germany seems to be thriving and England seems to be sinking...just my basic observation.
Isn't Germany really the EU? Germany seems to have all the money and bailing everyone out/holding things together.
Germany seems to be thriving and England seems to be sinking...just my basic observation.

3rd attempt the charm
I can certainly see a lot of parallels with the US or even Canada.

You have some states that generate most of the wealth – Germany, England and France – that are subsidizing the needier countries like Greece, Estonia, Italy and Romania. From a purely selfish point of view why would they hang around?

The other big challenge with the EU is there are so many rules and policies that it is effectively stifling business for all states. We opened an office in Soho this year. In Canada or the US this would be simple…. but not in Europe…. Crazy.

The Brits were also lucky that they didn’t join the euro zone. Their economy, to a certain extent, is relatively autonomous and they continued to have a modicum of growth while the rest of Europe tanked. I think it would be fairly easy for them to split as economically they are pretty much standalone.

I’m in the UK at the moment and it seems to have quite an interesting split based on the people I’ve been talking to. The younger and older generations seem to want to go. The 35-55 group seem to want to stay. Of course a sample size of 30 out of 60 million isn’t worth much.

If I were a Brit I’d probably vote to go, but then again I would vote to go if California tried to leave the US :)

Just echoing someone’s point above, it seems Germany control most of Europe. I find it amazing that Angela Merkel was able to achieve this through dubious financing/monetary control and back room deals; unlike 70 years ago when the might of the whole Third Reich failed to bring about the same thing :)
England is funny, one point they ruled 2/3rds of the planet iirc and today they can't even rule half their island.
Let them leave and what happens happens, if they fail then EU can buy them for pennies on the dollar/euro/pound/farthing

The Mongols actually controlled more landmass than colonial Brittania ever did, how are they doing lately? Funny how the two largest conquering superpowers the world has ever seen stampeded over all...then as soon as assimillation started, technocrats installing more & more bureaucratic layers, unchecked immigration migrations...they both fell to pieces...funny that :D

The EU has bungled pretty much every major crisis in the last 20yrs, from civil war in the Balkans, the financial crisis, unchecked immigration, the bloated subsidized welfare states, the whole subsidized "Green economy" wonder anybody with a brain in the UK wants out of the EU.
This whole Brexit thing came out of nowhere in the last month or so. Took a bit of effort getting up to speed but raw intuition and speed viewing pictures really helped. When I go for coffee at the food court I will stop at the news stand to view the 4 or 5 major newspapers on display. Every Brexit story will have an accompanying picture, usually of a politician or some other egghead. If the picture is purposely unflattering I will synthesize it with the headline and then believe the opposite. This lets me tear thru many papers a day, formulate my facts, which I then report here. Britain should exit.
This whole Brexit thing came out of nowhere in the last month or so. Took a bit of effort getting up to speed but raw intuition and speed viewing pictures really helped. When I go for coffee at the food court I will stop at the news stand to view the 4 or 5 major newspapers on display. Every Brexit story will have an accompanying picture, usually of a politician or some other egghead. If the picture is purposely unflattering I will synthesize it with the headline and then believe the opposite. This lets me tear thru many papers a day, formulate my facts, which I then report here. Britain should exit.

lol, that long build up to your big reveal

something tells me we will see the vote look like 51% to 49% that they stay in the EU.
My only concern, and it may not even be valid anymore, is that a yes vote in England may reinvigorate the Parti Québécois and have them take another run at a referendum.
My only concern, and it may not even be valid anymore, is that a yes vote in England may reinvigorate the Parti Québécois and have them take another run at a referendum.

Great let them give it a go.
Social media is here now, and they will loose by a larger margin now.
Also the old guards are dead or about to die so less steam in the engine.
Plus there is now the Justin Trudeau factor.
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