Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
It was in police custody, hence the policy of an inventory check. I suppose you'd rather the officer take it on the chin when he doesn't do the inventory check and the allegation comes in after the fact.

I think that you need to read the decision. By his own testimony, the officer was not planning on taking possession of the vehicle. The search was patently illegal. Calling it "procedure" doesn't change that.
Looks like the heat Toronto Star investigations have put on police is working. Hard to sweep it under the rug when a major news paper is watching closely.
To Swerve and Reject.

I'm surprised this one hasn't made it.

Unmarked police truck travelling at 115 in a 60 at night with no lights or siren struck and killed a pedestrian in Scarborough. He was part of a team of 6 undercover officers investigating commercial break ins.

Then there is this gem from "Lai said one female witness is expected to testify that she believes Romano and a smaller car that was following behind were racing, by the sounds of their engines."

New sun article

"Reconstruction expert Ken Iliadis told court Wednesday that Romano was doing 109 km/h five seconds before the crash and had accelerated to 115 km/h in the 60 km/h zone at the time Abogado was struck.

His report stated the “distance form the area of impact to the final rest position of (Abogado) was 75 to 82 (metres).” "

" Smith replied “no” when asked if he at any point turned his mind to the possibility that his speed might be unsafe."
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Holy... civil asset forfeiture to a whole new level... and this affect Canadians too

Soon the police in US can seize your money in your bank from scanning your cards:

What the bloody hell is this? For us Canadians traveling south, bringing cash has been a risk due to their civil asset forfeiture ********, but we're no longer safe with bank cards.

The 7.7% fee of all seized fund goes to the company who provide the device. That is straight out thelf.

Watch this video to get an idea of CAF:
Re: Holy... civil asset forfeiture to a whole new level... and this affect Canadians

So... if you're in Oklahoma you keep minimal amounts in accounts that are accessible from your debit card. You can easily transfer more to that account(s) as you need to. If they take from a credit card... let the credit card company deal with it.

And just took a second to look at the companies site... appears this is for prepaid cards only.
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Re: Holy... civil asset forfeiture to a whole new level... and this affect Canadians

Maybe they were confused and needed a sticker in their language that says Police...just sayin

pffft, you are talking about the US, wild west
when stopped say you work for with legal firm, that should help keep things smooth
*when you get home send legal firm a fax with some minor changes to their website...there, you just worked with them :)
Re: Holy... civil asset forfeiture to a whole new level... and this affect Canadians

Seems extra ****** because the people mostly likely to be carrying around pre-paid cards are low income people that receive their pay that way. I kinda have a hard time imagining people receiving payment for illegal stuff being willing to trust electronic payment... how would you know the card isn't duped? This seems to only make CAF slimier
Re: Holy... civil asset forfeiture to a whole new level... and this affect Canadians

Seems extra ****** because the people mostly likely to be carrying around pre-paid cards are low income people that receive their pay that way. I kinda have a hard time imagining people receiving payment for illegal stuff being willing to trust electronic payment... how would you know the card isn't duped? This seems to only make CAF slimier

Yup if you follow the CAF, you will know it has been abused all the time. To the point its not about the crime, its all about the money.

So in this senario, they seize all my cash .... as well as most funds i have to hire a lawyer to get back the money they took.

In most cases of CAF, it comes down to settlement with the DA. They will give back 50% of the money and you dont proceed with the court. They know you will take this deal because most of the money they seized, the cost of hiring law firm is higher than 50% of your money and it will take years.

The money seized never go to federal but stay right at the police department. They can spend it on whatever they want.
Highway patrol pulled Traffic Controll officer to give him a ticket

A highway patrol pig pull over Traffic control officers to give them tickets for driving too slow...... during a funeral procession. Watch the video:

Common sense not so common? Or penny wise but pounds foolish?

This pig must hate his own life.
Re: Highway patrol pulled Traffic Controll officer to give him a ticket

A highway patrol pig pull over Traffic control officers to give them tickets for driving too slow...... during a funeral procession.

Finally. I don't know why they always go so slow on the highway or otherwise. Living people have places to go and things to do. Ok, someone died, I get it, I have had people close to me die too and it is not fun to deal with. I just don't get why they have to inconvenience dozens if not hundreds of other people who are still alive and may possibly be late for work or something because of a slow moving funeral procession that blocks entire intersections or lanes causing other back ups.
Re: Highway patrol pulled Traffic Controll officer to give him a ticket

Finally. I don't know why they always go so slow on the highway or otherwise. Living people have places to go and things to do. Ok, someone died, I get it, I have had people close to me die too and it is not fun to deal with. I just don't get why they have to inconvenience dozens if not hundreds of other people who are still alive and may possibly be late for work or something because of a slow moving funeral procession that blocks entire intersections or lanes causing other back ups.

You're so right. Set that grief aside; I've got a latte to get to
Re: Highway patrol pulled Traffic Controll officer to give him a ticket

Just because someone or even a hand full of people are grieving doesn't give them the right to disrupt or disturb other peoples' lives.
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