Sell me on a Supermoto please!

Also for supermoto options, you're right there isnt much to choose from here and the prices are not exactly cheap. I always buy in the off season to get a reasonable deal. They are just dirtbikes after all...

Anyway, The street reliable options are:
Dr650 (need wheel kit)
Husky sms630
Husky 610
Ktm 625/640/690 smc
wr450 (hard to find plated and in good shape)

I'd lean towards a drz400 or wr250x simply due to price parts and aftermarket availability.

If you wont ride it much and want crazy power, light weight look into the 450/500/530 ktms. A lot of them come blue plated but need wheel sets and are more expensive.
Hey Dizzer. Thanks for the insight I enjoyed reading it.

I think I will end up going with the DRZ just because of availability and reliability. I own a KX450F and know all about the attention these bikes require on an ongoing bases so the easy going maintenance of the DRZ seems like the smart choice. Not that I don't enjoy wrenching on bikes I just rather spend my time and money on gas and tires ;)
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Big freaking Yay unless you like to sport Tour A LOT.

Just be smart about where and when you do the wheelies.
I am wondering if i would be better served to move over to the Supermoto side instead of continuing with Sport bikes.

Yay or Nay? Also the selection is kinda bare over here in Canada but which ones should i be looking for?

Thanks guys.
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Sharp-looking bike, only $17k
Or compromise and get an FZ09. I am bias
I honestly don't see the appeal of the 09. That engine deserves a better platform.
Platform? The chassis in that bike is fantastic. Are you talking about the suspension? can be changed!

Have you ridden one?
Hi, I own a DRZ400SM (only bike)

I am reading some of these reply and i am amazed at how wrong some are....
The DRZ400SM or any supermoto in general is the best bike you can get, reason being simply the extra freedom you get. Supermoto's are fun in citys but they also shine in rural areas as well. there is no limit for a supermoto, you can go where ever you like, dirt road, adventure any path you wish to take.

You can drop your bike and not care because supermoto fairings cost $120 for the full set and they don't even tend to get damaged. (i personally have dropped my bike a couple times little damage)

Alot of people are saying that they are bad on the highway or unconformable.... Bull****... i have ridden 8 hour days... the seat is not horrible and if you don't like it there are plenty of aftermarket options for wider seats if you like. as for highway speeds, I can do 130KM/h comfortably and my bike can go up to 150KM top speed. depending on the way you want to gear it you can change top speeds but i don't see any reason to want to go any faster....

Someone says that corners are better on sports bikes LMAO.... not sure if serious.... but on Supermotos you can get so low and take corners easily and its really fun because we have 2 options, stick our legs out or lean like sports bikes.

Also when you buy a DRZ you will find a supermoto group and its so much more fun. In a supermoto group we all are adventures and we have the mentality of exploring new things and doing new things, we would take every new dirt road or back alleys. no curbs, bumbs , rough terrain ... anything will stop us. in my group we have people from 18 years old to 50 years old!

I have done group rides with sports bikes.... and they are so boring.... no offense to you guys.

some big advantages of supermotos, more reliable (DRZ), you don't care about dropping them, inexpensive, REALLY cheap insurance, easy to work on, limitless fun.

in the end, you have to make a choice... what type of rider do you want to be? are you someone who just wants to follow roads and just go really fast in straight lines? Or are you someone who wants to adventure? someone who wants to try new things explore new paths?
Hi, I own a DRZ400SM (only bike)

I am reading some of these reply and i am amazed at how wrong some are....
The DRZ400SM or any supermoto in general is the best bike you can get, reason being simply the extra freedom you get. Supermoto's are fun in citys but they also shine in rural areas as well. there is no limit for a supermoto, you can go where ever you like, dirt road, adventure any path you wish to take.

You can drop your bike and not care because supermoto fairings cost $120 for the full set and they don't even tend to get damaged. (i personally have dropped my bike a couple times little damage)

Alot of people are saying that they are bad on the highway or unconformable.... Bull****... i have ridden 8 hour days... the seat is not horrible and if you don't like it there are plenty of aftermarket options for wider seats if you like. as for highway speeds, I can do 130KM/h comfortably and my bike can go up to 150KM top speed. depending on the way you want to gear it you can change top speeds but i don't see any reason to want to go any faster....

Someone says that corners are better on sports bikes LMAO.... not sure if serious.... but on Supermotos you can get so low and take corners easily and its really fun because we have 2 options, stick our legs out or lean like sports bikes.

Also when you buy a DRZ you will find a supermoto group and its so much more fun. In a supermoto group we all are adventures and we have the mentality of exploring new things and doing new things, we would take every new dirt road or back alleys. no curbs, bumbs , rough terrain ... anything will stop us. in my group we have people from 18 years old to 50 years old!

I have done group rides with sports bikes.... and they are so boring.... no offense to you guys.

some big advantages of supermotos, more reliable (DRZ), you don't care about dropping them, inexpensive, REALLY cheap insurance, easy to work on, limitless fun.

in the end, you have to make a choice... what type of rider do you want to be? are you someone who just wants to follow roads and just go really fast in straight lines? Or are you someone who wants to adventure? someone who wants to try new things explore new paths?
Very much disagree with some of the points here. You can't say sportbikes are boring by any means. They're two separate types of bikes catered to two separate types of riders. I personally prefer sportbikes because I like speed and the clean, sharp looks of sportbikes. Now I've ridden DS bikes, and they're great fun, but no one person can tell someone else what they should buy - we can just list the respective pros and cons of our type of bike. He already has a sport router, so you're not going to sell him on the whole "fast bikes are for squids" argument, just let him know why adding a DS to his collection would be beneficial.

To the OP: just don't be too much of a hooligan on public roads. Easy to get carried away with curb hopping, wheelies, skipping traffic by using sidewalks.

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Alot of people are saying that they are bad on the highway or unconformable.... Bull****... i have ridden 8 hour days... the seat is not horrible and if you don't like it there are plenty of aftermarket options for wider seats if you like. as for highway speeds, I can do 130KM/h comfortably and my bike can go up to 150KM top speed.

ROFLMAO - top speed of 150 and you can do 130 comfortably??? Yeah right!!!! If you find rattling the fillings from your teeth comfortable, so be it.
KLX 400 as well, 2004 and back. Suzuki made them for Kawasaki. It's a DRZ 400 in green. If you're a Kawasaki guy, it's another option for you. You can pick them up relatively cheap.
We will leave it at your generic comment as it shows your knowledge on the bike, this is not an FZ09 thread anyways.
Yeah the engine overpowers the rest of the bike.
ROFLMAO - top speed of 150 and you can do 130 comfortably??? Yeah right!!!! If you find rattling the fillings from your teeth comfortable, so be it.

My KX450F supermoto will only do 140km/h maxed the **** out bouncing off the limiter. Its on the edge of blowing the top end into outer space . Even with stock gearing I ran out of steam on the straight away at Grand Bend, it would top out before the end of the straight.

One of the most fun bikes Ive ever ridden but not what I would choose to commute on or do any kind of long distance riding, mine isnt street legal but fuel tank size would be a problem also...Its just not a good street bike

There are tons of street legal options that would be better, but I still love my converted 450 MX bike
Small correction: CRF250M is the sumo. The L is the dual-sport version.

Whoops, you are right. I am not very familiar with those bikes.

I wanted to comment on some of the added opinions here in the thread. Specifically, that the drz or any other sumo is comfortable on the highway. I have had both and although I chose to ditch the sport bikes, I can agree that having ridden a bunch of different bikes, supermotos are NOT particularly comfortable on the highway for long periods, by any means. They can do it, don't get me wrong... but in "comparison" to other bikes it's a whole different story. Getting beat up by the wind and staying at relatively high rpms for a long period of time is just not comfortable on these things. I personally avoid the highways because when I ride, its for fun, not for commuting. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but riding a drz400 vs an fz down the 401... I think you'd have to be crazy to say the drz is comfortable by any means. BUT, they do it, and I do it when I have to.

A supermoto as an only bike works if you can deal with the less comfortable hwy/long distance stuff. Hell the 625 smc has more than enough power but it's still not fun on the hwy.

And again saying sportbikes are boring is totally a personal opinion. I enjoyed mine, but I'm not such a speed demon. It wasn't the right bike for the riding I was interested in. We all value different things and you wont know until you try it all for yourself.

Safe riding, cheers
We will leave it at your generic comment as it shows your knowledge on the bike, this is not an FZ09 thread anyways.

That's what everyone that has pushed the limits of the FZ-09 has said about it. I'm not going to pretend like I'm a pro but I sure as heck will trust a pro's opinion over some random on an internet forum.

It's a sweet little hooligan bike tho.
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