Who the FAK cares about FAKKING climate change. It's the beast that takes on different names and causes. This one is climate change, as mentioned before there were other causes.
The idea behind it and what's really important is to CLEAN THE FAK UP.
Pollute less, use cleaner energy, keep our water cleaner, eat less meat (less meat = less cattle = less deforestation = more trees = more oxygen...oxygen good, methane bad) be more efficient about the energy we use.
Instead of consuming like big fat fakkers, lets try to Lean up a little and run a better, tidier ship.
That's what i personally see behind all these movements, run tidier, run cleaner, less clutter.
Because yes, we're running out of fossil fuels, and yes our waters a more polluted, and yes massive deforestation is happening and is a problem AND IS CAUSE BY US.
Even if you can't [adhere to] [prove] [make claims about] climate change, these 3 causes alone are reason enough to think ahead and find solution to solve these problems that affect all of us, cause we all need water and oxygen to live. And well... i think it's kinda clear that we are very dependent on fossil fuels to run our modern societies.
/end rant