My dealings with MikeyMoto

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Well-known member
I've been meaning to post this for quite sometime now. But I've been extremely busy with work. I've thought about this over and over prior to posting. I feel this is extremely important that I do this.

Anyways, thought I'd let the community know about my dealings with MikeyMoto (

Here's my story.
On May 4th, i was cut off by an SUV and as a result, I had to lay the bike down. The bike was a 2008 Honda CBR1000rr, yellow in colour.
The bike was towed to Snow City in the east end. A few days later I had Mikey pick up the bike and tow it to his place in Brampton (I live in Mississauga so it was more convenient)
The bike was looked over and it was determined that to get the bike up and running again, it would cost around $4,000 - $4,500.
Frame was cracked, rear subframe was bent, swingarm was off and pushing on the frame, and had deep gouges and was deemed unsafe, left side fairings had to be replaced, clip on was broken, rear wheel was bent etc... the list goes on...
I went by and spoke with Mikey and i was told "let someone else fix this". It's not worth it.
Mikey also mentioned that he has wholesalers that come and buy bikes off him. And that he could check with them to see how much they would offer.
I got a call later from Mikey and was told the wholesaler would give me $3000.
I thought about it and decided to cut my losses and move on.
Later, I went to see Mikey and he gave me cash (weird) and i was told the wholesaler is running late and he will pick up the bike later that night.

Fast forward to 1 month.

I bought another bike and contacted Mikey to ask about some maintenance items etc..
After texting back and forth, he told me the wholesaler did not purchase the Yellow 08 cbr1000rr. So Mikey went ahead and fixed it up and he sent me a picture what the bike looks like now.
I was rather surprised, but hey, i do not know for sure if there was even a wholesaler to begin with. Or, Mikey's original plan was to fix it and sell it for profit. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
I then went on line and searched and found the ad on kijiji. And this is the reason for me posting this. For all the viewers out there to know how sketchy MikeyMoto is.

Originally, I was told by Mikey, the Pazzo levers on the bike are fake. But look at his ad (which he removed after my conversation with him). He also mentioned the bike will be used for parts and he will not sell it just because i called him out.

In his ad there is no mention of the bike been dropped, a different colour, frame repaired etc... The ad is as if the bike is all original and the best deal out there. This is false representation for a potential buyer. Something that I would not want to happen to me. Something that I do not want to happen to you.

Here's a link (screenshot) to the ad:

I recently inquired about the bike and was told he got rid of it. So on line I go and I find this:

It turns out this is a different guy selling the bike. And yes it is the same bike. When asked, whom he bought it from, he could not tell me.
He first says, he bought the bike last year. Then he says he bought the bike early spring.
When asked, i was told the bike was not dropped but someone backed into the front wheel so it was replaced (lies lies lies).
He even told me the fairings on the bike is what the bike came with.
You be the judge, but it's clear this is a friend of MikeyMoto who is selling the bike for him.

For those interested, here's the VIN (JH2SC59438M000380)

This bike was originally from the US. It was high sided (take the top off and check the dent in the tank). Mikey would have seen this when replacing the tank fairing.
The frame was also repaired by the previous owner. Mikey pointed this out to me and so did the previous owner.

Sorry for the long post but you guys need to be aware of how dishonest MikeyMoto is.

Mikey, you messed with the wrong dude. **** just got real. This is just the beginning.


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Well aside from the fact the OP might have gotten screwed financially, I think this is more a warning to those who either go to MikeyMoto for repairs, or buy a bike sold by him (if there is misinformation in the ad). Still, subscribed to see how this plays out:

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How do you know its same vin on the bike? Even if it is, its cheaper to buy a blank frame and stamp the numbers in.
In which case, the bike has never been dropped :)
Noone posts that motor been dropped on the rebuilt bikes ;))

P.s. still a shady practice, he shouldof at least stated it has been 'overhauled'.
Murchie, Murchie, Murchie...
Did you not sell the wrecked bike to MikeyMoto? And then buy a new bike?
So, it's not your bike anymore. What do you care what happens to it or who buys it?
"Mikey, you messed with the wrong dude."
I know MikeyMoto and he's a good guy. Does good work too.
Nothing to see here. Move on...
I thought about it and decided to cut my losses and move on.
I think that says it all...
Did you guys even read the whole story?

My issue is, why is the bike been advertised as it is with no indication that it was overhauled?

I clearly stated, i give him the benefit of doubt. I signed it over and that's that.

But don't advertise the bike as if it's mint and well cared for. It's been down twice. Is that not false representation? Would you like to buy a bike from a dishonest seller? I sure do not.

Hope you guys now understand why i posted this.
Well aside from the fact the OP might have gotten screwed financially, I think this is more a warning to those who either go to MikeyMoto for repairs, or buy a bike sold by him (if there is misinformation in the ad). Still, subscribed to see how this plays out:


You got it
How do you know its same vin on the bike? Even if it is, its cheaper to buy a blank frame and stamp the numbers in.
In which case, the bike has never been dropped :)
Noone posts that motor been dropped on the rebuilt bikes ;))

P.s. still a shady practice, he shouldof at least stated it has been 'overhauled'.

It is the same bike. Guaranteed. All the mods ad up. Down to even the tires - lol
Murchie, Murchie, Murchie...
Did you not sell the wrecked bike to MikeyMoto? And then buy a new bike?
So, it's not your bike anymore. What do you care what happens to it or who buys it?
"Mikey, you messed with the wrong dude."
I know MikeyMoto and he's a good guy. Does good work too.
Nothing to see here. Move on...

I'm not harping about the fact that i sold him a bike which he claimed that will be bought by a wholesaler.

It seems like you would like to get screwed when buying a new bike from a "reputable" seller?

It's a shame you think that way.

Mikey in person is great to speak with. But why post a bike that's been pieced together as a super deal? Why did he fail to mention the details mentioned in my post?

You knowing Mikey has nothing to do with this post.
So you only know it's the same bike because it's the same mods? I don't get it. If he paid $3000 for it you damn right he's going to take the usable parts for another built. Unless he gave you the Vin then you don't know anything for sure.

MM has tons of cbr's at any given time. He knows that specific bike in and out. I trust a bike from him over 99% of the kijiji sellers
So you only know it's the same bike because it's the same mods? I don't get it. If he paid $3000 for it you damn right he's going to take the usable parts for another built. Unless he gave you the Vin then you don't know anything for sure.

MM has tons of cbr's at any given time. He knows that specific bike in and out. I trust a bike from him over 99% of the kijiji sellers

The VIN is the same. It is the same bike.

You seem to be taking one side when the story is clear. Why is the bike being advertised the way it is? A buyer comes along and and thinks he got a clean bike not realizing its been through the mill.

Is that a honest seller? You seem to think it is...goodluck taking your ride to MikeyMoto. Who knows what other sketchy stuff his done.
So you only know it's the same bike because it's the same mods? I don't get it. If he paid $3000 for it you damn right he's going to take the usable parts for another built. Unless he gave you the Vin then you don't know anything for sure.

MM has tons of cbr's at any given time. He knows that specific bike in and out. I trust a bike from him over 99% of the kijiji sellers

Forgot to mention. I dont care about the bike like i mentioned a million times.

But dont false advertise a bike that was crashed twice. He runs a business so this is unacceptable.
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