Able-bodied people should not park in handicap parking

Most people I see park in handicapped spots with a tag are just older and dont seem to have any actual handicap. Have a friend with busted up leg from motox accident that has a tag and he gets called out by old people all the time for parking in thier spot. After he rolls his jeans up to show them the scars etc they stfu and move along.

I think the tags are just too easy to get here and everyone just goes to a doc and are written a note for being old which isnt really the point of the parking spots.
Have a friend with busted up leg from motox accident that has a tag and he gets called out by old people all the time for parking in thier spot. After he rolls his jeans up to show them the scars etc they stfu and move along.

Does he limp? If not, then he SHOULD be called out. Lots of us have scars.
Does he limp? If not, then he SHOULD be called out. Lots of us have scars.

My next door neighbour has a disabled tag, he doest have a limp, he also doesnt have a leg.
He doesnt limp because he can park in the disabled spot, he does limp if he has to park a distance from his destination.
Does he limp? If not, then he SHOULD be called out. Lots of us have scars.

My best friend has screws and a plate in his leg. He walks around without a limp but gets severe pain after a few minutes depending where we're at. Just cause YOU can't see a handicap doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Like, it hurts in Mississauga but not in Scarborough?
My best friend has screws and a plate in his leg. He walks around without a limp but gets severe pain after a few minutes depending where we're at. Just cause YOU can't see a handicap doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

So I guess the lady that I saw sprinting to her car in the 'disabled' parking spot at Walmart to escape the rain also deserves that spot? She opened the door and sure there was a disabled permit, tucked away in the pocket in her door....

It's too easy to abuse the system with those tags and I think the police / parking enforcement should tow cars if they see that:

a) no tag
b) person can't show tag if they walk to the car

'only for a minute' is not an excuse to park in these spots.

Nowadays you can just park in the 'hybrid' car spots, and the expectant mothers spots. Mind you only ********** park in those type of spots if they don't belong to the category (and I don't believe that hybrids / electric cars should have their own special spot).
My best friend has screws and a plate in his leg. He walks around without a limp but gets severe pain after a few minutes depending where we're at. Just cause YOU can't see a handicap doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

As far as I'm concerned, I only would get upset if they didn't have the tag. Like Macs said, you can't always see the handicap.

Now for those 20 something dooshes alone in their Civics that park in the family spots.....
Edit: There's also the 40 somethings in their Audis / BMW
Some fucker in a modded g37 parks in the handicap spot at my gym using his parents or grandparents sticker. I've watched him pretty much skip into the gym
Edit: There's also the 40 somethings in their Audis / BMW

Now now...they own Audi / BMW...they're special in their own right. Not only do they get a handicap spot if not handicapped, they can take 2-3 cars to protect their cars from damage by our lesser vehicles. Mind you I've seen ****** Civics take up more than 1 spot cause they're scared of dings.
Some ****er in a modded g37 parks in the handicap spot at my gym using his parents or grandparents sticker. I've watched him pretty much skip into the gym

Report his *** to the cops / parking enforcement and watch him skip as they tow his car or give him a nice fine. Or just call him out on it.
Yeah. Crazy that one can walk around a store, but "needs" to park closer to said store.

The only disabled spots that should be allowed are those in wheelchairs or maybe walkers. Some might say that they require the larger spots to get in and out of their vehicle.
Guy in a Murcielago routinely parks close to work with his handicapped tag. #lol Same for a brand new convertible Mustang GT that's parked behind my office building.

Good to see that the handicapped are living large around these parts.
Mother in law was wheelchair bound, so I used to get into it with these self-entitled people all the time.

In the end I'd just park behind them if there were no spots. They tended to shut up real quick when they saw the wheelchair.

Unless, you permanently need a walker, have for some time, and have a driver's license,
you shouldn't even be able to apply for a sticker.

If there is a paid spot available nearby, and you park for free on the street at rush hour, you should be fined double.

This is something that should have been cleaned up long ago by the City Council.
Just walk around Metro Hall and you'll see some of the biggest abusers of the system.
Guy in a Murcielago routinely parks close to work with his handicapped tag. #lol Same for a brand new convertible Mustang GT that's parked behind my office building.

Good to see that the handicapped are living large around these parts.

I have no problem with the type of car they drive, as long as they have a tag. Rich people have handicaps too. ?
Yeah. Crazy that one can walk around a store, but "needs" to park closer to said store.

The only disabled spots that should be allowed are those in wheelchairs or maybe walkers. Some might say that they require the larger spots to get in and out of their vehicle.

I may be mistaken, but I think a coworker had a sticker because of a breathing issue of some sort. If she walked for too long, on the humid days she would start to hyperventilate iirc.
Again if they have a tag....maybe they need to go after the Drs that hand them out so easily.
My wife has MS which in some cases you don't need a wheelchair or a cane. Severe fatigue is one symptom. Remember not all disabilities are visible. She has a pass and very rarely uses(maybe twice a year) it unless the mall entrance is very far away at busy times(holiday season). Trust me she is beat after a walk in the mall. She got attitude once from some uneducated busy body who thought she was a fraud. She keeps pamphlets on MS in the glove box which she readily hands out to ignorant people accompanied by a middle finger salute.

A recent story talked about a person coming out to his car, only to find a very nasty note left on his windshield about how he should be ashamed of himself for parking in a handicapped spot. The person had not seen him enter the office building and had no way of knowing of his disability – this man drives a very nice BMW and the assumption is the note writer thought that no one with a disability would ever afford such a nice car or even have the ability to go to work.
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