F what the hell..... How is someone in that condition allowed to drive a car to even get a tag?
That's part of the problem. The permits aren't for drivers, they're for anyone. The person with the handicap is supposed to be in the vehicle wwhen it's used.
The wording is too loose, and there are too many Dr. Nicks available.
I was in for a haircut, and someone from City Hall was bragging about her permit.
It seems she sprained her ankle, and got a temporary permit.
She liked it so much that she just kept getting it renewed long after she stopped needing it.
That was many years ago, so by now the word has spread.
Like I said earlier, if you aren't hauling around a wheelchair or a walker then you shouldn't get one.
That might at least cut down on the number of people abusing them.
It's been a the point where there are too many permits for the number of spots available, for a very long time.