3 Year old Phone Contracts Expiring in a couple weeks


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So I saw this posted on facebook recently that basically some time in June the laws will change so if you're on a 3 year cell phone contract and it's past the 2 year mark the contract is essentially expired and you can walk away:


My 3 year contract Expires mid-december. Telus just called me right now to tell they are offering me an early renewal right now and even offer me an additional $100 off a new phone but this 100 off offer expires in two weeks. I see what they are doing. Anyone else get such a phone call from their carrier?
Not yet but I'm waiting for it. I'm due in October. That will make me buy the s6 if they make it cheaper
nope, not on that sucker contract boat myself. Ive been month to month for years... $38/month cell bill with everything included.
It's better to buy a phone and don't enter into a contract. I've been doing that for 3 years and it's awesome. You get more flexibility and not screwed if you want to migrate.
So I saw this posted on facebook recently that basically some time in June the laws will change so if you're on a 3 year cell phone contract and it's past the 2 year mark the contract is essentially expired and you can walk away:


My 3 year contract Expires mid-december. Telus just called me right now to tell they are offering me an early renewal right now and even offer me an additional $100 off a new phone but this 100 off offer expires in two weeks. I see what they are doing. Anyone else get such a phone call from their carrier?

The big three have been doing it for a few weeks. Some of my coworkers even went for it.
The buying your own phone, no contract is the way to go if you're okay with not the latest phone, or a Windows phone (like me. $150 Nokia Lumia 625 (635 now)).
So I saw this posted on facebook recently that basically some time in June the laws will change so if you're on a 3 year cell phone contract and it's past the 2 year mark the contract is essentially expired and you can walk away:


My 3 year contract Expires mid-december. Telus just called me right now to tell they are offering me an early renewal right now and even offer me an additional $100 off a new phone but this 100 off offer expires in two weeks. I see what they are doing. Anyone else get such a phone call from their carrier?

What phone are they offering you?

My son can opt out of his plan June 3, his plan is OCT 2012 to 2015, has $ 68 device balance left on his Samsung S3. For him to upgrade to a newer Iphone or S6 the min plan they want to raise his plan $70 a month, he's currently paying $50. Bell and Rogers both seem to have raised their "new" smartphone plans accordingly.
I don't mind contracts. It's a way to get a $800 phone for $300 or so. I usually get a retention plan anyways
Staying at $50, best phone you will get for $0 would be S4, I believe. Pay some $ to top up, and maybe S5. (just a hunch based on calls I've made and convos with friends)
It's better to buy a phone and don't enter into a contract. I've been doing that for 3 years and it's awesome. You get more flexibility and not screwed if you want to migrate.

Do you find yourself changing plans every year or something?

Last time I re-upped for 2 years I got an iPhone6 when it came out for $149. The additional monthly burden was $15... it raised the plan price from $60 to $75/mo.

$15 x 24mo = $360 + initial $149 = $510 total cost to me for a $850 phone. I could've turned it around on kijiji for $800 the next day. Its not a bad way to do things.
Staying at $50, best phone you will get for $0 would be S4, I believe. Pay some $ to top up, and maybe S5. (just a hunch based on calls I've made and convos with friends)

S5 is the turd of the Galaxy line. Plasticky feel, the "waterproof" feature is useless as the charging cover is defective (wont close), and the camera autofocus is TRASH. Like Iggy Izlea's rap trash. Not to mention Samsung's horrid bloatware...

S5 owner (one of the first)
S5 is the turd of the Galaxy line. Plasticky feel, the "waterproof" feature is useless as the charging cover is defective (wont close), and the camera autofocus is TRASH. Like Iggy Izlea's rap trash. Not to mention Samsung's horrid bloatware...

S5 owner (one of the first)

Only mentioned because they said S3. I like my Windows phone. ?
Only mentioned because they said S3. I like my Windows phone. ?
I couldn't pick a worse cell package if I tried - LTE speed capable galaxy S5 (turd reasons mentioned in previous post) coupled with a WIND mobile contract - non LTE network.

This is the equivalent of having a sports car that pisses oil without a smooth road in sight.

I should mention that I left a $55 bell corporate plan with 5GB data because I didn't want another 3 yr contract... (last year)

*sobs hysterically*
I couldn't pick a worse cell package if I tried - LTE speed capable galaxy S5 (turd reasons mentioned in previous post) coupled with a WIND mobile contract - non LTE network.

This is the equivalent of having a sports car that pisses oil without a smooth road in sight.

I should mention that I left a $55 bell corporate plan with 5GB data because I didn't want another 3 yr contract... (last year)

*sobs hysterically*

Yeah, I would have locked in for 6 years. *inserts knife, then twists. also adds salt*
I just went to Rogers today. Couldn't take it anymore at wind. Got the business plan with 7gb for $100/month. They had an 8gb plan for $90 for retention but couldn't get me on it.

I'll miss the holiday miracle plan. I hate you Rogers... really hate you. I wish someone would punch Rogers in the vag...
Just wanted to put my two cents in that I am happy with my Galaxy S5. Wanted more storage so swapped out the 33 gig micro SD for 64 gig one. Got bored of the black back that came with it and bought the blue factory back. Phone looks brand new again and the extra 32 gig in space us nice to have and cost very little. I will never buy a phone without a user replaceable battery or upgradable storage. I bought my wife a new battery for her Galaxy S2 and gave her my old 32 gig micro SD card and now she is back in business. Mayne next year I will move up in size to a Galaxy Note 5 if they keep the rovable back. As nice as the Galaxy S6 looks the inability to replace battery and add storage makes it a non starter for me.
Just wanted to put my two cents in that I am happy with my Galaxy S5. Wanted more storage so swapped out the 33 gig micro SD for 64 gig one. Got bored of the black back that came with it and bought the blue factory back. Phone looks brand new again and the extra 32 gig in space us nice to have and cost very little. I will never buy a phone without a user replaceable battery or upgradable storage. I bought my wife a new battery for her Galaxy S2 and gave her my old 32 gig micro SD card and now she is back in business. Mayne next year I will move up in size to a Galaxy Note 5 if they keep the rovable back. As nice as the Galaxy S6 looks the inability to replace battery and add storage makes it a non starter for me.
Why is your wife getting second best?
Ha ha... She is choosing to keep her old phone off contract. She is welcome to have my phone when I renew my contract next year and I will give her my S5. I was second best last year as I was still using a Galaxy S1. That thing was a paperweight after about 8 months. Lesson learned. I barely made it through to the end of the contract with that phone.
Device balance at start of contract was $491.00, does this now get wiped out to $0 effective June 3rd as the 3 yr term is now considered null and void?

[h=3]Device Balance[/h]
[h=4]Starting date[/h]October 2, 2012
[h=4]End date[/h]October 2, 2015

[h=4]Current device balance[/h]$68.18
Device balance at start of contract was $491.00, does this now get wiped out to $0 effective June 3rd as the 3 yr term is now considered null and void?

Device Balance

Starting date

October 2, 2012
End date

October 2, 2015

Current device balance


That's my understanding. 3 year contract are now against the law and as such it proactively sets all contracts to 2 years
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