How to keep young people from turning to ISIS?


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Good article here:

Not sure why those who convert to Islam seem to become so extremist. My brother recently converted to Buddhism and he is all chilled out and at peace with things. Those who become born again Christians seem to get all judgemental and annoying; however at least they are not out to bomb me.

Interesting comment here:
“There are people who would call me a radical for what I am, and if they want to do so then I’d let them. But I wouldn’t say myself that I’m a radical Muslim because that goes right along with extremism. You may have heard this before, but there isn’t extremism in Islam. There is Islam and there are things outside of Islam. It’s semantics, really.”

This is a scary concept which apparently other Muslims share:
Now in his early 20s, he dreams of a life among his fellow Muslims in an Islamic caliphate governed by Shariah law.

I think Motorcycle Mike summed it up well here:
I came into this thread not caring if someone wants to wear a veil or not (and still don't)... but the way shah argues makes me dislike him more and more and certainly dis-trust his community.

It certain sounds like a lot of a certain culture are coming here with absolutely no intention to integrate what-so-ever. They actually do want Canada to become Pakistan -- with no freedom of speech, sharia law, etc... what's next Shah? Are you going to explain to us how honour killings should be acceptable?

I'm starting to see this as conquest through immigration... get the numbers here, make even more numbers here, don't integrate at all, vote in their people, change laws to suit them, win. In the end you have New Pakistan in a place that has abundant clean water and arable land (neither of which Pakistan has). We are being invaded similar to the Natives were invaded by the French and British, but it takes longer as there are more of us and we can't easily be infected with small-pox ridden blankets.​

Last edited by Motorcycle Mike; 02-14-2015 at 01:45 PM

Not sure why those who convert to Islam seem to become so extremist.

Personal experience - some of the most zealous Christians are born-again Christians. They find something that seems to provide answers to what is missing in their lives, have appeal to them, and they rush to embrace it in all of its entirety. I would venture to say that the same applies to those who find something in Islam or any other belief system. Does that make them extremists? Maybe, but the extremism there is that of zealotry, and not of violence.

Certainly there are those whose embrace of a cause or belief system will transcend over to violence in support of the newly adopted belief system. Look at what some animal rights zealots are capable of.

To suggest that Islamic belief inherently leads to support of violence is simplistic at best. If such were the case, the 1.4 billion Muslims in the world would have long since laid waste to non-Muslims all around the world.
Personal experience - some of the most zealous Christians are born-again Christians. They find something that seems to provide answers to what is missing in their lives, have appeal to them, and they rush to embrace it in all of its entirety. I would venture to say that the same applies to those who find something in Islam or any other belief system. Does that make them extremists? Maybe, but the extremism there is that of zealotry, and not of violence.

Certainly there are those whose embrace of a cause or belief system will transcend over to violence in support of the newly adopted belief system. Look at what some animal rights zealots are capable of.

To suggest that Islamic belief inherently leads to support of violence is simplistic at best. If such were the case, the 1.4 billion Muslims in the world would have long since laid waste to non-Muslims all around the world.

Perhaps my wording was not precise. Just the same though there is not presently a problem with people converting to Buddhism, Shintoism etc going around beheading people, taking over sovereign countries, stoning women etc. This seems to be a Muslim problem presently.

Edit: Even so-called "moderates" regularly prayer for us to be defeated:
Perhaps my wording was not precise. Just the same though there is not presently a problem with people converting to Buddhism, Shintoism etc going around beheading people, taking over sovereign countries, stoning women etc. This seems to be a Muslim problem presently.

Edit: Even so-called "moderates" regularly prayer for us to be defeated:

Again, there are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. That is a pretty heft critical mass. Where are all the bodies that should arise from that number of "violent" Muslims if Islam was indeed an inherently violent religion?
Again, there are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. That is a pretty heft critical mass. Where are all the bodies that should arise from that number of "violent" Muslims if Islam was indeed an inherently violent religion?
They're busy killing and enslaving each other.
I love Buddhism, it is all about finding peace with yourself & not hurting other living things. It's not about Us against Them
I love Buddhism, it is all about finding peace with yourself & not hurting other living things. It's not about Us against Them

Yes !
Young people career choice: ISIS or CSIS?
Again, there are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. That is a pretty heft critical mass. Where are all the bodies that should arise from that number of "violent" Muslims if Islam was indeed an inherently violent religion?

I am perhaps the least religious person I know, but even I get annoyed with the labeling of Islam as a violent religion. Violent cultures bring their violence to Islam, it is not a violent religion anymore than Christianity is.

Sure the Koran says some crazy things but so does the Bible..

Certain cultures when combined with Islam result in obscene violence, it is not a problem with Islam it is a problem with culture (that just happens to be Muslim).
I am perhaps the least religious person I know, but even I get annoyed with the labeling of Islam as a violent religion. Violent cultures bring their violence to Islam, it is not a violent religion anymore than Christianity is.

Sure the Koran says some crazy things but so does the Bible..

Certain cultures when combined with Islam result in obscene violence, it is not a problem with Islam it is a problem with culture (that just happens to be Muslim).

i think you are mistaken....the qu'ran and islam is the only religion that calls for death if you leave the religion. Death for apostasy is believed to be acceptable by a large amount of muslims.
as well the centre of Islam ,Mecca, still has public beheadings stonings and flogging.
if the Vatican ,the centre of Christianity, was cutting off heads in St peters square the world would be going insane protesting.....Islam is violent like it or not....political correctness here is not helping
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I'm starting to see this as conquest through immigration... get the numbers here, make even more numbers here, don't integrate at all, vote in their people, change laws to suit them, win. In the end you have New Pakistan in a place that has abundant clean water and arable land (neither of which Pakistan has). We are being invaded similar to the Natives were invaded by the French and British, but it takes longer as there are more of us and we can't easily be infected with small-pox ridden blankets.​

Them honky tonk politicians and immigration officials better get their heads out their ***** and do something about it then...
dude give it up. You hate islam we get it. You should move on to something else.

i think you are mistaken....the qu'ran and islam is the only religion that calls for death if you leave the religion. Death for apostasy is believed to be acceptable by a large amount of muslims.
as well the centre of Islam ,Mecca, still has public beheadings stonings and flogging.
if the Vatican ,the centre of Christianity, was cutting off heads in St peters square the world would be going insane protesting.....Islam is violent like it or not....political correctness here is not helping
dude give it up. You hate islam we get it. You should move on to something else.

I dont hate Islam at all....I hate the fact every time someone says something that is " Islam is peaceful" or " it's not all muslims" everyone jumps up and applauds. But when you decide to make a point or put forward facts then people,like you either try to shout them down or tell them to move on.
do you think death for apostasy is ok? I don't, regardless of the religion...but only one religion has the death penalty for leaving it.
Every religion has something ****ed up about it. I don't like religion, I think interpretation and manipulation of religion for personal gains has ruined society especially women's rights/development in a lot of countries.

You get a kick out of it every time. You sound like George Bush. We all know he is a racist who says one thing and believes another for self interest.

Get over it. We heard you say the same crap in many threads. We get it you made your point. Don't use this one point that brings down on religion to elevate another religion. Christianity/Catholicism/Hinduism/Buddhism etc... have all done ****ed up ****. Get over it.

Don't like the way things are being run right now? Go join the Kurd fighters against ISIS.

I dont hate Islam at all....I hate the fact every time someone says something that is " Islam is peaceful" or " it's not all muslims" everyone jumps up and applauds. But when you decide to make a point or put forward facts then people,like you either try to shout them down or tell them to move on.
do you think death for apostasy is ok? I don't, regardless of the religion...but only one religion has the death penalty for leaving it.

Here go rant on this ... it's more entertaining and messed up

Old Testament Deuteronomy 17:3-5 and Deuteronomy 13:6-9 each prescribe death for those worshipping other Gods.

Current books I'm referring to and current beliefs of that religion..Can we stop referring to things from 1000 years ago to justify a religion today
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Every religion has something ****ed up about it. I don't like religion, I think interpretation and manipulation of religion for personal gains has ruined society especially women's rights/development in a lot of countries.

You get a kick out of it every time. You sound like George Bush. We all know he is a racist who says one thing and believes another for self interest.

Get over it. We heard you say the same crap in many threads. We get it you made your point. Don't use this one point that brings down on religion to elevate another religion. Christianity/Catholicism/Hinduism/Buddhism etc... have all done ****ed up ****. Get over it.

Don't like the way things are being run right now? Go join the Kurd fighters against ISIS.

Here go rant on this ... it's more entertaining and messed up


and there comes the racist card. I'm not elevating any religion but there's only one religion in the news every day for killing, oppressing, maiming, enslaving and it ain't scientology...maybe you should move on.
your narrow mind thinks I'm against gay marriage I guess because of this video?
im not ,marry whoever you like I do not care. So racist, George bush, anti gay are your arguments I guess
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