^^ Say what? I thought it was Obama's fault...or the Russians...or blame anyone else as long as it fits a narrative.
True that.the Lefties are the ones that are scared of guns and want to live in a La-La land where no guns exist, except in the possession of an omniscient, benevolent Liberal government.
Hence it's the Lefties' fault
True that.
Main entrance should have armed guards or metal detectors. Even court house down town has metal detector. I couldn't even bring my swiss army knife in there.
How did he even get a shotgun through there?
What crimes got you suggest should have been held under. Having an Extreamist view point isn't illegal only acting on it is. We should not start getting into thoughtcrime territory.
How would metal detectors have helped? They also already have them
Im not suggesting we get into thought crime territory. All im saying is if there are things the cops could have done that might have stopped these looney bins then perhaps its something worth discussing.
having a couple armed guards at the entrance as well as giving ammo to the guys standing at the memorial? Not guaranteed to be 100% effective but atleast they have a chance, instead of leaving them out there like ducks
I bet it would be much longer and deadly if this terrorist had hand guns that could be hidden and that he would have for sure if any lunatic could buy hand guns as gun nuts want.
I bet it would be much longer and deadly if this terrorist had hand guns that could be hidden and that he would have for sure if any lunatic could buy hand guns as gun nuts want.
Oh lord here we go...
Anyone can already buy a gun out there, its called the black market.
Gun nuts as you call them don't want just anyone to have firearms, just people who have the adequate training, permits and have gone through the proper background check. BTW this guy already had a criminal record, and he was on a watch list. There was ZERO chance of him getting a firearm legally, restricted or non-restricted, handgun, rifle or shotgun.
A .308 rifle or a 12 gauge shotgun will do a lot more damage than a 9mm or .40 handgun BTW
People like you add nothing to the discussion just spew their uneducated nonsense.
I bet it would be much longer and deadly if this terrorist had hand guns that could be hidden and that he would have for sure if any lunatic could buy hand guns as gun nuts want.
At the exact same time the politicians heard these gunshots they barricaded the doors with chairs and tables. They didn't rush out to help anyone, they were simply saving their own *****.
People like you add nothing to the discussion just spew their uneducated nonsense.
It can happen to the best of us.
So no bad guys can get guns anyway and good guys should get one just in case they need to get one of bad guys in case they do get gun. Lol. Imagine police arriving to shootout I'm sure they would immediately recognize good guys. In one attack car was used. In other soldier was shot in the back. I for one I'm glad that terrorist could not stick gun in pocket and walk away. I know number of people that have hand guns. It is not banned to have them. What more? Let them be sold like tools?
So no bad guys can get guns anyway and good guys should get one just in case they need to get one of bad guys in case they do get gun. Lol. Imagine police arriving to shootout I'm sure they would immediately recognize good guys. In one attack car was used. In other soldier was shot in the back. I for one I'm glad that terrorist could not stick gun in pocket and walk away. I know number of people that have hand guns. It is not banned to have them. What more? Let them be sold like tools?
How would metal detectors have helped? They also already have them
Yup, that is how confusing it would be to have random dudes run into the fight
Point is simple, two guys shooting at each other, you have gun, who do you shoot?
Who does police shoot when they arrive??
So no bad guys can get guns anyway and good guys should get one just in case they need to get one of bad guys in case they do get gun. Lol. Imagine police arriving to shootout I'm sure they would immediately recognize good guys. In one attack car was used. In other soldier was shot in the back. I for one I'm glad that terrorist could not stick gun in pocket and walk away. I know number of people that have hand guns. It is not banned to have them. What more? Let them be sold like tools?