second terrorist attack today?

OMFG what the hell is the point of that....On guard with an unloaded gun for looks and tradition

Okay - now how many laypersons realize that the honour guard is not, in fact, actually armed?

I feel like it puts them in a weird position to appear armed, but aren't. Like you're escalating a situation you don't even realize you are part of. I think it would be better to either give them something marginally less threatening (e.g., a muzzle loader, sword, halberd, etc) or just give them a mag/clip for what they're carrying. Some legislative intervention may be required, but it could easily be limited to just the memorial.
Well nobody really think they would be shot guarding a Cenotaph

The most hostile situation they might ever face is a graffiti artist or some vandal
Kinda ironic that the people hiding under their desks in fear were the ones responsible for the lax immigration laws and woeful deportation process.

Ding ding ding. Nail hit on the head. Stick them out there to guard something. It would.fix the immigration issue right quick
Ding ding ding. Nail hit on the head. Stick them out there to guard something. It would.fix the immigration issue right quick

Just make sure you don't give them any bullets
I wouldn't even give them a lunch break never mind anything else.

I heard something on the news today that pretty much summed up the entire situation. As the gun shots were going off in the parliament, the cops and security were rushing TOWARDS the shooter. At the exact same time the politicians heard these gunshots they barricaded the doors with chairs and tables. They didn't rush out to help anyone, they were simply saving their own *****.
I heard something on the news today that pretty much summed up the entire situation. As the gun shots were going off in the parliament, the cops and security were rushing TOWARDS the shooter. At the exact same time the politicians heard these gunshots they barricaded the doors with chairs and tables. They didn't rush out to help anyone, they were simply saving their own *****.
Reminds me of the quote :
Politicians decide when we go to war but it is the young men (soldiers) who die in the front lines
At the exact same time the politicians heard these gunshots they barricaded the doors with chairs and tables. They didn't rush out to help anyone, they were simply saving their own *****.

Hold yer horses there armchair cowboy. Those desk jockeys would only get in the way of the armed officers. It may appear cowardly but it was the right thing to do.
At the exact same time the politicians heard these gunshots they barricaded the doors with chairs and tables.

I find if politicians do nothing and basically stay out of the way things go fairly smooth. Often less is more.
Hold yer horses there armchair cowboy. Those desk jockeys would only get in the way of the armed officers. It may appear cowardly but it was the right thing to do.

Bingo, all the actually armed people need is some guy in a nice tie and pocket puff getting in the way of a good shot or providing a potential hostage for a gun man. In any training on lockdown protocol you get under the desk and stay there if your not an armed responder you don't help make it worse.
Hopefully every one of them.

And on topic of the soldier being without ammo, it's downright pathetic. We don't even trust our own soldiers with guns??? **** me.

Heard a report this morning suggesting the gobshite terrorist may have been wearing body armour. That would explain the fusillade required to put him down.
Why isn't CSIS doing anything about ISIS sympathizers?

Cause up to the point a crime is committed IE an attack is planned, Money is given in support of ISIS, etc. Its not illegal to be an ISIS sympathizer. They can only watch them and that cant be done 24hr.

Terrorist tactics have changed. ISIS plans is to inspire those prone to radicalization through their web and social media presence and call for self planned attacks from individuals or groups. There is no or very little chatter to be herd by security forces. Next week a similar inspired attack could come with little planing in the form of a mass stabbing at a mall. There probably was little indication of a plan.
Security personnel were herding everyone into rooms and telling them to barricade themselves in. Makes sense. That way the only people roaming the halls are security and the gunman. It's for everyone's safety, not least of which is security.
A civilian "heroically" charging out into the middle of the chaos would only result in said civilian being shot or taken hostage. And then security forces get blamed for that.
I'm the last one to defend politicians of any stripe but expecting average, unarmed civilians to engage an armed gunman and add to the chaos is a little unrealistic.
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