Clayton Rivet death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

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Well-known member
This was in the Star today:

and was in a thread in GTAM with more details:

Looks like the officer blockaded the rider and gave him no way to stop. This is really disturbing how police can over-react over a speeder.

The SIU "investigation" (police investigating other police with no oversight) will likely find the rider was speeding and exonerate the officer.

I'm putting this here because there have been some GTAM members who seem to think they can outrun cops, or maybe got away with it. but you need to be aware they will do stuff like this, including a PIT maneuver.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

This is deplorable. Someone else should have to investigate this. Regardless of speed the cop is ten thousand percent in the wrong. It's rather pathetic that they get away with things like this
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

YRP....nothing better to do all day, any chance they get they take it to the extreme.

RIP rider.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Dead or alive, a ticket must be issued!
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I always check the victims FB page to see if I know them or they know someone I know. I cant help but notice this guys has him bragging about going 280km and a majority of his bike pics have him dressed in shorts and/or a tshirt on his bike.

That aside RIP rider
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I always check the victims FB page to see if I know them or they know someone I know. I cant help but notice this guys has him bragging about going 280km and a majority of his bike pics have him dressed in shorts and/or a tshirt on his bike.

Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run, but the police move was unwarranted and placed the public in needless danger.

If this is ok, what next? shooting riders?
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Driver in Quebec convicted of criminal negligence for 'choosing' to block a lane with her car. I see no difference here. Should be charged with Criminal Negligence Causing Death and found guilty. Am I wrong?
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I always check the victims FB page to see if I know them or they know someone I know. I cant help but notice this guys has him bragging about going 280km and a majority of his bike pics have him dressed in shorts and/or a tshirt on his bike.

That aside RIP rider

Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run, but the police move was unwarranted and placed the public in needless danger.

If this is ok, what next? shooting riders?

hooligan, squid, or even if the rider was just a general idiot (not implying any of this directly, I have no personal knowledge of this rider), does not excuse anyone consciously making the decisions made here that would cost somebody there life.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Driver in Quebec convicted of criminal negligence for 'choosing' to block a lane with her car. I see no difference here. Should be charged with Criminal Negligence Causing Death and found guilty. Am I wrong?

Agreed.. the lady in QC was doing a good deed and got charged... the cop did this purposely!
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Driver in Quebec convicted of criminal negligence for 'choosing' to block a lane with her car. I see no difference here. Should be charged with Criminal Negligence Causing Death and found guilty. Am I wrong?

In Ontario, yes. The cop who gunned down Sami Yahtim is on the job with full pay while awaiting his murder trial.

Meanwhile, in Hamilton, it took seven bullets from two cops to kill a man just released from psychiatric hospital who was armed with ...a shovel.
SIU says it was justified.

"The two officers are the only known eyewitnesses to the event."

No mention in the investigation why it took their entire magazines to stop a man with a shovel.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

A slightly off the topic, we had a young teenager going fast down one of the steep local roads, the west van police officer to stop the activity positioned his patrol car
in front of the speeding teen on a surf board, needless to say the teen got hurt, and likely will be investigated, what an insane act how was the kid suppose to stop fast on a skate board going down a hill, sure better places to play but that cop showed no intelligence.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

A little bit of cart before the horse here? The guy who says he's the rider's friend has posted his ASSUMPTION and people are taking it as gospel and gathering the pitch forks.

hooligan, squid, or even if the rider was just a general idiot, does not excuse anyone consciously making the decisions made here that would cost somebody there life.

True, but keep in mind that MAYBE the rider, or both of them, made choices that would cost someone their life. How about we wait for some details instead of just blindly forming an opinion and spouting off?

In Ontario, yes. The cop who gunned down Sami Yahtim is on the job with full pay while awaiting his murder trial.

As covered in another thread, the conditions of bail were met and by law, he has to be granted bail. As for being on the job, if he was currently suspended with pay people would be crying about that, that he's working a modified position it's still being complained about.

Meanwhile, in Hamilton, it took seven bullets from two cops to kill a man just released from psychiatric hospital who was armed with ...a shovel AFTER HE TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE TWICE BY JUMPING IN FRONT OF A CITY BUS ON A CITY ROAD AND THEN A TRUCK ON A HIGHWAY.
SIU says it was justified.

"The two officers are the only known eyewitnesses to the event."

No mention in the investigation why it took their entire magazines to stop a man with a shovel.

Fixed that for you.

Actually, if you actually do some Googling, you'll find that it was covered extensively during the inquest, especially regarding the number of rounds fired. Further, the G22 they're carrying are loaded with 14 rounds plus one chambered EACH so a total 30, 7 would be less than 25% of their load between them (and not even considering the other 2 mags each of them had). Can you please use some fact finding before posting?
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

True, but keep in mind that MAYBE the rider, or both of them, made choices that would cost someone their life. How about we wait for some details instead of just blindly forming an opinion and spouting off?

True... and you are correct. my comment was directed to how the rider may have boasted to have ridden or what the rider may have chosen to wear while riding should have no bearing on what happened here or the unfortunate outcome, regardless of fault to any party or possibly shared.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

True... and you are correct. my comment was directed to how the rider may have boasted to have ridden or what the rider may have chosen to wear while riding should have no bearing on what happened here or the unfortunate outcome, regardless of fault to any party or possibly shared.

Unfortunately it does.

Look at this from outside: Rider wearing t-shirt and shorts going 280km an hour on back road so he can brag about it on FB has a car make a turn in front of him. Rider impacts car and dies from massive blood loss due to severe lacerations from sliding. Guess it's entirely the fault of the driver that made the turn who was unable to judge the insane speed of the rider approaching.

This is my biggest problem with society these days no one accepts responsibility for there actions. If this guy wasn't supposidly speeding at a high rate of speed then he wouldn't have put the officer in the situation to make the bad decision he did which ultimately will effect his life perminantly as well.

I don't agree with what the officer did but painting this rider as not doing anything wrong is just as bad as jumping to conclusions about the officer.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Actually, if you actually do some Googling, you'll find that it was covered extensively during the inquest, especially regarding the number of rounds fired. Further, the G22 they're carrying are loaded with 14 rounds plus one chambered EACH so a total 30, 7 would be less than 25% of their load between them (and not even considering the other 2 mags each of them had). Can you please use some fact finding before posting?

Seven bullets hit the victim. I guess its ok that that was only 25% of the capacity?

Regardless, we have a sick man, with a shovel, confronted by two highly trained people who are supposedly trained in force escalation and crisis management (presumably, that's why we pay them so much).
I fail to see how more than one bullet in a non-vital area could not have done the job, there were no drugs in his system. Remember, no witnesses.

Here's another, 80 year old woman with Alzheimer's disease, so those brave officers tazered her, which is lucky for her because a few weeks earlier, they would have likely shot her.

Many experts in law enforcement have stated the Ontario police have significant problems with poor training and poor health. there have been many, many cops involved in illegal activity in the GTA, and have lied in court.

The reality is, if you are stopped alone, with no witnesses, the wrong cops can do whatever they want and make up a story for SIU.

Let's hope it's not you.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Again, do some research as your questions were addressed however I'm guessing you think they should've gone Hollywood and shot him in the leg.

And I like how you avoided stating that she was armed with a knife.

Seven bullets hit the victim. I guess its ok that that was only 25% of the capacity?

Regardless, we have a sick man, with a shovel, confronted by two highly trained people who are supposedly trained in force escalation and crisis management (presumably, that's why we pay them so much).
I fail to see how more than one bullet in a non-vital area could not have done the job, there were no drugs in his system. Remember, no witnesses.

Here's another, 80 year old woman with Alzheimer's disease, so those brave officers tazered her, which is lucky for her because a few weeks earlier, they would have likely shot her.

Many experts in law enforcement have stated the Ontario police have significant problems with poor training and poor health. there have been many, many cops involved in illegal activity in the GTA, and have lied in court.

The reality is, if you are stopped alone, with no witnesses, the wrong cops can do whatever they want and make up a story for SIU.

Let's hope it's not you.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run, but the police move was unwarranted and placed the public in needless danger.

If this is ok, what next? shooting riders?

Doesn't that happen in the US a few times a year?

I remember hearing about this story and looking at the pictures and thinking how the heck did that happen unless the cop hit him?
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I always check the victims FB page to see if I know them or they know someone I know. I cant help but notice this guys has him bragging about going 280km and a majority of his bike pics have him dressed in shorts and/or a tshirt on his bike.

That aside RIP rider

Cayton was a true motorhead. He was very good at riding everything that has a motor. He did wear shorts and T-shirt occasionally when just putting around. But when he was RIDING he was always in gear. And the night of the accident he was wearing gear. He was also a very humble rider and never wanted to go out of his ability.

"Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run, but the police move was unwarranted and placed the public in needless danger. "

He was not running as he was not being chased. He may have been speeding, but instead of letting him pass and chase him down, the officer decided to pull out and give him no other way out except into the side of his cruiser.

"A little bit of cart before the horse here? The guy who says he's the rider's friend has posted his ASSUMPTION and people are taking it as gospel and gathering the pitch forks."

It was an assumption yes, but regardless the cop still pulled out blocking any way out for Clayton. After seeing the bike and close up pics of the cruiser there is only 2 possible ways it could have happened. The cop was either going east in front of Clayton and decided to cut him off in the oncoming lane when he tried to pass him. Or the cop was hiding behind the concrete barrier facing east doing radar and pulled out blocking any way out. Either way it was deliberate and his actions killed a great person.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

He was not running as he was not being chased. He may have been speeding, but instead of letting him pass and chase him down, the officer decided to pull out and give him no other way out except into the side of his cruiser.


It was an assumption yes, but regardless the cop still pulled out blocking any way out for Clayton. After seeing the bike and close up pics of the cruiser there is only 2 possible ways it could have happened. The cop was either going east in front of Clayton and decided to cut him off in the oncoming lane when he tried to pass him. Or the cop was hiding behind the concrete barrier facing east doing radar and pulled out blocking any way out. Either way it was deliberate and his actions killed a great person.

Another assumption. Not saying that's not how it happened (I wasn't there... and neither was ANYONE on this forum), but there's yet to be any release of information. I choose to wait.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

He did wear shorts and T-shirt occasionally when just putting around. But when he was RIDING he was always in gear. And the night of the accident he was wearing gear. He was also a very humble rider and never wanted to go out of his ability.

The only gear he had on in any of his fb pics was a helmet and ****** vest. Even when doing wheelies he was in shorts and a T-shirt.
And was bragging how he was doing 290km/hr but the bike still had more.

"Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run,"

He was not running as he was not being chased.

???? Kind of contradicting

Regardless, RIP Rider
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