Engine Replacement Help..?


I recently bought a new engine to replace the one currently in my bike, but don't have the expertise or equipment to make the swap. Would anyone be willing to help/guide/teach me to perform this operation? I can bring the engine and bike to you. PM me if you're interested!

Thanks in advance,

What bike? Maybe someone has a passion for a certain bike and is willing to help you out.
just take lots of pictures as you take it apart and grab a copy of the service manual, not usually a lot of fancy tools required for a direct engine swap.
PM'd. Check your inbox
A direct engine swap is pretty easy just need 4 or 5 strong guys. But it does depend on the bike. A goldwing is going to be allot more work than a dirt bike or an 80's JVM
A direct engine swap is pretty easy just need 4 or 5 strong guys. But it does depend on the bike. A goldwing is going to be allot more work than a dirt bike or an 80's JVM

I must have super human strength! Or the strength of 4-5 strong men.
What bike? Some bikes you can lie it on the side, support the engine and unbolt it, stand the bike back up and just work on the engine on the floor
I once switched a 1978 Suzuki GS750 engine by myself.

I threw a 3 ton condenser off a bridge once.
Guess I shoulda mentioned before, it's a Hyosung GT250R. No need for super human strength, I can lift the engine myself.

Also, I'm in Waterloo.
Instead of lifting engine, lift the frame onto engine.

Get pulley attach to ceiling

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