lol Park smart.
maybe he was there at the Walk In eye Clinic ? LOL
good one ! lol
maybe he was there at the Walk In eye Clinic ? LOL
good one ! lol
picture from last year, If you are that worried about getting a door ding, part away from the other cars
A whole new dimension:
Chances of getting a big ding on the car or keyed across multiple panels increase when parking like that... Just saying...
What the heck is that? Seriously, a guy did that to me recently with a mini van (lot was almost empty) I had to roll my bike forward so he could exit the vehicle. Then he questions me what's my glitch? I point to the yellow divider line, now he thinks I'm itching for a fight. People are retarded.
This *** parked so close to me that I had to roll my bike out side ways from the spot.
They also left two dings on my nice shiny yosh exhaust.
Next person that does this is getting their scooter put on the side walk blocking the whole thing or put in the middle of the road and having parking enforcment called.