Full leather for street riding stupid?

**** that man, leather all the time, be it my one piece or two, i had a buddy crash a few weeks ago wearing a sweater, ask him how he did, serious rash up his arm, he was barely going over the speed limit down a country road. ill happily go and bake my *** off in the dead of summer while knowing if i crash i wont leave a trail of skin behind.
It's a personal choice and I'm not here to judge.....but others are.
As mentioned; all personal choice.

My choice is full leathers (2 piece) whenever "riding", leather jacket with Draggin Jeans, boots and gloves when commuting the 20k to work or short errands.
You've probably never went to a gtam ride

Hey aren't you the guy that wear full leathers in 30 deg weather?

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I have been a bit lax lately but nothing less than leathers boots and jeans. I'm swaying back to full leathers more tho. Oh and 30+ ill break out the perf textile summer jacket but that is never more than a handful of days a year. But yeah im pretty good in a onezie with under armour up to 30.
if youre gonna wear mesh you may aswell just wear a t shirt, itll dissolve on impact, textile isnt much better, ive seen it come apart from low speed crashes, my buddy went down at 60 kph turning on to a side road and his textile pants and jacket dissolved where he slid and he started to wear through the foam padding. had it been much faster the padding wouldnt have lasted. id hate to see someone have some false security in a mesh jacket and have it come apart in a crash. leather is your best bet, you may never need it but youll be glad you do if you crash. like i mentioned before, my buddy went down recently, he went wide in a corner, new rider, and low sided on a narrow gravel shoulder and tumbled in to a grassy ditch, he got some bad rash on his arm side and leg, wore a sweater, he wasnt going fast but things happen. heres his arm

im sure others who have gone down on the street while squidding it can tell you guys just how much something like this hurts
Unless it's kevlar jeans won't do much.

The street is more dangerous than the track, for the most part, so I'm not sure why you'd wear more protection at the track than on the road. You have run off zones and no cars to run you over on the track...

Newsflash: leather pants don't do **** to protect you from a car or tree. They're abrasion-resistant, they only protect you from road rash, which happens when you slide (and not roll, or tumble, or hit an object) down the pavement. It's precisely on open pavement with lots of run-offs where leathers will benefit you most.

To me the discomfort and stupid look of leather pants is enough to favour jeans on the street. On track its a 1-piece. I've crashed on both, in leathers and in jeans, and I'll do it again no problem. The kind of crashes I'm likely to have on the street, some rash on my legs is the least of my worries.
Went today to watch Fast & Furious 6 at Cineplex Cinemas at Queensway & Islington. Rode my bike and had 2 piece leather on, jacket and pants. Got there a bit early and with some time to kill before the movie begins landed at their alcohol bar. Ordered a drink and chatted up a girl bartender who served it. Sure enough she noticed my gear, so a conversation began naturally.
To make the story short, I will quote in her own words: "I wish I had a motorcycle, so I could dress like that..."
Enough said?
It looks funny when someone is dressed in 1-piece on the street like a power ranger, but at the same time dragging your bare skin on the asphalt is one of the last things you want to experience.

I don't get why people think it looks weird, it's there for protection. It's not in anyway overkill, I would rather being wearing that then looking bareskin.
It's a good idea but a lot of people ride squid and will try to claim you're doing it to look cool even though we all know we look like Power Rangers in full gear.

i think power rangers look cool...

i crashed my first season and my knees looked like that guys arm a couple posts up so now on my commute i wear astars reflex knee armour under my work pants and leather jacket. on spirited night rides i got leather pants that zip to the jacket.
if youre gonna wear mesh you may aswell just wear a t shirt, itll dissolve on impact,

My mesh fared pretty well. I was doing around 70

As for those who love jeans?


you made out good, ive seen mesh rip apart like it was made of paper.

i think we should let the squids be squids, nothing will convince them to dress for the crash so to speak, and im sure we can look forward to their posts about how bad the rash hurts and how they have skin from their *** on their arm
you made out good, ive seen mesh rip apart like it was made of paper.

i think we should let the squids be squids, nothing will convince them to dress for the crash so to speak, and im sure we can look forward to their posts about how bad the rash hurts and how they have skin from their *** on their arm

Maybe post brand & pics? I'm always willing to study crash pics
i cant remember the brand of the mesh i watched come apart to be honest with you, it was several years back, the textile stuff was bering, or however you spell it. ill see if my photobucket account has some pics of it up there, your mesh made it better than this stuff, it literally tore straight through the pants and jacket where he slid.
its not in my photobucket account, ill have to check on my pc later, dont have it on my laptop, ive got pics of it somewhere, i remember taking them when i drove out to pick up him and his bike after he went down
Maybe post brand & pics? I'm always willing to study crash pics

I have been collecting crash reports and photos of crashed gear and resultant injuries for 3 years now, specifically on the subject of mesh and textile gear. I note the reasons for the crash, brands, pics of crashed gear, injuries and references where possible. You can read my docs and make up your own mind if mesh is crap. We live in an imperfect world and each crash is a little difference. Your results may vary.

Does Motorcycle Mesh Gear Melt in a Crash?

If anyone has crashed in mesh or textile and would like to contribute their experiences, both good and bad, and photos please let me know.

Leather is best but I would faint in 30C heat and crash anyway. Beside getting mushed by a car, there are also environmental and road factors. I use mesh above 25C. I will trade off some abrasion resistance for a lower core body temperature. If you can ride comfortably in leather in 30C heat and humidity then do it. I tried and found it unsafe.
I have been collecting crash reports and photos of crashed gear and resultant injuries for 3 years now, specifically on the subject of mesh and textile gear. I note the reasons for the crash, brands, pics of crashed gear, injuries and references where possible. You can read my docs and make up your own mind if mesh is crap. We live in an imperfect world and each crash is a little difference. Your results may vary.

Does Motorcycle Mesh Gear Melt in a Crash?

If anyone has crashed in mesh or textile and would like to contribute their experiences, both good and bad, and photos please let me know.

Leather is best but I would faint in 30C heat and crash anyway. Beside getting mushed by a car, there are also environmental and road factors. I use mesh above 25C. I will trade off some abrasion resistance for a lower core body temperature. If you can ride comfortably in leather in 30C heat and humidity then do it. I tried and found it unsafe.

Had a look at your site. Pretty good, I always wanted to do something like that. Would you like to include leather too?

Hey Uchi, no worries if you can't find it. Maybe give it to TorontoBoy, he can put it all in one site.

I have been collecting crash reports and photos of crashed gear and resultant injuries for 3 years now, specifically on the subject of mesh and textile gear. I note the reasons for the crash, brands, pics of crashed gear, injuries and references where possible. You can read my docs and make up your own mind if mesh is crap. We live in an imperfect world and each crash is a little difference. Your results may vary.

Does Motorcycle Mesh Gear Melt in a Crash?

If anyone has crashed in mesh or textile and would like to contribute their experiences, both good and bad, and photos please let me know.

Leather is best but I would faint in 30C heat and crash anyway. Beside getting mushed by a car, there are also environmental and road factors. I use mesh above 25C. I will trade off some abrasion resistance for a lower core body temperature. If you can ride comfortably in leather in 30C heat and humidity then do it. I tried and found it unsafe.

Great site. thank you. you should make a separate thread for this.
It's a good idea but a lot of people ride squid and will try to claim you're doing it to look cool even though we all know we look like Power Rangers in full gear.

I don't wear leathers but instead a textile jacket and pants (planning on picking up leathers though) and have also been called a power ranger once or twice. Typically I just look at them and say 'meh, I prefer to think of myself as Iron Man'. That normally gets a laugh or two, then puts the topic to rest.
I don't wear leathers but instead a textile jacket and pants (planning on picking up leathers though) and have also been called a power ranger once or twice. Typically I just look at them and say 'meh, I prefer to think of myself as Iron Man'. That normally gets a laugh or two, then puts the topic to rest.

My coworker likes calling me a stormtrooper.
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