Safety & Delivery NEEDED

Yea thats what my friend was planning to do but hes out of town, might be able to arrange something else but atleast I have some numbers now incase I need a tow!

I know I need insurance to ride the bike on the road but I was just wondering because it'd be a bit easier to get the sticker first and then get insurance then transfer the bike. I heard it takes a day for MTO to get the update on insurance on their computers but i'm not 100% sure.

Before you get anything from the MTO yuo first need to have the bike certified and you'll need insurance.
pick up van, pick up bike, take to shop, wait, take bike home, take van back.

van rental+gas+straps: maybe 100-125

safety: 50 bucks

Doesn't he need a ramp?
Who's ted :)? Does he do mobile safeties?

wtf, how, did you....yea.

No but honestly i've been way to naive in the past it hasn't gotten me far, and then my parents never let me forget it so I like to be 10x extra careful now.

bring someone with you that has a bike and basic maintenance knowledge.
bring someone with you that has a bike and basic maintenance knowledge.

Don't have someone, bummer. If anyone wants to volunteer I can make it worth while (cash)

All bike friends are busy this week

Before you get anything from the MTO yuo first need to have the bike certified and you'll need insurance.

Other people said prior to this cert isn't needed for the 10 day pass? Can anyone confirm? :S
Anyone have experience with buying someones bike and then having them do something to it before you pick it up? Like switch some components, take out expensive parts, screw around on it etc?

Going to check the ODO and make sure it doesn't change from when I pick it up, don't know any other ways I can make sure nothing happens to the bike while I get the plates

I've never heard such a thing. It's a bike, you can see everything on it! What could someone possibly do?

If you're that paranoid, take lots of pics of the bike, have him sign an affadavit as to the bike's condition and get it notarized by a lawyer before leaving the guys place!

Common sense: take the keys and ownership papers with you once you've paid for it.
Home Depot and Lowes rent vans...
Buy a 2x4 then rent the van, pick up the bike, get it safetied, load back into the van, go to MTO get license plate and ownership changed
go back to Lowes, unload bike in inconspicuous location, return van keys then ride home
I've never heard such a thing. It's a bike, you can see everything on it! What could someone possibly do?

If you're that paranoid, take lots of pics of the bike, have him sign an affadavit as to the bike's condition and get it notarized by a lawyer before leaving the guys place!

Common sense: take the keys and ownership papers with you once you've paid for it.

Well I am only thinking of this because of all the stories I've heard of being sold lemons, jugde judy is respondsible for this :(

Also, my friend bought a honda once fairly new looked right, he paid for it and the transmission broke after, he had it checked before and he was notified that the guy switched the transmission in the car after he got it checked.

Home Depot and Lowes rent vans...
Buy a 2x4 then rent the van, pick up the bike, get it safetied, load back into the van, go to MTO get license plate and ownership changed
go back to Lowes, unload bike in inconspicuous location, return van keys then ride home

How much will this cost?
You may want to buy something a little wider than a 2X4 for a ramp...

D'oh! You are so right! 2x8 or 2x10 would be better!!
Last time I rented one it was about $25 per hour plus a refundable deposit.
safety included? hows $100? maybe a tad more?

Just say you're a hot girl and you'll get 10 guys willing to help you.

You must have missed the thread where the girl broke down and all the mean cruiser guys went right past her?
What I did for gf:

Went down to sauga to check bike out. Bike seemed fine.

Came back later in the week with half the cash, took the ownership.

Transferred ownership to gf's name, got a temp sticker.

Went back to dude's house via good friend who dropped me off. Paid rest of the cash, rode bike to Teds, safetied, rode back to gf's house.

Gf drops it next day at stop sign <___<

I am Chinese/whatever as well, just not a paranoid lol (still paranoid).
He gave you the ownership with half the cash?
Not to bright.

Yeah if it were me I might hand over the keys or something while holding onto the ownership but I wouldn't hand over ownership until I have the money. Generally I just give a deposit if I need time to work out details. I usually give deposit, work out any other details and get insurance, go back and pay for the thing, go to MTO and get all that taken care of and get a plate, come back and get the vehicle. If the vehicle is stolen while it's at the other guy's place still I guess I'd make a theft claim since anyone should have theft on any vehicle they can't afford to lose.
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